Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM; Arabic: , romanized: arakat ash-Shabb al-Mujhidn, Somali: Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Alshabaab, lit. [364][372][373][374] Russian investment bank with ties to the Kremlin paid Clinton $500,000 for a speech in Moscow. Ceauescu's attempts to implement policies that would lead to a significant growth of the population led to a growing number of unsafe abortions and increased the number of orphans in state institutions. Effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing, and generally feeling comfortable in an attempt to quell Ceauescu and support the rebellion,[citation needed] published estimates of the number of people killed by Securitate forces. I knew nothing about it, and when Frank began to describe the napalming of civilians I began to cry. In 1967, he consolidated his power by becoming president of the State Council, making him de jure head of state. [24] It marked the highest point in Ceauescu's popularity, when he openly condemned the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia. [36] However, al-Shabaab is attached to an ethos of anti-clannism, and has therefore tried to appeal to minority groups and to ensure ethnic and clan diversity among its leadership. The plan was well received in political circles, but it was eventually doomed by well-organized lobby opposition from conservatives, the American Medical Association, and the health insurance industry. [13] Additionally, producers had to take great care to make sure that Ceauescu's height (he was only 1.68 metres (5ft 6in) tall[81]) was never emphasized on screen. On 4 April 1975, Ceauescu visited Japan and met with Emperor Hirohito. Were ending our live political coverage for tonight. Even though its membership incorporates Somali nationalist elements, al-Shabaab's central aims are Salafi jihadist. [12][44][19], In October 2017, more than 500 people were killed by a suicide truck bombing in Mogadishu. Jeffrey A. Roth and Christopher S. Koper, "Impacts of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban: 199496". "[370], At the age of 10, he was baptized at Park Place Baptist Church in Hot Springs, Arkansas and remained a member of a Baptist church. [151] Officials also discovered a bomb near a major U.S. naval base. Interestingly, serif fonts originated in the days of engraving, before printing, when the engraver needed Ceauescu's Romania was the only Warsaw Pact country that did not sever diplomatic relations with Chile after Augusto Pinochet's coup. "[126] Nonetheless, in January 2013, Twitter suspended al-Shabaab's English-language account. 4. If you don't know the answer to a question then say so and deal with it later. Does it flow? Couplet 723, from Thirukkural/Tirrukural, also called the Kural - a seminal guide to life and ethics attributed to the Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar, said to have lived between about 200-10BC. The liberalization of 1965 was condemned and an index of banned books and authors was re-established. want a cooperative debating approach for a group of up to 10-12 people. Staff, supporters of the Foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip. Given that humankind and [16], With the aid of scholarships, Clinton attended the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., receiving a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree in 1968. DNA tests were able to conclusively prove his identity. By dusk, Securitate forces and the military surrounded the city center and disbanded the revolt by force. Practice your presentation in its refined full form. [66] Their television appearance was a calculated risk, but Clinton regained several delegates. However, the resulting period of stability was brief as his government soon became totalitarian and was considered the most repressive in the Eastern Bloc at the time. Here's what these troops are doing there", "Diplomats stress need for all-inclusive talks on the future of Somalia", Senate Hearing 111678: Violent Islamic Extremism2009, United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, "Shabaab claims US is 'Satan of our time,' praises al Qaeda's leadership", "Shabaab official justifies attacks on civilians while preaching the sanctity of Muslim blood", "Almost expunged: Somalia's embattled Christians", "Shabaab rebels destroy grave and mosque in Somalia", "Sufi Militia Says Al-Shabab Planning to Attack Galgadud Region", "Somali group with al Qaeda ties threatens Israel", "Al-Shabaab Response to U.S. 'Mujahideen Youth Movement' or 'Movement of Striving Youth'), more commonly known as al-Shabaab, is an Islamic fundamentalist Salafi jihadist group which is based in Somalia and active elsewhere in East Africa. [325] In 2005, Clinton announced through his foundation an agreement with manufacturers to stop selling sugary drinks in schools. Romania as a major oil equipment producer greatly benefited from the high oil prices of the 1970s, which led Ceauescu to embark on an ambitious plan to invest heavily in oil-refining plants. [396] The Clinton Presidential Center was opened in Little Rock, Arkansas, in his honor on December 5, 2001. [170][171] However, on September 24, 2012, Hizbul Islam announced that it would split from al-Shabaab, claiming the union had only ever been nominal and that the factions' political philosophies had differed irreconcilably. Despite routinely expelling, attacking, and harassing aid workers, al-Shabaab permits some agencies to work in areas under its control. Even experienced speakers feel their hearts thumping very excitedly William Jefferson Clinton (n Blythe III; born August 19, 1946) is an American politician who served as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001. [341] Clinton organized a conference with the Inter-American Development Bank, where a new industrial park was discussed in an effort to "build back better". tolerance than this, so structure your content accordingly. Roughly eight minutes into his speech, several people began jeering and booing, and others began chanting "Timioara! adult content among these acronyms for training and presentations). [174] However, over the past decade, the counterterrorism efforts of foreign governments have obstructed international funding sources. The answer (wherebutterfliesequate tofear) is clear and simple in the following maxim: Tocalm the butterfliesyou mustbe relaxed. [183] Janet Reno was called on to investigate the matter by Trent Lott, but she refused. The ban was opposed by other senior members, including Robow and Aweys, but Godane overruled them. [215] The group has also been known to infiltrate government institutions, as became clear when regional government employees carried out al-Shabaab's 24 July 2019 Mogadishu bombing, which killed Mogadishu Mayor Abdirahmean Omar Osman.[201]. More and more people are losing faith in devolved government and rejecting the status quo and continuing this boycott risks irreparable harm to our institutions that they may not recover from, the SDLP leader said. Some suggested that these leadership missteps were the result of Godane's lack of clan roots, which they said led him to undervalue the lives both of civilians and of al-Shabaab fighters. Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on the interaction of events, facts, ideas, and people that are the "news of the day" and that informs society to at least some degree. In subsequent years, it became a dominant force in south and central Somalia, defending large swathes of territory by fighting against the African Union Mission to Somalia and the Federal Government of Somalia, as well as the latter's transitional predecessor. [326] Clinton's foundation joined with the Large Cities Climate Leadership Group in 2006 to improve cooperation among those cities, and he met with foreign leaders to promote this initiative. [5] The family moved to Hot Springs in 1950. Among these were: continuous growth in the "leading role" of the Party; improvement of Party education and of mass political action; youth participation on large construction projects as part of their "patriotic work"; an intensification of political-ideological education in schools and universities, as well as in children's, youth and student organizations; and an expansion of political propaganda, orienting radio and television shows to this end, as well as publishing houses, theatres and cinemas, opera, ballet, artists' unions, promoting a "militant, revolutionary" character in artistic productions. Staying too long (ten minutes or more) on the same subject in the same mode of delivery will send people into a trance-like state, when they are not properly listening, watching or concentrating on the presentation - often called the MEGO state (My He scored a resounding victory in New York City, shedding his image as a regional candidate. The Impact of Foreign Fighters on Militant Group Behavior", "Spies, Stonework, and the Suuq: Somali Nationalism and the Narrative Politics of Pro-Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujaahidiin Online Propaganda", "The Invention of 'Terrorism' in Somalia: Paradigms and Policy in US Foreign Relations", "Media and Terrorism in Africa: Al-Shabaab's Evolution from Militant Group to Media Mogul", "From Al-Itihaad to Al-Shabaab: How the Ethiopian Intervention and the 'War on Terror' Exacerbated the Conflict in Somalia", "The Invention of al-Shabaab in Somalia: Emulating the Anti-Colonial Dervishes Movement", "The Merger of Al-Shabab and Qa'idat al-Jihad", "How Do Terrorist Organizations Make Money? His secret police, the Securitate, was responsible for mass surveillance as well as severe repression and human rights abuses within the country, and controlled the media and press. [69], Clinton was still the governor of Arkansas while campaigning for U.S. president, and he returned to his home state to see that Ricky Ray Rector would be executed. [44] Among those killed were Ibrahim al-Afghani and three other senior commanders, executed in June;[57] and Omar Shafik Hammami, killed in September. [367] In June 2014, ABC News and The Washington Post reported that Bill Clinton has made more than $100million giving paid speeches since leaving public office, and in 2008, The New York Times reported that the Clintons' income tax returns[368] show they made $109million in the eight years from January 1, 2000, to December 31, 2007, including almost $92million from his speaking and book-writing. [99][98] Other Al Shabaab-controlled areas in southern Somalia have been targeted by the Somalia military as well. The two charges passed in the House (largely with Republican support, but with a handful of Democratic votes as well) were for perjury and obstruction of justice. [8] His father Andru (18861969) owned 3 hectares (7.4 acres) of agricultural land and a few sheep, and Nicolae supplemented his large family's income through tailoring. In subsequent years, however, al-Shabaab's strong position was significantly weakened, as in the context of a famine in the region and, simultaneously, a military offensive against the group the group experienced territorial and strategic setbacks in the military arena; an internal struggle over the group's direction and leadership; and, in response to both, a wave of high-profile defections. November 1986: Verkleinerung des Heeres, Senkung der Rstungsausgaben um 5%, "Romanian-Moldavian SSR relations, by Patrick Moore and the Romanian Section", "Un Ceauescu pe care nu l tiai: cre, cu ochii "blonzi" i nasul borcnat". [72] Notably, it demanded that Romanian historians refer to Dacians as having "an unorganised State", part of a political continuum that culminated in the Socialist Republic. Alexander Dubek's version of Socialism with a human face was never suited to Romanian Communist goals. [379] He is the maternal grandfather to Chelsea's three children. [239], On October 10, 2000, Clinton signed into law the United StatesChina Relations Act of 2000, which granted permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) trade status to China. Clinton apologized for the bombing, stating it was accidental. [18]) Since 2013, al-Shabaab has also established two external military units, on Godane's initiative: one, in Ethiopia, has struggled, but the other, in the Great Lakes region, has carried out several attacks in Kenya. [71] Reports of further senior defections continued into 2015. Be firm, be confident and be in control; the stage is yours, and the audience is on your side. [11], Having made important territorial gains from mid-2008, al-Shabaab increasingly focused its attention on opposition to the Somali Transitional Federal Government, as the Ethiopian-led war segued into the next phase of the protracted Somali Civil War. You're welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know. Clinton worked with future two-term mayor of Dallas Ron Kirk,[40] future governor of Texas Ann Richards,[41] and then unknown television director and filmmaker Steven Spielberg. Ceauescu visited China, North Korea, Mongolia and North Vietnam in 1971. Butterflies are exciting and beautiful, even if they are not in perfect formation. The group has also frequently clashed with the Somali Sufi militia Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a as well as with the Islamic State in Somalia. [12] Foreign fighters may also have access to networks which improve al-Shabaab's capacity to recruit and operate in the region, and have made useful contributions to al-Shabaab's propaganda campaign: early Western recruits helped produce al-Shabaab's first English-language propaganda, and, thanks to its East African membership, Swahili remains the second most common language in al-Shabaab publications. Al-Shabaab is also known as Ash-Shabaab, Hizb al-Shabaab ("Party of the Youth")[9] and as the Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of the Two Migrations (PRM) (Arabic: ). He received a Rhodes Scholarship to study at University College, Oxford and later graduated from Yale Law School. This led Romanians to joke that Ceauescu was creating "socialism in one family", a pun on "socialism in one country". In August 1998, Clinton ordered cruise missile strikes on terrorist targets in Afghanistan and Sudan, targeting the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan, which was suspected of assisting bin Laden in making chemical weapons, and bin Laden's terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. 'Mujahideen Youth Movement' or 'Movement of Striving Youth'), more commonly known as al-Shabaab,[note 3] is an Islamic fundamentalist Salafi jihadist group which is based in Somalia and active elsewhere in East Africa. [43] It was not the first such wave of defections: in particular, in late 2009, after the Ethiopian departure from Somalia, several leaders had defected to the Somali government, citing complaints about al-Shabaab's use of suicide attacks and executions;[60] its "false interpretations of Islam";[61] and its use of extortion and attitude towards foreign humanitarian aid. [193] The groups clashed violently on several occasions, most fiercely during 2015, and al-Shabaab's internal security service continued to arrest, and sometimes execute, suspected ISIS supporters within al-Shabaab's ranks. [160] Critics contended that the firings had been done to allow friends of the Clintons to take over the travel business and the involvement of the FBI was unwarranted. Ceauescu was able to borrow heavily (more than $13billion) from the West to finance economic development programs, but these loans ultimately devastated the country's finances. Use audience participation where possible, be clear, calm, close powerfully and simply and gratefully, and have fun. In 1993, during the Battle of Mogadishu, two U.S. helicopters were shot down by rocket-propelled grenade attacks to their tail rotors, trapping soldiers behind enemy lines. [18] From 1964 to 1967, he was an intern and then a clerk in the office of Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. The result was economic stagnation throughout the 1980s andtowards the end of the decadethe conditions were created for an economic crisis. So, how do you calm the butterflies and get them flying in formation? [166], In general, foreign activity in al-Shabaab has decreased, first, and perhaps most importantly, because the Syrian civil war became the focal point for foreign jihadist recruitment networks. Asked during a visit to Croydon University Hospital whether he regretted the appointment, he told broadcasters: No, as I have said, shes accepted her mistake and learned from it, and Im confident of that.. Try to build your own credibility in your introduction, and create a safe comfortable environment for your audience. [77][78], According to Seymour Martin Lipset, the 1992 election had several unique characteristics. He previously served as governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and again from 1983 to 1992, and as attorney general of Arkansas from 1977 to 1979. [41], Al-Shabaab rose to prominence as a relatively well-organised militia, garnering popular support from Somalis sympathetic to their opposition to the Ethiopian invasion: though the invasion had fractured the Islamic Courts Union, it galvanised nationalism on which al-Shabaab capitalised, especially for recruitment purposes. Later that day, the execution was also shown on Romanian television. In particular, he was incensed when Poland's leaders opted for a power-sharing arrangement with the Solidarity trade union. Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. description, compared with actually seeing the face. Al-Shabaab taxes may apply to clans, traders, corporations, farmers, or livestock herders in fact, livestock are sometimes stolen outright by al-Shabaab militants, with the theft framed as a kind of pre-emptive in-kind taxation. News Talk 980 CKNW | Vancouver's News. [140], In 2009, Godane imposed an al-Shabaab ban on the UN World Food Programme and Western agencies in Somalia. [citation needed], The most important day of the year during Ceauescu's rule was his official birthday, 26 Januarya day which saw Romanian media saturated with praise for him. [172], On January 19, 2001, Clinton's law license was suspended for five years after he acknowledged to an Arkansas circuit court that he had engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice in the Jones case. Romanian students spontaneously joined the demonstration, which soon lost nearly all connection to its initial cause and became a more general anti-government demonstration. 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