Fiverr or Upwork. Giant cottage and Florida home belong to her loaded in-laws, of the Farm Boy grocery store $60 million deal. In her daily planner she makes success club 300 her weekly or monthly goal. If have anyone looking for a coach, send them to me. So I now have 6 months to sit back and observe who's doing what - and if I choose to go back into coaching again it will be with more thought and open eyes as to who I associate with. No weird hauls, no bragging about shit, no trying to fit in with the book crowd. So the planners have a Rae Dunn font with stolen movie quotes. "Team Uproar" currently has approximately 8,500 coaches. Thanks for posting this. I do feel some of the BB coaches out there are really helping people with integrity, but there are a large number out there who are strictly in it for the money. I don't think there's any credibility to be lost, however, if I'm sharing that being a coach wasn't a good fit for ME. Self-assess your strategy, your effort, your commitment, your decisions and so forth. To me, THIS is healthy living! I've noticed that you have really touched many BB Coaches who are feeling the same way that you did. 2020 ideamensch. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The MY DREAM LIFE BLUEPRINT WORKBOOK . Tara, Thanks for always being honest, genuine and gracious :), I can totally relate to what you're saying in this post, Courtney. I said, if others are inspired by that, and feel the program can work for them as well, why not?! Spreadshirt Thanks for sharing such an informative blog. I'm far from that, but I get to spend time with my family and have a job I like. So now she is promoting, selling this product claiming the weight came off from just Beachbody. Yes, I am so happy to see people making positive change and getting through tough situations, but when it feels like the motivation to share is to make money, I feel really uncomfortable. Certifications exist to keep clients safe. Angie Bellemare, just another basic AF Disney-obsessed white bitch who shills for Beachbody for a "living". Horrible blog. I am actually a Beachbody Coach right now, just started a couple months ago. Which personal training certification do you recommend, then? I think she's just going to retire now that she's gotten her fake celeb moment of being Top Hun twice in a row. In fact, many of us are out there to genuinely help people! Would your Doctor prescribe a beachbody program, put you on meal replacement shakes and recommend workout videos to mimic in your living room, all follwed by the advice of a "coach" on your shoulder who probably doesn't know what the they are talking about? Heather, with all due respect, if you are truly friends with her, she will happily understand that you tried, but it's not for you. Angie Bellemare's birth flower is Aster/Myosotis. Make sense in regards to shakes? Not all of the Beachbody coaches out there are like that. That is pretty greasy! Is there another way? Most people tell me flat out it is just too pricey and won't even try it. Are focused on buying only their products and selling selling selling for the people at the top, I am not a registered dietitian, or certified fitness expert. Squats) incorrectly. I also know several doctors who recommend terrible diets and personal trainers at big box gyms that aren't qualified either. I appreciate this because I feel the same way - a little jealous of all my friends that are killing it! I signed up as a BB coach for discounts and because I love the program's especially the On Demand feature. It feels like you ran out of people to sell to. ETA "traded booze for dumbbells" aka found a relatable vulnerable community she can prey on. I thought about being a BB coach but I'm not a salesperson either. Instagram: @angiebellemare & @thedailygrindplanner. I'd rather sustain a lifestyle on exercise and healthful real food choices than do a program. Talks about the vacuum some more.. she had to get that once vs the one she wants but she likes it.. lol). The reality is 99% of ppl who they recruit to sign up to sell will lose money or barely make any and quit. Fitness is important, but it's not my passion. achieve their health and fitness goals. Wow I have read a lot of these and my goodness ladies if this isn't for you then don't do it! But ultimately, when you're a BB coach, your goal is most likely to sell the product and grow your business. And I really do love the products and I fully believe that they work, too! Then my hubby needs my time. I just wanted to say- I 100% respect your choice! Let the man who drives you to buy YOUR crap and keeps money on your cards buy whatever he wants. Just wanted more strength and definition. And doing box colour, over box colour, over box colour on your entire head is NOT good. I honestly had no idea you were a coach but this is exactly the reason I've chosen NOT to become a coach. Angie Bellemare of 'How to Build a Content machine' Motivates People to I just got a friend request from someone I knew years ago and I hoped maybe it was because she likes me or wants to connect for music reasons, but after I accepted I saw she's a Beach Body "coach". And then they coach people through the process (eat this! But I also wanted to say that I'm sorry you had such a negative experience, particularly that you felt the culture was "sell sell sell". This is truly disguisting, I equate these people to your self-proclaimed psychic medium who preys on the weak and vulnerable and tells them what they want to hear, so they can get paid. Apply for YouTube Partnership. You said it best. Angie Bellemare Recs flag. That is NOT what I want to do. If I ever were interested, I wouldn't know which one of my friends to choose. Country CA. I do also find that these programs Is it true that the shakes only contain 140 calories? Thanks Courtney, and good luck to you as well in all that you do. I am not a huge lover of veggies, so with my juicer and my morning shake, I get a pretty substantial dose of nutrients that helps my day get started on the right foot. So yeah, I'm done. If someone asks what I use on the daily, it's obviously going to come up. While I'm still a distributor, I do NOT feel comfortable blasting ("selling") it all over social media or my blog or contacting individuals personally. . I was so glad to read your posts because it seems so spot on with my experience! However what we have is a dishonest - vain showoff. and a simple-minded one I might add. Omfgggg everyone dressed up as Angies dwarves while she dressed up as Snow White. I just can't do all that sales-y stuff. Third, believe. I was also very hesitant b/c the LAST thing I wanted was to be selling stuff to my friends and family. I agree with you 100% Andrea! My motto: work smarter, not harder! I used to be a Beachbody coach, and like you, I still love their products, but I just could not get into the selling thing. angiebellemare on LTK Angie Bellemare on Instagram: "A few questions for you . 1. Are you :) People who are passionate about fitness post a lot, which is okay, except that it makes us (who aren't quite as passionate) feel like we are the minoritywhen I guarantee we aren't. I am so sick of the ever-constant shilling of goods and services on blogs. "I am a certified personal trainer and fitness professional" You are sweet. It was actually very complimentary to BB while still being authentic. It could be a message getting to people thanking them for their message and telling them that she will respond when she can. I know many people who are having wonderful experiences with it, and it sounds like that's definitely you! It sounds like you have a rough upline. Thanks so much for stopping by. This hasnt been my experience and despite sharing my experience with people, this idea is consistently met with a yeah, but. Once home, there is homework, dinner, showers, hopefully some quiet quality time before starting all over again the next day. I just signed up as a coach a few months ago. ), etc. I speak to people with grand ambitions who think they need to have a multi-million, or even billion-dollar businesses to achieve a successful and fulfilling life. I understand why this gal who wrote this blog quit Beachbody, but there's a better way to go about being a Beachbody Coach that I've embodied,not because Beachbody said I had to be a certain way, and even if they did, I'm still going to be me unapologetically. This has been something frustrating for me for quite awhile. It's about so much more than making sales! Shop Not so Scary Merch NOW for a limited time. I'm proud of the way my body looks, too, but I do workouts I love and eat healthfully for me--not to "inspire" others (or maybe make them feel like less because they can't afford beachbody or whatever the case may be). I've been thinking about ending my coaching recently too. She never would have gotten to this weight from Beachbody alone, she even has mentioned she tried everything and the weight never came off. However, Beachbody is basically a multi-level marketing (mlm) scheme that seeks to recruit more coaches (the coaches are the real target), sell supplements, and at the very least provide motivation/support and general fitness information (basics) to anyone that chooses not to be a coach. Like you, my family and my sanity is my priority and I just don't feel right about befriending people just to sell them products. Marketing, that is all it is, the more over the top the package the more Angie showcases it on her stories while gushing like these candles are absolutely the greatest thing ever. Today my bb coach posted that she is "getting those endorphins and dopamine doing their thing, the nerd in me loves and appreciates the science behind exercise" under a video of her work out session in her yard. Go to the pros! That's enough. She seemed to have no knowledge about it. And I also just want and need more time with my kids. Add the 10(!) it does more harm than good). I'm curious if you would have felt differently if she had recommended l-glutamine, probiotics and digestive enzymes? The shakes arent unhealthy, so whats the beef with Beachbody? You know (or you should know) that I respect you and appreciate you as a fellow blogger and online friend. Tiffany- Angie Bellemare Wiki, Age, Bio, Height, Husband, Career, Net Worth These people prey on the vulnerable who pretty much want to hear what they want, and do anything to lose weight. A guess a mom of two would have all the credibility in the world. 12.7K followers. Never been to Disney world ever and tbh I was ban from Disney as a kid. Body worshipping is so weak. Love the workouts. That said, he would make a much better Dopey than one of the bearded dwarfs. I encourage everybody to not default to this idea that something else caused your failed attempt, but rather look inward to see what could have been done differently to create a different result. I'm a nutritionist and I was enjoying doing the workouts (still do) and the recipes, support and resources available and thought this would be a good addition to what I can offer to my clients. The Instagram posts are sooooo annoying. Coaches aren't doing that, the challengers have a trainer showing them form on the actual fitness videos in a similar way that a trainer in person would. And for the products I do love, I'd just post affiliate links on my blog. Texas HunSnark - Week Of Taylor Tureskis - Week Of October 31, 2022. I don't expect her to throw you a goodbye party, but honestly, how can she hold this against you? Like it just doesnt work like that. For many of the reasons you mention is why I've never decided to join the Beachbody ranks, for as often as I'm recruited. Thanks for your post and honesty! My up line coach was my neighbor and makes A LOT of money. I have minimal interest in Beachbody whatever. She also has a blog dedicated to health and fitness called Angie Bellemare Fitness. This program doesn't even touch the basics of food science. Not what I wanted to read, but exactly what I needed to read. We aren't talking about hot dogs here, we are talking about a lawfully labelled dietary supplement. I thought ya it would be fun to have a little group to keep me accountable and post yummy recipes. Thanks Courtney! I can cheerleader people but coaching others on their own fitness and health journey is not my thing. For the record. Join us here on r/HunSnark to snark on Huns and Hun-Adjacent Influencers! I agree with the others on this post- your beachbody coaches are usually out of shape, which is a turn off because why would anyone who wants to build muscle take advice from someone who doesn't have muscle? I prefer a person to be qualified however I say it takes a village to help one person.I believe to be taken seriously go to college and get a degree in Exercise Science. 1: The Art Of Saying NO: How To Stand Your Ground, Reclaim Your Time And Energy, And Refuse To Be Taken For Granted by. YouTube star and blogger who gained fame by posting beauty routines, makeup tutorials, and fashion hauls. Snark on this caricature of an 11 year old girl who lives . Do u want a dishonest, materialistic person, with no form of education - with a motive for money; advising u on health and fitness? It made me really sad and I couldn't be apart of it. I've already seen lives transformed and changed for the better because of Beachbody products (because like you said, they are awesome and effective! I am a Beachbody coach, but am just using it for the Shakeology discount at this point. But, this time I found a team (and am building my own team) that uses practical marketing techniques that are not spammy. Soon, the upper level coach will motivate the person to become a coach themselves (the MLM angle.) Youre in good company! I am amused by the goals she writes in her planner. I think if u are still stuck on your own motive and not looking at the bigger picture, u have just answered yoir own motive and it's not to help people genuinely. Who wants to tell others what they want when it's better to just be yourself. I Lao started rock climbing and that what really helped me become fit and drop inches. It was believed that a venomous snake would die if placed in a vessel made of sapphire. Just their day. Like if you have a fully impactful goal to work towards pick a normal goal date and just work towards it. Angie Bellemare / "The Daily Grind Planner" - Week Of July 04, 2022 That's probably why I haven't built a huge team as I don't post 3-5 times a day, etc. Angie is the definition of "money cant buy taste". Famous Angie Bellemare was born on September 3, 1987 in Canada. They are screwing with people's health and emotions for personal gain. :/ I'm just relieved that my team doesn't operate like that. While those shakes are delicious and I'm sure nutritious, it just seems odd to me that they are SO EXPENSIVE. The evil queen wouldve fit her bitch vibe better, but we all know she sees herself as a princess, I saw this and I thought that was so unfair, Angie only hangs with people who worship her.. weird af to ask your friends to be dwarves so you can be Snow White. Tiffany u just disregrded everyhing ed said. "it's not salesyou're helping people." but this isn't the case for all of us. I've really wondered how BB and being a certified trainer go together. I guess some of us just aren't meant to be in that type of business! Btw Jess u just undermined a personal trainer who has been in the business for 15 yrs and u are going to argue her view (and most other personal trainers) who underwent the proper certification and dedicate their lives to proper care. CONTACT. I am also a BB Coach with the same struggleawesome coach and team, but I work full time at a job I do love and really need to focus onmost of my team members do BB full time as their job or part time as SAHM. However, holistic health is different than a dietician degree. not so scary. I'm also a professional trainer holding certifications (NASM, ACE, CPR and most current graduated from Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coaching) not only that I'm also insured. I do plan to drink the Shakeology (not live on it, but do it for a short time). "Buy this, buy that, smell this, smell that" No, that's not "growth" that's DOMS. I could get a personal trainer or join Jenny Craig, but I don't feel like going that route due to my lifestyle, and what I feel is best for me to stick with. :). I don't know how it found this. <3. Add in food allergies for myself including food intolerances and you have even less you can eat, but still it can be done. I then stopped the program. These certifications are only for padding resumes and nothing else. achieve their health & fitness goals. Angie Bellemare - Creator of Team Uproar - ideamensch Embracing structure in a way that allows me to switch hats quickly and swiftly ensures I can be productive the vast majority of the time. I know, right? I love health and fitness but I don't want to spend the time begging people to buy things from me. The thing I found I enjoyed about Shakeo is that I could replace two meals a day with a shake. Angie Bellemare is a Youtuber and blogger who has acquired recognition through post-posting, cosmetic tutorials, and fashion hauls. Although Shakeology is made with gluten-free ingredients, all Shakeology formulas are in a manufacturing facility that also processes known allergens such as soy, milk, egg, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts and wheat (gluten) ingredients. But I do love helping people and so I feel like I will be a quitter if I quit. Like anything, a few (or several) bad eggs have a way of taking away from the GREAT things about something! I've been a blog reader and fan of yours for over 3 years now - love the blog and your openness and honesty. All 9 of these recommended shakeology. Ashley- your blog/Instagram is exactly the type of bb annoying salesperson that I've unfollowed. Typical B.B. The purpose of my blog is to share my own personal knowledge, opinions, and experiences with food, fitness, and life. After reading the label nowhere did it say it is organic, pesticide or gluten free. Overall, great post! I do love the programs and will still buy those from time to time, but as for TBB, DONE! The term "coach" itself is misleading. But I post my workout vids everyday to my Instagram. Anti-MLM - Annoyed with all of the pyramid-scheming twat waffles who wont stop harassing you in some way to join an MLM? But we could all be doing these things like challenge groups and support groups without BB, too. You lose credibility when you bash what was not a fit for you. And as for BB coaching? Thanks!! It makes me feel bad because I feel as thought frustrated or unhappy mothers desperately looking for a quick career and body fix are the targeted demo for their posts (want to stop missing your baby's milestones while you're slaving at work? It may or may not work for u (great if it does) but this whole "coach" mentality and earning income for selling health/nutrition is irresponsible. We will see how it goes, but no one is the same in this community. My job is stable at the moment, but in recent months, things haven't been going too well. Love your blog. How does she do her nails? Oh and hair serum that grows your hair 6 inches overnight. I just can't. She is gonna link it tho.. you have to go through her amazon link to find it tho its not a clear link straight to the lashes.. Now Angie and Karl are gonna go eat puff corn and pizza, then she complained about him making the house a mess lol.. The Snark is bigger in Texas! Does anyone agree with me and think I should contact Beachbody? This strumed a nerve in me. 2. I don't eat the ones that I'm allergic too just the intolerant ones. I didn't stand a chance! With shakeo I can eat dinner with the fam and have three square meals a day. BUT I would still encourage you to continue being authentic in your own way. I want to be a beach body coach basically so that I can get the discounts on the shakes. My question is.. why don't all shakeology labels contain this gf label, if their standards are the same that they try to convince? That cannot be achieved in 21 days, and if you say it can come back to me in a year. Wrong? I am NOT certified in any type of work out training, however, thats why I leave it up to the Professional, certified trainers that have created the DVD workouts through Beachbody. I have built genuine relationships with people online. If she was being vain and just wanted to show off her new stove she would just post "I love my new stove". Nice! Well, yea sure if you follow a healthy diet, get exercise, sleep well, keep stress levels down you can lose weight. How many will offer their support and motivation without representing a company??? Walt Disney. I WILL continue reading this amazing blog for being real!!!! 464 following. Autumn Calabrese + Super Trainer Snark! To add: I've seen plaenty of people in the gym who appear in good shape but have horrible form when exercising. I am glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Email Address. Pretty sure he thinks he's 18 stillspends too much time playing Call of Duty online where they're all teenagers. It's also way to expensive for me to ever justify! I probably am breaking the record for BB Coach quitting time- I signed up to "Coach" a month ago, and OMG I can't stand it. Bellemare . And u coach people? So, if Beachbody is what gets them motivated then that great! This is why I've been reading your blog since 2011 and I look forward to reading your posts. Getting in shape never ends, and changing up my personal program depends on the changes in my life. Sign Up. When you are tracking your results for the world to see, it kind of forces you to not fall of the wagon, as I like to call it. I read the policy handbook guide thoroughly, there's just so much more to Beachbody, and there are some misrepresentations of it on here. I really joined so that I could get a discount on Shakeology as I was training for my first marathon and HATED all the spammy selling techniques that were presented to me, so after my marathon, I quit coaching. My team is AMAZING! Angie Bellemare is a YouTubers, zodiac sign: Virgo. I did create a Facebook page dedicated to my fitness journey and I did get quite a few followers and likes and people cheering me on. She is acting like no one knew she used boxed dye and no one knows how to use it so we are getting a full tutorial on how to use boxed dye -_- but you can tell she doesnt really know what she is talking about.. Also she is using a new color but only doing the roots?? I liked it and am trying to find a similar product. Thanks for sharing, Courtney, I'm glad you were honest about how this feels FOR YOU and did what was best for your family. There is someone learning from u. If I get a few purchases because these people read my reviews are GENUINELY interested- super!! Who knows. CONTACT. I can go on and on about being more efficient and using less time as being a Beachbody Coach, but not sure anyone would listen on this page. It also bothers me that anyone can become a coach with no certification. I wasnt checking her stories all that much I was just kinda hoping to see her wherever I was but it did not happen. Thank you for being a great blog to read ! A 6 month minimum process. That's not ok in my book. It scares me that there are so many people out there "changing lives" without a fitness and/or actual health coaching background. I am ok with BB but all the fluff on the side isn't for me. Recently built a house in Golden Oak on Disney property. Interesting post. Hanging out. I don't run challenge groups (and I can't drink ShakeO due to an allergy to some of the ingredients). Ladies if this is n't for you you should know ) that respect. Anyone agree with me and think I should contact Beachbody trainer go together, holistic health is different a... From that, but do it for the Shakeology ( not live it... That these programs is it true that the shakes gyms that are n't meant to be selling stuff to Instagram! Tbb, done in good shape but have horrible form when exercising when exercising so more. No weird hauls, no trying to find a similar product certified trainer go together a href= '' https //! Have n't been going too well interested- super!!!!!... 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