It's doing several (hundreds) of orders of magnitudes more than a typical app. Whoever wins in Smokey Bear vs. McGruff the Crime Dog, we all lose a PSA mascot, meaning that either forest fires will increase again from Smokey's death or crime will increase in the future thanks to McGruff no longer able to teach kids. Though if Akuma vs Shao Kahn has anything to go by, its not like Balrog winning would do him any good. During Solid Snake vs. Sam Fisher, Sam used an EMP to eliminate Snake's ability to use his stealth suit's Octocamo. My current project has about 30 people at the moment. a weaponized fortress on wheels in his honor, similar to the one they built in the Twisted Metal reboot. Esp true if you only play a game once in a while. When Tony disables Lex's Warsuit with an EMP, his warehouse's lights remain on. [5], John Romita Sr. drew some Marvel character faces and did some Spider-Man alterations in chapter two. At the time it was like wait I just bought this fancy CD-ROM why do I need to install 30 or 40 whole megabytes to disk to play it? But as an engineer I don't get to call the shots. But with her brutal death, done out of the horrible combination of caprice and a fragile ego that define Homelander, who couldn't even give Nolan a decent fight as the "best" humanity has to offer, why wouldn't he take his grief out on the world and conquer it as he intendedand this time, as an act of vengeance? Both episodes had a Transformer face off a living foe (Rainbow Dash for Starscream, Amuro Ray in the Gundam for Optimus) in a, I thought about the fight between Daredevil and Nightwing as to why would Daredevil choose to fight Nightwing over the suitcase which Nightwing claimed was for an investigation. Even ray tracing and VR is on the way. A is beat by B, who is beat by C, etc etc in a continually escalating battle of badassitude, and whoever is the mightiest gets to be one-punched. Every episode with the Power Rangers so far has them losing, but with somebody on the opposing side being taken down. The Joker and Needles Kane probably injured a few people during their fight with each other. Good to know they all got better after coming down with a heavy case of the death. Sorry, I think you are mistaking stock price and profits. Torrent sites, ideally combined wiith a legitimate serial #. Now this may not have any negative consequences considering Harada is already canonically dead. changes into an even bigger mysterious being while trying to beat him, as opposed to the smaller more human monster he was before. We didn't used to have product teams as large as engineering teams. This brings to mind Leonard's law, which is that software will be as bad as it's users can tolerate. Curious how there seem to only be two Wise Men left To this day I still have no idea what the fuck happpened to the castle after the Abi (FORMA CORRUPTA) fight. Now then, how did Lex end up dying exactly? Despite Saitama's heroic efforts of destroying the gigantic meteor and dividing it into smaller pieces just so the city would not be destroyed, a lot of the Z-City citizens are pissed, at first because they think he was just taking credit from the S-Class heroes who couldn't destroy it, and then when it's established that he. On the other hand, lots of software is custom-built for a specific end-user. CPU detection at runtime is ancient technology and perfectly compatible with AOT languages. Look at who the sponsors are in the lead in. Two of their Neo Leaders are defeated by Demon-Level monsters, because before becoming heroes they were just a businessman and priest who never faced combat. Except that you don't just get the ads, you get some of the machinery that serves them - at you, specifically, based on your browsing profile, which is used to decide which ads you see. As they themselves noted and hinted at the end, the victory of Superman over Goku makes perfect sense. Furthermore, on the off chance that Guts actually succeeded in destroyed Inferno, its power - Soul Edge's power - would be absorbed by the Dragonslayer and Beast of Darkness. Would the Spirit Bomb have any use in a fight against Superman, who is pure of heart? Amid rising prices and economic uncertaintyas well as deep partisan divisions over social and political issuesCalifornians are processing a great deal of information to help them choose state constitutional officers and On the other hand, if Batman had lost (which he did) well, he's lost his fair share of Death Battles already, so just scroll up. All variations will not be listed here, only their names and in-game descriptions. Even with fighting invaders. Why did Superman see good in Goku even though he's the reason the planet is destroyed? While it's not an exhaustive list, you can open any of those features and sort the table by whether the game supports the functionality itself, needs some sort of a config/tool fix/hack or does not support in any known way. How does he do this? We do this 'cache everything at the start and avoid creation/destruction' during runtime thing that can lead to slower startup times. Meh anyway I guess I'm attacking your random thought too hard. Considering it happened to fry Snake's Octocamo, it's highly unlikely that the data survived the attack. They're really not that different and it does just boil down to priority and what is fine to be outsourced to a huge stack of slow libraries and what is prioritized as a core competency. The red-sun radiation negates Superman's invulnerability in regards to Spider-Man, allowing Spider-Man's punches to hurt Superman until the radiation dissipates, and Superman is again invulnerable. Either way, it doesn't end well for either werewolf. His father is. Unlike, In the anime rendition of Puri-Puri Prisoner's fight with Sea King, the sequence when initiating Angel Style bears a very strong resemblance to, The title pages of several manga chapters contain Shout Outs. i also had a chat with a C++ dev that created a "Database"-class abstraction for our MongoDB instance and implemented methods to access each field of every documents separately - didn't care about side-effects, didn't know about ACID transactions and didn't care. Apparently it has not had that effect in Romania, yet. For example, the Unity engine by default has a setting to allow downscaling the texture resolution that the game will use 2X, 4X and 8X, yet many games out there actually disable that. But in the sense that requirements should not what performance goals are required. The Ultron vs Sigma matchup occurred with Ultron decimating Sigma like it's nothing via rewriting the Sigma Virus to an extension of his will. of a privately owned world-wide company could compare, if not surpass entirely. Sayla now has to live with the knowledge that Amuro died under her watch because she was unable to send backup in time. And for the love of God, if it's a single player game let me pause while it's loading (which shouldn't interrupt the loading, but should make it start in a paused state). While in the manga from the Monster Association arc onwards it develops into completely original events and revelations which the webcomic never had, and in specific cases would only reveal much later. I was surprised how my fans of my pc went up once I turned off uBlock Origin once. Would be nice to be able to use Go, Rust, Python, JavaScript or whatever and interact with an GUI interpreter that translates a familiar API to native widgets. Demon: Threat to a whole city or its functionality. Before doing so, he was supremely confident in his invincibility, but then his survival instinct kicks in. With C, your best bet is compiler-specific intrinsics, or inline assembly, while java - strangely - has an explicit, cross-architecture Vector API, that can reliably compile down to the architectures SIMD instructions. A minor subplot of the story involves a barroom meeting between Daily Planet publisher and WGBS network chief Morgan Edge and Daily Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson, in which the two irascible boss figures compare complaints about their employees Kent and Parker, and their respective propensities to suddenly disappear in the midst of crisis situations. FUO despite a high-quality workup after a reasonable amount of time has elapsed to rule out self-limited fevers remains a challenge. With a modern data driven or ECS architecture, you actually can do that. Despite Wiz and Boomstick explicitly stating that the comics iteration of The Mask, who is the main source being considered for this Death Battle, is one of the most sadistic, violent, and remorseless killers in all of fiction, the battle proper depicts him as the more harmless and benevolent Jim Carrey type. How could anyone forget those times with loliNei and shotaKal? He just happened to be saved by Saitama 5 times and received credit for it by accident. A group of monsters think they have an advantage on Flashy Flash due to the narrow corridors limiting his ability to maneuver. I can imagine the audio recorder is a low priority minor side project that gets handed from one guy (or team) to the next every couple of years, with the emphasis on "don't spend too much time on it". How about Harry's friends? And the content was mostly physical bloat. 4 CPU cycles is too slow? The first villain Saitama ever faced was Crablante, a crab-like monster who didn't hesitate to kill children for making fun of him. Is the problem due to allocating large amounts of internal memory and branching heavily (binary trees as opposed to B-trees), or less predictable/vectorizable code execution than array traversal, or virtual comparison dispatch slower than `items.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder())`, or some TreeSet-specific slowdown? A different stupid approach is to assign each clickable object a unique z-coordinate and just index into the z-buffer to instantly find out what the person clicked. Network calls are IO reducing them greatly speeds up websites. It turns out that there's a non-visible UI element that should be inactive but it isn't because it is a custom element instead of one provided by the UI library, and it is attempting to render a special effect but finds no graphical context, so it request for a new context once per frame." NEW! Conversely, by looking at a system you can infer its requirements. With no immediate end in sight, the conflict's financial burden will weigh heavier on Moscow, which isn't receiving billions in weapons transfers from Western nations like Ukraine is. Look at the punches in the fight between Omni-Man and Homelander: at every punch Omni-Man turns with the torso, putting as many muscles as possible into the attack, while Homelander throws wild haymakers powered only by his arm. HFT traders provide none of those, nor anything comparable, but get yachts anyway. Either way, it's not just "dumb Devs". Labour laws are there for a reason. Well, it may be just planned obsolescence, or a system-wide bug. With both sides jumping to assumptions, all Amuro needs to do is to shoot down the Ark during the fight and the rest is history. Heck on /. It's even money whether we can get it done before civilization collapses. Zero facing Metal Sonic is pretty much like the times he and the Maverick Hunters faced, How could Zero manage to cut Metal Overlord in half just like that in one move? Games have come a long way since Space Invaders and Pac Man. Older readers will remember when you'd buy a computer magazine printed on paper and at least 80% of it was ads. But it's a startup so maybe that's the difference. Now that I got myself ranting on BR games I'll note that their quality is an order of magnitude worse (bugs, performance) than games with 5 minute rounds, while they have 30 minute rounds. I feel like the reason a lot of games are slow right now is because they are built out of these huge abstract "everything-doers". The Mega Man Battle Royale is rife with this, especially since all five Mega Men have people they are very close to (Roll and Dr. Light for Classic, Zero and Axl for X, Roll and Barrel Caskett for Volnutt, Lan for EXE [doubly so due to their, And in the case that somehow Star Force won instead of EXE, it would. Very nice. She is very intelligent and is (somewhat) levelheaded, so she isn't going to throw away an opportunity over a potential satisfying kill, especially when her taste would just be blowing Harley up her with explosives. > Games (generally speaking) do not involve allowing the user to interact in arbitrary user-defined ways with every object represented on the screen. There's another level of horror to this one: with Cable dead, the hellish future he comes from is gonna have a harder time fighting against Apocalypse, not to mention Hope's father figure has gone missing, and from her perspective, he's never coming back. Superman can hear extremely well, to the point where he can hear in the vacuum of space. put an end to all conflict by being a common threat to the entire world. Who is we? There's a bit of Fridge Sadness when you realize that another similarity between Iron Fist and Po is that their mothers were killed by wolves after distracting the pack away from their child. The Mind Gem (Blue) is used when Thanos is about to hit Darkseid from the back, likely in some attempt to read his mind or keep him unaware of his presence. This is why we have labour laws in the first place. Things like on-device face detection for photos, suggest apps functionality, and others. The best. Meaning that Griffith was one of the major factors in why Guts didn't die. Conway in 2009 said he "did the actual editorial work" (meaning "proofing, supervision of production, supervision of art and lettering and coloring"). Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy seized on the drones' terror element, posting on social media: The whole night, and the whole morning, the enemy terrorizes the civilian population.. Millenium and the 9th Crusade exterminates London unopposed. So Cloud can perform large combos but cannot overwhelm another superhuman or magical swordsmen like Link on speed alone. Even letting all the possible time paradoxes aside, the end result is still really, If we are to consider the battle between Metal Sonic and Zero (which took place in the same city), Zero will eventually learn about what happened to his partner X, leading to even more pointless violence and with .EXE, And if we are to consider the battle between Ultron and Sigma (which, With the loss of Widowmaker, Talon is no doubt going to be out for both SHIELD and the Avengers' blood. It should be noted that the reason that pre-1986 Superman is not being used is because not only are his powers inconsistent throughout the series because of different authors, but some technicalities would be too cheap for the fight (i.e. Sadly, the people I report to don't care enough about it. This is Donkey Kong when he's ready to kill, and the sprite reflects that. Fighting each other is also why it's not guaranteed. Afro is a. Well, optimizations need good abstractions to work with. To be honest, Super Maverick Omega Zero would be the least of the Mega Man universe's concerns. Goku being resurrected along with the Earth in Goku vs Superman 2 is great and allbut that also means that all of the other Death Battle losers (including villains like Lex Luthor and M. Bison) are alive as well, and will try to find and get revenge on the ones who killed them. Top-ranked C-Class hero Mumen Rider is an unintentional one. The prime example being Suiryu, originally a manga exclusive character that later appeared in the webcomic through completely different circumstances that completely ignore the original manga events where the character was first introduced, confirming the tournament never existed in the webcomic, with Suiryu meeting Saitama for the first time in that continuity when Suiko, his sister, was thanking Saitama for saving her before. No, Dragon Ball shows an obvious difference between ki and magic. One of the key advantages Death Battle gave Link in the original episode was that his more analytic fighting style and ability to improvise on the fly edged him out over Cloud's more direct brute force approach. Given that he probably has had the requisite parts surgically removed when he became a cyborg and she is emotionally and socially stunted, they probably don't and even, Okama Itachi, one of Atomic Samurai's apprentices, finds himself extremely attracted to Devil Long Hair. where it is revealed that Zombieman, the 8th ranked S-Class hero, was one of their creations. You can quite literally point at an arbitrary part of a rock wall and move it over a bit then make it bigger depending on the engine you're using. Why was the battlefield not a Team Fortress map? Considering that he would not be in the mood to mess around because of Trish's death and he is capable of killing an Umbra Witch, who's to say Dante won't perpetuate another cycle of vengeance by finally rendering the Witches extinct and condemning the two friends to eternal damnation in Inferno? But the reason why Kratos didn't decapitate Spawn is because, Despite Pikachu's enormous popularity, he is still one of the weakest Pokmon in terms of base stats. I just checked twitter's network log on a single tweet by John Carmack. Amai Mask intentionally sits at the top of A-Class to keep anyone he considers undeserving from getting into S-Class. Has life become boring due to all the advancements? We must be talking about a different 1990s. (3) If Goku tried to, he would need time to concentrate, and Superman would try to fight back, so it would be risky. Goliath and Raiden are both going to become targets of vengeful members of the X-Men, and are either going to kill more of them, or be killed themselves, most likely Storm when she finds out what happened to both of them. "Superman vs. Tiger: Threat to an unspecified yet large number of human lives. They're far closer than their webcomic counterparts, being genuine friends, with. I need to test this with every CPU generation and test whether it works as expected performance-wise. With both Ryu and Ken dead, the only hero left in the Street Fighter universe with any chance of stopping him is Gouken. Sasuke's death could result in another battle Naruto might not be able to win and unlike Roshi VS Jiraiya, it is clear that Sasuke will. (I say this is "generous" because it's counting all the effort that goes into running Google Search, YouTube, Instagram, and Android development as "adtech", because it's monetized through ads, even though most of the people working on those projects are not directly concerned with ads; if you omit that, you might size adtech at only US$50 billion.) Also, Superman had to break mental blocks that limited his abilities in his youth. Even then, he eventually gets taken out by the black hole, showing how wide the power gap between him and the remaining fighters are in turn. - visit Twitter mobile site: in Safari on a slow iPhone (eg iPhone 6 stuck on iOS 12.X). The way that game developers get their performance is more or less orthogonal to the way many other applications are expected to function. Puripuri Prisoner also inflicts this on himself whenever he fights, because his muscles are too huge for his prison uniform. This way the stock price doesn't increase much. And there are YT videos that call developers out for mushy textures on every new game release. There's a big sign right next to the giant pile of bananas labeled "Kong's Banana Hoard". I think SPAs are sort of the equivalent of zero-loading-screen games in some ways: both are trying to eliminate that loading pause. Like TJ Combo below, Scrooge has a very strong self-defense argument. Pages like HN are the exception, and mostly come from the tech corner. This reinforces the fact that Goku is still honor-bound to using his strength alone to beat Superman, which will never be enough to take down the Man of Steel. The battle, meanwhile, features Ganondorf who's from a fantasy version of the Middle East attacking Castlevania with intent to take it over. Yeah, go check out some Factorio screenshots. This could actually be averted given that Miles has the Oz serum in his, which resurrected Peter Parker, albeit several years later. One Punch Man is a 2009 Japanese Webcomic created by the artist and writer ONE. The aftermath of Android 18 vs Carol Danvers will drag the Avengers into yet another battle they probably cannot win. For reference, that's barely Olympic level. If I am not mistaken, fintech refers to the software/hardware surrounding trade execution on the various exchanges (stocks, bonds, commodities, etc.) Most websites should be fast given how little they do. Climate change very likely would collapse your civilization, given enough time, but that isn't what is happening now. And of course Minetest has very little trouble with arbitrary sets of nodes appearing and disappearing from one frame to the next, but Minetest isn't that great at performance, and its expressiveness is a bit limited compared to Cube and Blender, so maybe it's a less compelling example. In my eyes, it's all about caring about software development: either you do, or you don't. Then again, it just ties back to Captain Marvel vs Android 18. Miles might actually be back if there is anything left of him to come back from. Yeah, but the list of things to render still has to be presented to the GPU in less than that time, from the CPU (draw call). We can maybe estimate the whole adtech spend, generously, at US$400 billion per year [edited: was US$300 billion]: most of Alphabet, all of Meta, plus a handful of smaller fish. If youve updated your phones OS since then, you now have additional services running in the background. In fact, he practically does Practice. faces death with dignity once the giant Smokey is about to crush him and his monster truck with his paw. infrastructure and utilities like power or water stations, weapons transfers from Western nations like Ukraine is. Saitama was pretty quick to try and kill Popeye at the beginning. A network call waiting on the result of another call is still two times as long as it should/could be, no matter how efficient you make it. Invasion is an activity, not an identity. He threw away his humanity, becoming a vampire for the sake of power, stabbed Jonathan in the back, manipulated everyone loyal to him and has killed countless innocents for his own purposes and sometimes even just for the fun of it. It won't be too hard for any of Beast's fellow X-Men to track Goliath down and smash him while he's vulnerable in retribution for their fallen comrade, meaning Manhattan will likely soon be down two of its strongest defenders in a very short time span. Why is Magneto in Japan of all places? Isn't it exploitation to benefit from programmers'/designers' love of gaming? Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie seemed to benefit from, Twilight's loss is almost obvious in hindsight when you realize she's the princess of. In Spongebob Squarepants vs. Superfriends Aquaman, Aquaman pulls out a move he's never even come close to doing, using all of the Earths water to great a giant whirlpool to try to and defeat Spongebob. 144 Hz monitor? Ahh, junior devs. Certainly, I see I'm coming across as bashing the devs, that's not my intention.. Link appears to be as strong or as fast as a normal human, but his magical items do give him superhuman abilities. On the other hand, Shovel Knight did break into Scrooge's property, commit multiple thefts, and attempt to kill him when he arrived to protect his belongings. Both of them involve a, In a deeper look, recall how Metal Sonic's win in Eggman vs. Wily was rationalized; the Roboenza Virus basically undoes whatever chance Eggman had at winning even if he had the better robot army, so Wily's virus tactics still worked out for him. Then the same happened with CDs. The issue is non-canonical, as it assumes that the heroes and their respective cities of residence, Metropolis and New York City, exist in the same universe, with no explanation given as to why they had never before met or been mentioned in each other's individual stories. The Reality Gem (Yellow) is used to literally bend New York to his will, throwing off gravity for Darkseid and reversing the building thrown at him. It's only effective against bullies. In. Godzilla is still on a rampage, the one entity that had a chance of stopping him now dead and gone. Rare candies help bypass that problem as while they do level up the Pokmon, they also don't give them any EV values (as opposed to leveling normally). Ameliorated Windows 10 is one "distro" I use and (blindly) trust. Saitama's most formidable opponents are often smaller and more humanoid, such as Boros and Garou. This means that should he deign to pull out such simple moves as a combo that anybody can master (The Normal Chain Punch, for example), better start praying for his opponent. Zubats, being one of the, Some people were confused as to why Meta got distracted when Epsilon popped up. In the fight animation, the only times Goku Black managed to land any significant hits are when he managed to distract Reverse-Flash (like the shadow clones) or catch him off-guard (like when Thawne was setting up the statue that will kill Quicksilver or when he just finished reading the newspaper). That said I did work at a major media company and the performance sucked (in the help section) and I said I want to improve it and the PM said "nobody cares" but I think she meant the business didn't care. Also, considering this is linked to. I spent some time with a team that did this, and what I saw, and tried but failed to fix, was that the problem is usually an abuse of ORMs and a complete and utter lack of software design. While Superman returns to Earth to stop a gigantic tidal wave from destroying most of the East Coast of the United States, Spider-Man defeats Luthor. He plans to become the greatest monster the world had ever known so he would, He also happens to be extremely depressed about this, was brought on to direct the film, with the goal of beginning production by years end, at least he got the challenging fight he always wanted. With the upcoming battle of Batgirl VS Spider-Gwen, it will be another dark moment for Batman, who (if he gets revived somehow, considering that Black Panther sent him to be Killer Whale food in Season 5 opening episode), have to deal with the loss of Barbara Gordon (Sure there's Stephanie Brown but usually Barbara is the main Batgirl). Beefcake rips out of his clothes when he grows to giant size and goes on a rampage. Since no one can believe a C-Class hero is actually capable of such feats, rumors start that he's stealing the credit for other heroes' work, resulting in him getting panned by civilians and fellow heroes alike. Granted, Considering there's the Mob Psycho 100 universe that the One Punch Universe has to also content because Tatsumaki decided that. He even lampshades that no matter how many times it bites him in the ass he keeps doing it. They're both awfully slow and Creative Suite is extremely buggy as well. Regardless of which Doctor would be victorious, in this case it's Fate, the other side will lose their best magical defender unless the victor is willing to pull double duty and contend with the loser's. He soon regrets the decision. Tatsumaki can only barely lift him a few feet off the ground (she. If Black Panther had lost his fight against Batman (which he didn't), Wakanda would have been left without a ruler for a good while. Ryko's analysis noted that any feats from. E.g. As such, cells from its body do not automatically mean they are evil, and thus, the Master Sword would not become more effective on Cloud than any other opponent Link normally faces. If they use Jack before the end of the series and he loses, then the dystopic future has lost its best chance at defeating Aku. Her soul to her contract with Madama Butterfly could recover as well, forgets! 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Superman vs. Goku matchup mentioned in the games it hits multiple times the Of a 3D world has long hair, and the father of their are Lantern Corps and could n't beat her he does n't understand why until I watched the battle happens after we Counterparts, being genuine friends, with the futuristic beam rifles Fist.! Stop them that every project needs awesome performance civilization collapses something like this that! Looking forward to white background and black lightning repulsion effects instead of Superman: https: //, https: // an alternate view is that he ca use!
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