Match It Fill in the blanks in the sentences in Column A with a homophone from Column B. The hostess said, (Your, your) table will be ready in 10 minutes. 100 Lesson 2.14 Quotation Marks . __________ (Her, She) likes volleyball better than softball. . Matt threw t i. Possessive pronouns show possession. Circle the correct answer. . ______ Fine emeralds, the birthstone of May, are more rare than fine diamonds. echoes tomatoes tornadoes Spectrum Language Arts Grade 6 8 Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Grammar: Parts of Speech NAME Lesson 1.2 Regular Plural Nouns Try It Use the lines to explain how the nouns were made into their plural forms. The apple tastes good. 9. to catch to drink joking reported sleeping to warn 1. Our teacher told us to never stop learning. The boys drank the ball. What do bees talk about (. In this sentence, upon is the preposition, and dock is the object of the preposition. . The teacher asked her students to bring in newspapers. . 10. . He also ____________________ luckily outside broke many track records. 1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Mr. Thomas became successful after much hard work. Bees talk about gathering food (. ____________________ I really upsw my Ouch! Spectrum Language Arts Grade 6 122 Chapter 3 Lesson 4 Usage NAME Lesson 3.4 Adjectives: busy, early, easy Proof It Proofread the following biography. . . . Drive (North, north) on Route 3 and then youll be close to the community center. . But in the last 100 years, the population have become almost extinct. By the time the bus picked us up we were (all ready, already) late. . . . You ve _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. ______ 7. Horseshoe crabs blood has copper in it. The is a definite article. Contractions are shortened forms of words. Washington DC . Aligned to current state standards, Spectrum Language Arts for grade 6 includes an answer key and a supplemental Writers Guide to reinforce grammar and language arts concepts. ______ 9. . My favorite foods are pizza,pasta salad,and vegetable burritos. . taken Review: Adjectives: busy/busier/busiest, early/earlier/earliest; easy/easier/easiest, more/most, good/better/best, bad/worse/worst; Adjectives and Adverbs: bad/badly, good/well; Adverb: already vs. P his time: the __________ A he sketched objects that were ahead of __________ airplane, 8. ______ ____________________ X counsel 10. ? Grover (brought, took) six cookies out of the box. . 4. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The plural forms of personal pronouns include: Subject: w e,you,they We/You/They found the ball. Check grammar. 7. 1. The Olympic star was practicing for hours and hours. __________________ 9. Writing the Paragraph: There are five steps to take when writing a paragraph. (tablespoons) olive oil _ 3 4 Periods are used in more than just sentences and words. Samantha doesn t never like to wear her coat outside. 11. . Visitors who canoe and kayak can see puffins from the nearby bay. The Olympic star had been practicing for hours and hours. Sam asked for a quarter to make a wish in the well. 2. Hi! He eagerly sponsored and participated in youth sports programs in underprivileged neighborhoods. The salutation ends with a colon. Find It Write the irregular plural noun form of the following singular nouns on the lines provided. What states border the state in which you live? . Colons are used to introduce a series, to set off a clause, for emphasis, in time, and in business letter salutations. Help your child speak, read, and write with confidence and clarity with the Spectrum Language Arts eBook for grade 6. . 44 Lesson 1.21 Prepositional Phrases . The judges will now look ^ observed the baking. . The paragraph would be a persuasive paragraph. . . 3. . .) Try It Write six sentences of your own. Column A Column B 1. provided that the light is green equal (coordinate) 2. cold and fluffy snow pairs (correlative) 3. either smooth or crunchy dependent (subordinate) 4. both mushrooms and olives equal (coordinate) 5. before it gets dark pairs (correlative) 6. purple or blue shirt dependent (subordinate) 7. after the race equal (coordinate) 8. neither pennies nor nickels pairs (correlative) 9. music and dance dependent (subordinate) Spectrum Language Arts Grade 6 40 Chapter 1 Lesson 18 Grammar: Parts of Speech NAME Lesson 1.18 Conjunctions Identify It Identify whether the following sentences use coordinate, correlative, or subordinate conjunctions by writing a CD for coordinate, CR for correlative, or S for subordinate before each sentence. You shouldn t miss the beauty of America s first national park east of the Mississippi. ____________________ It s so good to see you. Melissa said,Did you read the article Saving Our Oceans in the magazine? Identify It On the lines, write a DQ for direct quote, a QQ for quote within quote, a T for title, and a TQ for title in quote. ___________________ N 4. Transitive Verb = sent Direct Object = claim (what was sent) Indirect Object = the insurance agency (to whom the claim was sent) Match It The partial sentence in Column B completes the sentence started in Column A. Do you know what the best part is? Proper nouns are also capitalized. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. . It can be seen for up to 11 nautical miles. We climbed the (more, most) enormous rock we had ever seen. . The press secretary and the communication director s offices are along the main corridor. ________________________________________________________________________________ Earth Day, a day for environmental awareness, is celebrated in April. Which refers to the noun newspaper articles. 6. 6. . . . ______ Why are these frogs called tree frogs? There are five volcanoes on Hawaii. Identify It Identify the following declarative sentences by placing a checkmark on the line provided. . In your skit, use declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative sentences. _____________________________________________________________________________________ vary. ______ ___ 78 7. . . 50 Sentences Lesson 1.23 Declarative Sentences . ry s ma onva Answ Dana, are you sure you want to er vacation this: island? 20. The winner is. . . The day of the week with the most letters in it is ___ W ___ e ___ d ___ n ___ e ___ s ___ d ___ a ___. That means it names a specific noun. 5. 76 Lesson 2.3 Proper Nouns: Organizations, Departments of Government, Sections of the Country . North America is located in the (Northern, northern) hemisphere. ____________________ you go with me to the movies? ____________________ (rowdl) War II ended in Japan on V-J Day on September 2, World 1945. In 1968, she organized the first International Special Olympics Games. 10. I m going to take the bus downtown (? This 176-page standards-based downloadable resource is packed with engaging, thought-provoking writing projects and grade-appropriate practice to build a stronger understanding of Subjects: Column A Column B 1. . Judge Wilson and Judge Boggs looked over many of the cooks laugh ^ shoulders. The (boys, boys) helmets are ready to be picked up. . 1. . . Identify It On the lines, write a D Q for direct quote, a Q Q for quote within quote, a T for title, and a TQ for title in quote. It starts in Where and when is the Iditarod held The Anchorage and finishes in Nome . Tragedy hit when Armstrong was 25. You should drink the hot tea slowly! The singer s voice sounds weak compared to the others. But our waterways may not always be that inspiring, unless we step in and do something about it. Detroit Tigers Complete It Complete the following sentences by circling the correct answer in parentheses. __ 5 ___ 25 ____ 725 0.5 = 10 0.25 = 100 0.725 = 1000 Decimal points are used in money with dollars and cents. The teacher asked, What is the square root of 64? . The radio announcer said: The game is postponed due to torrential rains. Colons are used to set off a word or phrase for emphasis. ______ I had a sweet, juicy apple for lunch. . . In the first sentence the action is taking place now. 4. . . 2. Ross (like, likes) veggie lasagna. 7. (badly modifies the verb drives) Good is an adjective, and well is an adverb. 15. The lights grew dim as the play began. . . . The chief of staffs office is across from the Oval Office. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. It was raining so hard it was difficult to see since the babysitter is here. One is extinct, one is dormant, and _____________________________________________________________________________________ three are still active, answered Dana. Adverbs often end in ly (but not always). The whole community attended the fundraiser for the school. The scenes depicted complete the sentences below. 6. The first national park was yellowstone national park. The outfielder caught the ice cubes for later. Be careful as you shovel the snow, mother said.(You, you) can hurt your back. 7. The firefighter saved everyone in the house! . . Celina played (good, well) and won her match. Sometimes, this means using commas. The first word of every sentence is capitalized. The judges now handed a note to the _____________________________________________________________________________________ announcer. A ,an, and the are articles. Charles Schulz was one of Americas most famous cartoonists. Use a period after each part of an abbreviation. I cant wait until my birthday, said Jack.(My, my) parents are giving me a party. Spectrum Language Arts Grade 6 82 Chapter 2 Lesson 5 Mechanics: Capitalization NAME Lesson 2.5 Sentences, Direct Quotations Proof It Proofread the following dialogue correcting capitalization errors. Because of the deadlines, Im ____________________ this week than next. ______ Bobcats have smaller ear tufts and feet than lynxes. ______ Mr. Baum, who is also the baseball coach, is my favorite teacher. plural possessive not ending in s Spectrum Language Arts Grade 6 104 Chapter 2 Lesson 15 Mechanics: Punctuation NAME Lesson 2.15 Apostrophes Complete It Complete the following sentences by circling the best answer in parentheses. country a place I will visit another country. Mrs. Crane a specific person Mrs. Crane is my favorite teacher. Is it supposed to snow all weekend interrogative 6. . NAME Lesson 3.1 Verbs: rise, teach, wrote The present tense of a verb tells that the action is taking place now or continuously. . Armstrong never took the easier way out; he started training even harder! . Lisa asked,What instrument do you play in the band? 2. Would I ever! I will be thirteen on my next birthday declarative 2. we also learned about how they are formed. 12. yell Today, I ____________________. 16. Chris and his friends looked for more brownies. 2. . . Write the abbreviation on the line next to the word. Click here to download one of 3000 items via Pay per unit function Download package without account Click here for all items Download package by register an account: Redirect for stability Spectrum Language Arts Grade 6 August 23, 2016 by Mr Dragony Then, circle the transitive verbs, underline the direct objects, and double underline the indirect objects. Don t rush through your homework, said the teacher, (And, and) stay focused. My father said,Finish your homework and then well go for a ride. Im almost finished now, I happily answered. My favorite foods are pizza, pasta salad, and vegetable burritos. . . sent vary. ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ vary. It tells the action of the sentence. A jogger ran ____________________ the street. Rangers said Try It Write a nonfiction paragraph about a historical place. The impressionist artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir believed (anyone, everyone) should work with their hands. Improve the overall flow of your paper. . supplementary material 5. 11. . . . ______ ____________________ 8. Human blood has hemoglobin that has iron in it. In this sentence, upon is the preposition, and dock is the object of the preposition. A substitute taught our English class this morning. 2. . ______ All of my hard training paid off when I saw the sign ahead: Finish. ______ 10. ______ Although its going to snow, I think we should still hike the trails. yelled 13. rake Today, I ____________________. ______ D A Chloe, your song in the concert was beautiful. Adjectives and Adverbs: I went to a party. I am writing a ______________________________ for music class. The items can be words or phrases. ___________________ let-ters 3. Dependent clauses follow the connecting subordinate conjunction or the relative pronoun. 5. set-off with emphasis enclose numbers 6. games continue to grow and Acce attract athletes from all over the world! David climbed and descended the mountain. The author is going to write at the beach. . Yours ______________________________________ Andrew and Stephanie, possessive is missing? ^ early ^ At a young age, he tried football and swimming. It s not jewelry, but it is chocolaty! . Grandma said, Aubrey, (bring, take) me a glass of water, please. Yep, that s the one, answered Dani. 2. --This comprehensive workbook doesnt stop with focused practiceit encourages children to explore their creative sides by challenging them with thought-provoking writing projects. . Debbie ran on a beautiful tree-lined coarse around a lake. Novelists and poets (written, wrote) about beautiful oceans, seas, and rivers. In the middle of Tokyo there is a tree that was hit with a bomb. Jill and her friends (jump, jumps) rope after school. . ________________________________________________________________________________ I love breakfast; I can t imagine skipping it. ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 9. 20. (A, An, The) orange sweater looked best on Karley. An All-American Hero Jesse Owens lived from 1913-1980. 3. 5. . The equivalent of 0.78 is 100. Theres a distance for everyone. overseas - abroad or beyond the sea oversees - supervises ring - a circular band; the sound of a bell wring - squeeze cent - one penny scent - odor sent - past tense of send If you are unsure about which homophone to use, look up the meanings in a dictionary. . 1. My schools colors are blue and white. Ashe continued to win many major titles. There are five volcanoes on Hawaii. Look at the picture and complete the sentences. . The salutation ends with a comma. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. You can volunteer to help clean trash and litter from oceans and rivers. Brian and Matt (take, taken) extra water to the baseball games. Three different sports are involved. Relative pronouns are pronouns that are related to nouns that have already been stated. If I m the (early, earliest) one there, I ll be able to chose from the best activities. Dont overuse exclamation points. . Dreamt is the only English word that ends in the letters mt. The teacher asked her students to take books home. . The lettuce tastes bitter. . Look out exclamatory Try It Write four sentence pairs. 54 Lesson 1.25 Exclamatory Sentences . . Identify It Circle the linking verb and underline the noun or adjective that is linked in each sentence. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Spectrum Language Arts Grade 6 Chapter 3 Lesson 8 Usage 131 NAME Lesson 3.9 Contractions A contraction is when two words are combined to make one word. has We ____________________ take this train; it will get us home faster. The letter was ____________________ to the wrong address. . . No two lions have the same pattern of whiskers in their muzzles. . . Aikido is an art that tests both mind and body. . His best-selling books, the founding of The Fund for Animals, and the opening of Black Beauty Ranch are the legacy of his dreams. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. . The perfume has a strong ____________________. ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. It was started by two very brave women Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. The Peanuts characters teach us all lessons about ourselves _____________________________________________________________________________________ and the world around us. . Indirect quotations are not capitalized. I saw a beautiful ring in a shop window. The sun melted the ice cream and the snow cones. I sent an overseas a m I am contraction Im is, has he is/has it is/has what is/has that is/has here is/has contraction he s its what s that s here s have I have you have we have they have could have contraction I ve you ve we ve they ve could ve will Iwill she will itwill we will contraction Ill she ll itll we ll _____________________________________________________________________________________ package to you. inserts period Homemade Hummus 4 cups cooked & drained garbanzo beans 1 cup tahini 1 cup fresh lemon juice 6 tbs (tablespoons) olive oil 3 _ 4 cup minced garlic 1 tsp (teaspoon) salt 1 tsp (teaspoon) black pepper Place all ingredients in a large mixing bowl Mash ingredients with a fork and then blend well Store hummus covered in the refrigerator Remove hummus from refrigerator when ready to serve Sprinkle hummus with paprika Serve hummus at room temperature Recipe serves 12-15 Try It Write your favorite recipe.
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