He said " the best way is when a teacher is energetic and does not just sit back, give packets, and expect the students to learn for themselves". Tap here to review the details. Reidenbach, R. Eric, Donald P. Robin and Lynden Dawson (1991), "An Application and Extension of a Multidimensional Ethics Scale to Selected Marketing Practices and Marketing Groups," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. Ethical judgments of the respondents were measured by both Reidenbach and Robin's (1990) Multidimensional Ethics Scale (see Appendix) and four other ethical judgments. Often, its used to discuss private companies, but anything can have a brand: a school, a governmental entity, a social club, a content channel etc. Accessed on May 28, 2007, Steal this idea: offensive and defensive imitation strategies - excerpt from book 'Managing Imitation Strategies: How later Entrants Seize Markets from Pioneers Success - Find Articles http://findarticles. A 33-item scale based on the five theories was developed and subsequently reduced into an eight-item scale. org/wiki/Trade_dress Accessed on May 28, 2007, Alain d'Astous, Ezzedine Gargouri. 5. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. So, to keep shoppers coming through the doors, retailers need to up their branding game and turn their stores into experiences that shoppers want to come back and relive. (http://turkeytravelplanner. The pGLUX1 proteins were then further digested using the XhoI and KpnI enzymes. Data collection was conducted over a period of one week. To be nonfunctional, it cannot affect a product's cost, quality, or a manufacturer's ability to effectively compete in a nonreputable way. The measurement of ethical judgments is a difficult task. Make sure to read our Rules and to remain civil when interacting with others. If they agreed, they were shown the display of product packages and presented with a self-administered questionnaire. Every big company like Nike, Puma, Chanel, Estee lauder, Ford etc are facing these problems. If you provide a service, your branding will influence the way you interact with your customers. And the biggest pleasure for the consumers is that they are getting the similar product in lower price. number: 206095338, E-mail us: The examination of practitioners' ethical evaluations of packaging activities raises the question of how others, such as consumers, are affected by packaging, and how they feel about the same issues. This is the moment where branding meets partnerships. Interested in learning more about product branding? There are many types of branding, so understanding the different strategies may help you decide what kind of branding is right for your business. In contrast, the sample for Study 2 was drawn from one university campus. Similarly, Importance of Branding. The cells were then harvested and lysed where cells were placed in a centrifuge to separate the soluble and insoluble material. Therefore, besides the general multidimensional ethics, some specific ethics questions to the context of brand imitation cases would seem prudent. In summary, results of the analyses showed lower income housewives felt brand imitation was more unethical than others in the sample. In the growing FMCG market of Hong Kong, the concept of brand strategy for supermarkets is the most vital variable of interest to retailers. Of course, depending on the material and workmanship, the price of the copy ranges from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars. ca/nbc/wilke. and Gautschi, F.H. We've updated our privacy policy. 83-92. The sample is overrepresented by older females with higher incomes. The respondents were approached as they entered the shopping center and asked if they would take a few minutes to participate in a study on product perceptions. Brand imitation is an intangible attribute that we may not seriously consider in most cases but can provide evidence of a brand's awareness and proliferation into a given culture. The results for the question that asked for direct ethical judgments were compared with the Bone and Corey (1992) results. Because it resembles the successful (original) brand that it intends to imitate, the brand imitator may be attributed the original brand's properties (quality, performance, reliability, origin, etc. ) Accessed on May 28, 2007, Colleen Collins-Dodd, Judith Lynne Zaichkowsky (1999) National brand responses to Brand imitation: retailers versus other manufacturers. Jewels Galaxy is another best fashion jewellery brands in India that offers a wide range of unique design imitation jewellery for women. This makes the employees to interact together, bond more and feel more confident resulting into a greater team synergy. Ultimately, the goal of branding is to build a trustworthy, unique identity that differentiates you from competitors and communicates to your target audience that youre exactly what they want. In order to reduce bias, interview times were staggered throughout the day and week. The life of technologies has become so short. Dimension one is a broad-based moral equity construct and contains four items: "fair/unfair", "just/unjust", "acceptable/unacceptable to my family", and "morally/"not morally right". The third dimension is the social contract construct which consists of the items "violates/does not violate an unspoken promise" and "violates/does not violate an unwritten contract". Future research on the topic of brand imitation should continue to examine a wide range of products. Brand imitation is affecting their market and eating up the profits of big branded companies. However, when occupation was examined, housewives again consistently thought brand imitation was more unethical than any other group and were more supportive of legal action, regardless of the size of the company. org/wiki/Counterfeit), Knock-off is the similar product of the original company containing its logo, name and other attributes but not fabricated by the original company which have its own brand name. Anecdotal evidence in theacademicliterature and business press suggests that manufacturers will take legal action against each other when they believe their trademarks or trade dress has been infringed upon, but they are reluctant to take legal action when retailers undertake the same copycat activity (Kapferer, 1995b; Hollinger, 1997). But when we talk about personal branding, were not talking about creating a personality for yourself. Adidas ownes Reebok, Taylor Made golf company and Rockport. com/p/articles/mi_m3514/is_n10_v41/ai_15883316 Accessed on May 28, 2007. There are two main advantages to using a multi-item and multidimensional scale in measuring ethical judgments. Included in Table 1 is a comparison of local Census data with the sample's demographic profile. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. Own-Label Brands: The logo packaging, trade name every thing is similar to the original brand. It asserts the notion that the whole is always greater than the sum of the constituent elements. This shows that most of the businessmen are quite greedy hence; do not adhere to contract law. Carratu, V. (1987), "Commercial Counterfeiting", in Branding: A Key Marketing Tool, John M. Murphy, ed. 13, 1985, pp. Justice theory, primarily procedural justice, is important to marketing in that its objective is to develop rules that result in fair outcomes. This may be the result of situational and environmental influences such as personal experience, organizational norms, industry norms, cultural norms, anticipated economic effects of a particular decision, organizational expectations, effect on stakeholders, individual ethical standards, organizational ethics, and professional ethics (Bone and Corey, 1992). A strong product brand understands its users, their problems, desires, and the competitors around them. There are several types of branding that are worth exploring in depth. It seems that there is a system of mirror neurons which are active both when you see another person act and when you do the same thing yourself and these may allow humans to learn by imitation. 1. Want design tips & business trends (and the occasional promotion) in your inbox? Kenzois known for its bold themes and unexpected mix of styles. In terms of occupation, the largest group consisted of those working in clerical, sales and service industries (41.3 percent). Wayne Hoyer, University of Texas at Austin, USA, Tamar Makov, Yale University, USA At that time Japanese are the biggest imitators. # MCB University Press, 0309-0566. Perhaps they feel that large businesses should "know better", that small firms lack the resources to develop totally different products, or that small firms need to practice cost-saving measures such as brand imitation in order to survive. Both genders were likely to believe legal action should be taken against large corporations who engage in an imitation strategy. Trust can therefore be developed in this relationship (Reidenbach and Robin, 1990). org/wiki/Counterfeit Accessed on May 28, 2007, Imitation Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en. 585-597. A brand is basically a companys personality; branding is the steps a company takes to express that personality. With these points in mind, the research paper will elucidate about the brand imitation, types of brand imitation, how its affecting the branding companies and the possible solutions for brand imitation. A mall-intercept sample heavily weighted by older females showed these respondents felt brand imitation was unethical. Brand imitations are also known as "Knock-offs" and "are not identical to the original but are similar in substance, name, form, meaning or intent to an acknowledged and . Solid vinyl is very durable, washable and almost always prepasted (above) This is a full 100% vinyl wallpaper. Whenever you hear the phrase,Taco Bell, its this perception that springs to mind. Luxury Brand Imitation Brand imitation refers to copying attributes like design, logo, and shape of a renowned product. These results are summarized in Table 2. There are not many Generic Types of Brands in the market. If your brand is peoples perception of you, branding is how you direct that perception. Different types of brands include individual products, product ranges, services, organizations, individual persons, groups, events, geographic places, private label brands, media, and e-brands. MANOVA was then used to analyze ethical judgments based on demographic differences. There are two limitations in this research that should be considered. 13, pp.339-359. Imitator products that are cheaper than the imitated brands may be perceived as being a better value for the money by some consumers. Diamond simulants can be both natural and synthetic. These results are summarized in Table 3. Type your requirements and I'll connect you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. There are two main advantages to using a multi-item and multidimensional scale in measuring ethical judgments. Going from a soft, minimalist ecommerce website to a brash, overloaded packaging design can be jarring for customers when receiving products and so undermines your attempt to build a meaningful relationship between them and your brand. A test of the sample mean (3.6) against the hypothesized mean (4.0) indicated no differences. What about merchandise your target audience would love? Accessed on May 28, 2007, Steal this idea: offensive and defensive imitation strategies excerpt from book Managing Imitation Strategies: How later Entrants Seize Markets from Pioneers Success Find Articles http://findarticles. This differs from a real purchase experience where consumers actually use the products and may base their judgments on the comparative quality of the products. For example, during recessionary times consumers may be so concerned with saving money that they may compromise their ethical beliefs. I suggest that in Accenture, they can build up a standard rules, and all the offices should follow such rules To finalize, William Wallace in the film Braveheart used persuasion in forms of emotional appeal, refuting the opposition, attacking the audience, and logic to get his country men to take up arms, to defeat the English. 9, Summer, 1975, pp. Study 2 was conducted in order to replicate Study 1 in an academic environment. Reidenbach, R. Eric, Donald P. Robin and Lynden Dawson (1991), "An Application and Extension of a Multidimensional Ethics Scale to Selected Marketing Practices and Marketing Groups," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. Think about how you can express your brand through two or more types of branding. com/details/Shopping/knock_offs. A strong brand and international track record will attract equity funds and equity-related capital funding for an international acquisition. Consumers were shown product pairs that were similar in appearance and asked to make ethical judgments of brand imitation. The imitator would thereby provide increased perceived value relative to the original brand. A total of 80 consumers were surveyed in a large metropolitan area. Personal branding Personal branding refers to creating a public persona that represents an individual and their work. It had become part of LAVA Group in 1999, and is now led by Hummers Leon and Carol Limit. Deontology is related to the duties and responsibilities an individual has to fulfill. Relativism suggests that "normative beliefs are a function of a culture or individual, and therefore, no universal ethical rules exist that apply to everyone" (Reidenbach and Robin, 1990, p.651). LV, Chanel. An ethics gap among respondents was not apparent in either study as their responses did not vary widely. The paper "Brand Imitation - Consumer Attitude Toward Purchasing Imitated Brand Clothing in Thailand" is an engrossing version of the thesis proposal on . What exactly is an "ethical" action? The authors surveyed professional packaging practitioners in order to determine what packaging issues were felt to be ethical dilemmas. Mass marketing may not be the right approach for a service brand as compared to a product. The respondents, as a whole, found the practise of brand imitation to be morally inequitable (5.71), somewhat neutral on cultural acceptability (4.08), and generally to violate the social contract of society (5.06). And illegally sell the product in the market but the reason which is restricting them is that the retailers are also engaged in these activities. High quality brands, minimum order quantity is 100 dollars. Although the 5 favors to call in when launching a business, Security manager working with and leading people, Poetics and the great greek tragedy: oedipus rex, Case analysis-strategic it transformation at accenture, Chapter 17 mutual funds and hedge funds essay, My marketing stronger and very soon. Get expert help in mere 10 minutes with: PhD Essay Business Corporations Brand Brand Imitation, Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life //= $post_title Brand extension is hereby taken to mean how companies offer completely. Walking with alternating footstep motions. And they take action against those retailers the companies would loss the space on the shelf of the stores. Graphics is the only category from this inventory that is relevant to brand imitation. Later, many Japanese firms switched from being product imitators to becoming product innovators. The following gross motor imitation list names a few examples of gross movements: Clapping hands together. 10, Fall, pp.29-39. and Hunt, S.D., "Ethics and Marketing Management: An Empirical Examination", Journal of Business Research, Vol. They point out that: the use of similar graphics may violate deontological norms of fairness and equity if the store brand falsely appropriates the national brand's strong consumer reputation, which has required time, effort, and money to develop and maintain. The New German Cinema can be characterized as the German national cinema as a result of its modernity of film making techniques which recognizes the audience as the main player in the way a film is made. Infants' imitation performance is compared to another group of infants. Old Spice's "Man Your Man Could Be" campaign has not only spawned plenty of spoofs and remakes, but it's quirky nature has become a new standard in the . 2. Because of low prices the consumer are buying the products with the perception that the product is original. (1990), "Toward the Development of a Multidimensional Scale for Improving Evaluations of Business Ethics", Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. The theory of cultural branding is done by the travel and tourism companies when a specific culture of any city, region, or a country is to be promoted to the target market and the target audience. There are three modes of imitation in the eyes of Aristotle. I am concerned in the aspects that thecompetitive performance of a Business Concern and the way in which changes intechnology affect an International Marketing, Organization Structure, long termbusiness strategy and standard system. and Hunt, S.D. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. This research examined consumers' perceptions of the ethical implications of a brand imitation strategy. 9-11. Perhaps females are more aware of the issue than are males, and thus more critical. Prior to completing the questionnaire, the respondents were informed that none of the brand pairs share a common manufacturer. your own essay or use it as a source, but you need . Other consumers may feel that it is unethical or deceitful for a firm to willfully engage in this practice, as do many product managers (Bone and Corey, 1992). It was also found that those with incomes under $30,000 perceived brand imitation as more unethical than those with incomes over $50,000. The more expensive it is, the more similar it is to the genuine product. Obstler Brandy. As a result, they might feel the issue has little relevance for them personally and therefore are less critical. 4. In terms of income, twenty-eight percent of respondents had an income over $30,000, and almost half of the respondents had an income under $10,000. Perhaps females are more aware of the issue than are males, and thus more critical. In addition, the multidimensionality of the scale can provide information as to why an action is felt to be unethical or ethical. support@phdessay.com. These included: "observing someone shoplifting and not saying anything about it"; "using a coupon for merchandise you did not buy"; and "returning merchandise after trying it and not liking it". Here are 21 different types of branding: 1. Her candidness about her past, her focus on constantly hustling and expanding her empire, her crass humor and her tongue sticking out are all components of her personal brand that make her instantly recognizable and successful. Many companies which use branding as their major key for marketing are facing the problem of imitators which makes them lose a possible high profit and potential customers who will prefer to buy the cheaper alternative even though it is just an imitation. Dornoff, R.J. and Tankersley, C.B., "Perceptual Differences in Market Transactions: A Source of Consumer Frustration", Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. They were also given ten statements pertaining to general opinions and attitudes (Vitell and Muncy, 1992). cookie policy. Respondents of Study 2, which weighted a more educated population, viewed brand imitation as less of an unethical issue. Epic Poetry. They view imitators as parasites that suck healthy companies dry. Click here to review the details. Local Brand: When a brand is used for a local market, it is called local brand. When looking at occupation, housewives again were more likely to express the opinion that brand imitation was morally inequitable, not culturally acceptable, and prone to violate the social contract of society. Digital customer service guidelines, for instance, often include using the same vocabulary as the brands in-store associates would. Homemakers tended to perceive brand imitation as being less ethical than those employed in other occupations. Situational Factors Ethics must also be considered in terms of the buyer-seller relationship. 1/2, 2001, pp.153-167. Reidenbach and Robin (1988, 1990, 1991) have developed a multidimensional ethics scale (Appendix). Lets start with brand. 8 No. Imitation is an advanced behavior whereby an individual observes and replicates another's. In order to compare results with Bone and Corey (1992), the sample mean of 2.81 was compared to the hypothesized mean of 4, the midpoint of the seven-point scale. Discourages from Trying other Products Brand loyalty discourages the consumer from trying out other new brands which possibly be more satisfying. Individual Brands The most common type of brand is a tangible, individual product, such as a car or drink. The remaining three questions asked about legal action to protect brands if the imitator was 1) any company; 2) a large corporation or 3) a small business. Brand Imitation Do's. On the other hand, brand imitation isn't always a bad thing, but remember, your competitors might not be doing the best things to build their businesses. This research makes an in-depth analysis. And we have inborn personalities, not cultivated brands. The Bone and Corey (1992) sample was drawn from a professional association of packaging practitioners. Careful research prior to joining a certain field is paramount in ensuring job satisfaction The study will focus on many aspects of the pharmaceutical profession, utilizing various sources in order to draw its conclusions. The respondents subsequently completed a questionnaire containing the two ethics scales. It also imitates the technologies, clothing, trademarks, automobiles etc. Consumers were shown product pairs that were similar in appearance and asked to make ethical judgments of brand imitation. Females consistently found brand imitation to be more morally inequitable and more likely to violate the social contract than males. This generalization gives path to imitators. Think about Cardi B. These are the bags that you can find in the streets of Chinatown and even . Analyzing the responses across demographics, no differences were found across age groups, or income levels. Luxury lawns look full and are bouncy. 9, August, pp. Suggestions for Future Research Future research on the topic of brand imitation should continue to examine a wide range of products. 8 No. Blockchain + AI + Crypto Economics Are We Creating a Code Tsunami? Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association, 1981, pp. These other questions consisted of seven-point scale questions on how ethical they felt brand imitation is (1=unethical, 7=ethical, a replication of the Bone and Corey (1992) question) and whether or not the respondent felt that legal action should be taken against the imitator firm (1=strongly disagree to 7=strongly agree), given three different conditions: 1) any company; 2) a big corporation; and 3) a small business. MANOVA was then used to analyze ethical judgments based on demographic differences. Thats true. and Corey, R.J. (1992), "Ethical Dilemmas in Packaging: Beliefs of Packaging Professionals", Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. Subjects were approached as they passed the research station located in a high-traffic area and asked for their cooperation in a study examining brand perceptions. . Competition is the heart of a healthy marketplace. 3, 1984, pp.195-200. At first glance, the dim forecasts which surrounded the merger of adidas and Reebok seem to have come true. Jewelry starts at 99 only. By completing this form, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
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