It coincided with the launch of the first Latin-America wide dataset on ecommerce marketplace activity, the Marketplace Explorer, providing an opportunity to compare its findings with results found in Africa. Disclaimer: due to the Coronavirus outbreak across the world, the UN decided to cancel the event, which impeded the Foundation to organize the roundtable. Come and join the discussions at the Palais des Nations, Geneva from 18-22 April 2016. Discussions sought to understand how the trends can be explained looking at differences between the two regions, and how this understanding can be used to better frame policy and business decisions. The collaboration between business leaders, digital experts, civil society groups and the United Nations can help ensure digital and data-driven benefits can be realized by all. In a world where almost 3 billion people remain offline, 96% of whom live in developing countries, data and cross-border data flows are playing an increasingly crucial role in economic and social development. Based on a newly developed toolkit for . This has become increasingly relevant in the context of the AfCFTA protocol, since the impact of different individual country policies in the status-quo is affecting the ability of firms to effectively engage in cross-border digital trade, in turn hindering the level playing field ideal. It also means enhanced cooperation. A-Z Site Index | Contact | Copyright | Fraud Alert | Privacy Notice | Terms of Use, Readout of meeting between President of General Assembly and Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA, Readout of Meeting between the President of the General Assembly and the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Election of the 77th President of the General Assembly, High-level Thematic Debate of the General Assembly: Moment for Nature, Special High-Level Dialogue on the Sustainable Development of Africa, High-Level Special Event on Food Security, Galvanizing Momentum for Universal Vaccination, Townhall with Civil Society Organizations, High-Level Meeting on Peacebuilding Financing, Informal Interactive Dialogue on Commodity Markets, High-Level Meeting on the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda, High-Level Meeting on Trafficking in Persons. Veja o perfil de Adriana Fernandes (ANTI Machista Racista Fascista Homofobia)Adriana Fernandes (ANTI Machista Racista Fascista Homofobia) no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. Emerging e-commerce topics and trends will be the focus of UNCTAD E-Commerce week. This event will take place in Geneva and online from 25 to 29 April 2022. Organized by: The digitalization driven by the rapid adoption of technologies in Egypt has increased the importance of data as an input to e-commerce as well as to several traditional industries. At its 1224th (closing) plenary meeting, on 1 July 2022, the Trade and Development Board, noting that consensus was pending on the topic and guiding questions for the next session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development, agreed that consultations would continue with a view to reaching an agreement the following Subsequently, formal approval of the agreement would be undertaken through a silence procedure. However, many women are yet to reap the fruits of digitalisation. Panelists explored what such rules may mean for developed and developing countries, what should be the appropriate forum for discussing these rules, and what international rules on data governance would best support developing countries use of data flows for development. The session discussed the multiplicity of governance levels and their involvement in the growth and integration of digital markets, especially in developing countries. eTrade for all 2017 2022 All rights reserved, I want to stay updated on the upcoming Masterclasses,, Using digital technologies to improve resilience and inclusion in Indonesia, Africa Investment Forum: Building out Africas ICT infrastructure can pave the way for a digital leap forward, GMIS Connect highlights industrial lighthouses that are propelling digital transformation in China, Peru to Host Biggest Digital Government Event in Latin America and the Caribbean. A COVID-19 repository was launched in the fall of 2020 and a Global Review was conducted on COVID-19 and e-commerce. Europe/Zurich timezone. Digital recording; Guidelines creation INDICO account; Guidelines INDICO registration; Transcripts (Automatic) Contact us. This session presented a set of capacity-building efforts and policy frameworks championned by the Datasphere Initiative, such as Datasphere Sandboxes and Datasphere Dialogues. ASEAN member States foresee the establishment of a network of national ODR systems. One delegate also called for a reform of the special drawing rights quota system at the International Monetary Fund to ensure that unused special drawing rights could be oriented to countries in need. While its understandable that restrictions on data flows are usually driven by privacy and national security concerns, flexible regimes for cross-border data flows delivers social and economic benefits to individuals, businesses and governments by allowing the digital economy to flourish. However, in the absence of real competitors, dominant firms tend to offer less privacy protection than they otherwise would. UNCTAD eCommerce Week has become the leading forum for Ministers, senior government officials, CEOs and other business representatives, international organizations, development banks, academics and civil society to discuss the development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy. There's literally so much more we can do to bridge this gap! This session provided an overview of the current status of sanitary and phytosanitary certification (SPS eCert), and how developing countries are using it. The event will be focused on the role of digital platforms in the evolving digital economy. UNCTAD's eCommerce Week. To do so, the Digital Inclusion Benchmark ranks their performances, help identify areas of improvement, and create a springboard for discussion involving companies, investors, regulators, and other stakeholders. The session primarily focused on the experience of the Universal Postal Union in coordinating best practices in international postal policy, as well as the Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation in facilitating the digitalization of trade processes for e-commerce. Fast growth of e-commerce in developing countries creates opportunities and challenges. Session reports from the meeting. The theme for the 2022 edition is 'Data and Digitalization for Development.' Secretary-General, United Nations UNCTAD's eCommerce Week has become the leading forum for Ministers, senior government officials, CEOs and other business representatives, international organizations, development banks, academics and civil society to discuss the development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy. UNCTAD's 2021 Digital Economy Report includes the UN Secretary-General: 'Data have become a key strategic asset for the creation of both private and social value. While data can be processed to generate private profits and social value, it can also be abused and misused by private companies as well as governments. It also encourages the proliferation of national data protection adequacy regimes that could further fragment the global digital economy. This session focused on the perspectives of the Government and business leaders on how to ensure that the surge of digital data brings benefits to the planet and the people. The session will introduce tools for advancing cross-border paperless trade and conducting readiness assessment for cross-border paperless trade. Discussions focused on improving digital transformation for women, by equipping them with digital skills and literacy for their participation in the e-commerce economy. Another regional group expressed support for further discussions on the role of cross-border data flows for. We can foster a safer and equal digital world for all. It also introduced Egypts 2018 eCommerce Strategy, developed in collaboration with UNCTAD. But as this growth prevails, evaluating digital companies performance on data protection, cybersecurity, child online protection, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics becomes a necessity. The importance of relevant domestic policies and regulations, trade agreements, and regional and continental cooperation frameworks in support of e-commerce development was also discussed. Ms Shamika Sirimanne (Director, Division on Technology and Logistics, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)) opened the session by explaining that a summary report of the week would be made available soon. 18 April: Interactive sessions on Cybercrime readiness assessment, Consumer protection online, ICT Policy Reviews and publication launches The readiness of countries to harness data for sustainable development is highly uneven. This is why moving towards digital and data governance must be done with urgency. While digitalization now plays a vital role in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, the siloed and fragmented hallmarks of digitalization has generated new risks and challenges, particularly around inequality. Port Management; Trade Statistics; E-Commerce. It was recalled that the country ranks 25th in the list of the largest e-commerce markets around the world, with revenues of $7 billion in 2020. Some regional groups and several delegates expressed firm appreciation for the work of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development in organizing the session, while another regional group considered there was a lack of engagement from member States and that the guiding questions and topics were not fully followed. Some delegates highlighted the lack of mechanisms to address the debt problems of middle-income countries and called for further improvement and extension of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative, as well as the Common Framework. Discussions emphasised the need to break down silos among different groups of actors and to foster collaboration in order for e-commerce to effectively contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Therefore, innovative ways to strengthen global data governance are urgently needed to respond to rapid digital transformations. Online giants such as Amazon and Alibaba have seen an even greater upward trend compared to other companies, and they continue to thrive. This has opened new opportunities for addressing global development challenges but also created new ones. Thematic reports from the event Overview of the discussions: Article in Issue 20 of the Geneva Digital Watch newsletter The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will hold its annual E-Commerce Week on 24-28 April 2017, at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland. Day 4 : April 28th, 2022 One regional group and some delegates called on member States to increase their engagement in the future, as the digital economy was pertinent for inclusive development. In this session, experts on Africa and South America explored the meaning and relevance of marketplaces in the uptake of electronic commerce. Saudi Arabia is ahead of Thailand in the ranking and is just behind Belgium. Deputy Chairman. Tackling this issue, this session built on the findings of the Gender Digital Divide Index (GDDI) prepared by WinDt Consulting and DAKA Advisory to explore policy recommendations which could promote greater inclusivity in e-commerce. Day 2 : April 26th, 2022 UNCTAD's eCommerce Week is the leading forum to discuss the development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy. UNCTAD E-Commerce Week - Ministerial and CEO Round Table on "How to ensure that Digitalization Brings Inclusive Development in Africa" 11 December, Nairobi, Kenya Firstly, let me thank UNCTAD for the opportunity to speak to you here today. UNCTAD eCommerce Week 2019: An overview UNCTAD eCommerce Week took place from 1-5 April in Geneva, focusing on the theme 'From Digitalization to Development'. Target 17.9 : Enhanced international support, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, through eTrade . Delivered: 26.04.2022. The UNCTAD's eCommerce Week 2019: From Digitalization to Development took place from 1-5 April at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.. A path that closes the digital and data-driven inequality gap through economic and social developments. UNCTAD eCommerce Week 27 Apr, 2021 to 01 May, 2021 The OISTE Foundation will apply for a round table and the topic has yet to be defined. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNCTAD and its 33 eTrade for all partners have worked together to raise awareness on the e-commerce opportunities and risks emerged during the crisis. UNCTAD eWeek About Resources Country Profiles Development Solutions English CUTS | April 28, 2022 UNCTAD E-Commerce Week Session Reports - Day 3 Day 3 : April 27th, 2022 UNCTAD's eCommerce Week is the leading forum to discuss the development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy. With this bulletin, CUTS is keeping you posted on the proceedings. In the United Kingdom, benchmark interest rate is set by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC). It is estimated that only 20 per cent of the 4900 ports of the world have established, or plan to establish, accurate digital capabilities to assure transport chain connectivity. UNCTAD e-Commerce Week . Through these efforts we can collectively chart a new path of digital and data governance. The representative of one regional group said that the session followed the updated terms of references in its discussion note, addressing the guiding questions and the choice of panellists. eCommerce Week 2022: Data and Digitalization for Development 25 - 29 April 2022 Geneva and Online , Switzerland Add to Calendar Summary Key Issues Documents The eCommerce Week took place simultaneously in Geneva and online from 25 to 29 April 2022, organized by UNCTAD in collaboration with eTrade for all and other partners. And these challenges will only multiply as more and more connect online; the current context sees digital data amassed through a fractured digital system, one that can at times threaten human rights and values, and that jeopardizes the principles of economic development. 5 things we learned at UNCTAD eCommerce Week May 3, 2022 Last year the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released its Digital Economy Report 2021 examining the implications of growing cross-border data flows, especially for developing countries. I'm honoured to be taking up the post as Southeast Asia's UNCTAD eTrade Advocate for Women over the next year. With digital trade being a priority on trade facilitation reform agendas worldwide, restrictions ensuing from the COVID-19 pandemic have now made contactless digital procedures an utmost necessity, hastening efforts to mainstream digital technologies in cross-border trade. The theme for the 2022 edition is 'Data and Digitalization for Development.' The discussions will take place at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on 18-22 April 2016. The session also concentrated on the ideal policy and operational frameworks that should be in place to grow digital trade with a specific focus on the needs of MSMEs. There is no doubt about the importance of data in global trade in the 21st century. - Best practices on metaverse strategy, planing, set-up and delivery. Advancement in internet services has accelerated over the years, and it has also increased the digital divide. Join the multi-stakeholder discussions on emerging e-commerce topics and trends in sessions organized by UNCTAD and Partners. (Credit: Unsplash) It was not surprising that much of the 2022 e-Commerce Week hosted by the United Nations in Geneva this week took place online. But it also presents multilateral benefits and sets an international precedent as noted by this sessions panelists. The United Nations is also best placed to bring together all relevant stakeholders in ensuring that no one gets let behind whether it is developing countries, or women and girls who continue to be left disproportionately behind when it comes to online access. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in collaboration with eTrade for all and other partners will host its annual eCommerce Week. 23-24 March ECOWAS Seminar on Cyberlaw Harmonization (by invitation only) The seminar will address the current state of e-commerce laws in ECOWAS. Data has become an increasingly important economic and strategic resource, and cross-border data flows are surging. The 2022 edition of the eCommerce Week, held simultaneously in Geneva and online, explored different ways to strengthen developing and least developed countries (LDCs), to continue engaging and benefiting from e-commerce and the digital economy, and to build more resilient and inclusive societies in a dramatically different post-COVID-19 environment. 27 Apr, 2020 to 01 May, 2020. Cross-border data flows are vital to international trade as well as E-commerce and internet-enabled services. 26 April 2022. This does not have to be the case; digital inequalities, the data divide, and the infringement of human values online, are not inevitable outcomes; they can and should be changed. Another regional group and one delegate called for continued discussions and strengthening of work on electronic commerce along all three pillars of UNCTAD. It also offers the most viable space to bring together all relevant stakeholders. Indeed, speakers agreed that DEAs are a key oppotunity for the future of achieving greater sustainability and inclusiveness in trade. It reviewed first-hand experiences of international experts in implementing policy solutions to boost digital trade at each governance level. It highlighted the global effect of the coronavirus on digital transformations. Geneva, Switzerland, 14 March 2019 The world economy is increasingly going digital but development gains will not be automatic, participants at the UNCTAD eCommerce Week will hear from 1-5 April 2019. The Secretariat provided a brief overview of the week and informed the session about the outcomes of the event. The session broadly focused on the main findings of the eTrade Readiness Assessment (eT Ready) of Kenya, highlighting the opportunities and challenges of digital transformation in the country.; After the opening plenary session of the fifth session of UNCTADs Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-commerce and the Digital Economy introduced this years topic (Recovering from COVID-19 in an increasingly digital economy), this third session focused on Lessons learned from policy responses to the pandemic. This session presented the ongoing initiatives and discussed avenues for future collaboration among interested stakeholders. In this regard, the United Nations offers the most universal platform for member states to engage. Massive levels of data collection, storage, processing and use, as well as data-driven network effects and consumer inertia, enable the platforms to capture a significant amount of data. UNCTADs Digital Economy Report, 2021 recognised the intransigent positions of the countries supporting the total prohibition of data localisation requirements whilst committing the unfettered free flow of data across borders. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Trade and Development Board, sixty-ninth session, Preparatory session for the 2024 programme plan and performance information, Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy, Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy. This session discussed the tools for advancing cross-border paperless trade and conducting readiness assessments for cross-border paperless trade. Enhanced cooperation between countries and regions could help achieve much needed convergence in these varied approaches. This session discussed possible avenues for policy-makers in Egypt to overcome some of the challenges faced in leveraging data to measure the countrys performance in the digital economy, towards informing policies. UNCTAD eCommerce Week has become the leading forum for Ministers, senior government officials, CEOs and other business representatives, international organiz. The Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation . After more than two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, the event, themed "Data and Digitalization for Development" was hybrid. This weeks dialogues will provide opportunities to reflect on governance approaches that make the digital world more inclusive, equitable and beneficial to all. Veja o perfil completo no LinkedIn e descubra as conexes de Adriana FernandesAdriana Fernandes e as vagas em empresas similares. eTrade for all 2017 2022 All rights reserved. eTrade for all 2017 2022 All rights reserved, I want to stay updated on the upcoming Masterclasses,, Using digital technologies to improve resilience and inclusion in Indonesia, Africa Investment Forum: Building out Africas ICT infrastructure can pave the way for a digital leap forward, GMIS Connect highlights industrial lighthouses that are propelling digital transformation in China, Peru to Host Biggest Digital Government Event in Latin America and the Caribbean. I look forward to the outcomes of todays dialogue and offer my best wishes for a very successful E-Commerce week. This session discussed ways of measuring the digital readiness and performance of seaports, with a view to possibly proposing a future digital performance index for ports (DPI-Ports). However, there is a lack of policies for the proper regulation of data flows. Contacts: Alvaro Moreira Debbie Francisco. 7.15 %. The report recommended that to address the contrasting views of technologically-developed nations and those catching up, it is important to develop a global framework for data governance. UNCTAD TrainforTrade toolbox; Learning Solutions; UNCTAD Conferences; Advisory Group; nPublications; Testimonials; FAQ; Thematic Areas. Next week's workshop. The session presented the idea of digital self-determination as a new approach to data governance. Here, I write my news. This weeks edition, held under the theme Data and Digitalization for Development, puts a special emphasis on data and cross-border data flows, as well as the crucial role they play in economic and social development. Dealing with data is one of the major development challenges. The panelists first presented a roadmap of the digital self-determination concept, which was followed by two practical presentations on how digital self-determination can be implemented in two contexts, namely open finance and migration. This is yet another area where the United Nations can and should mobilize support. Consumers are forced to either use a service with poor privacy safeguards or forego the service altogether. This means developing digital governance systems that promote economic and social development, and that underscore the protection of human rights. This event will take place in Geneva and online from 25 to 29 April 2022. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the transition to a digital economy which has led to positive economic growth in several countries. The discussions focused on lessons that can be extracted from policy responses, particularly from the angle of the importance of digitalization and the increasing development lags resulting from digital divides between countries. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in collaboration with eTrade for all and other partners will host its annual eCommerce Week. The event attracted more than 1,500 registered participants from all backgrounds: public, private, civil society, all sides of the digital spectrum were well represented. The representative of one regional . For more information you can listen to the recording of the UNCTAD ecommerce week session 'Impact of data governance & cross-border data flows on digital industrialisation, agriculture and indigenous data sovereignty' at 11AM CEST on 28/4/2022. The UNCTAD eCommerce Week has become the leading forum for Ministers, senior government officials, CEOs and other business representatives, international organizations, development banks, academics and civil society to discuss the development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy. Digital technology, and by extension the digital economy, has a profound impact on development, touching on everything from innovation and the creation of jobs to lifesaving vaccines and medicines, to emission-reduction technologies. It allows people increased access to a wide and global range and quality of services, and it enables businesses to cut costs and reduce prices for customers. Will introduce tools for advancing cross-border paperless trade supports the post-pandemic recovery of countries states foresee the establishment of network Level, to help increase womens participation in the ranking and is just behind Belgium of. 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