We've begun the process of cutting up the file! Let's walk through the uploadChunk function: We kick off the upload by creating a XMLHttpRequest to handle the upload. To do that, were going to add the ajax_upload_file() method to our main plugin class: This is about as simple as it gets the ajax_upload_file() method does a quick nonce check and then decodes the data in decode_chunk(). For the sake of this demo, all of these values are written to the 'chunk-information' div on the page. Employer made me redundant, then retracted the notice after realising that I'm about to start on a new project. Now that you're back, we'll begin the process of uploading large files. Am I mis-interpreting that? The response object was updated in a new version of the sdk and the example code doesn't work anymore: https://github.com/dropbox/dropbox-sdk-js/blob/master/UPGRADING.md#4-updating-the-response-object, .then(response => response.result.session_id), Here is a link to a thread on github with the same issue: The HTML for our page is basic (we could pretty it up with CSS, but it's a demo ): There is an input field for a video file, and then there are 2 divs where we will output information as the video uploads. On subsequent uploads, the form will have both the videoId and the video segment. No more "file too large" error messages, improving the customer experience by abstracting a complex problem with an invisible solution! This is then written onto the page for the user to see. JavaScript file upload example in a WordPress plugin to learn about the FileReader API. (If the server limit gets raised to 2GB for videos, imagine the images that might end up getting uploaded!). Learn how your comment data is processed. Use this option if the file size is large. Its still pretty simple, but that should be enough to get the file upload going on the client side. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Using JavaScript FileReader to Upload Large Files in Chunks and Avoid ServerLimits, The Ultimate Developers Guide to the WordPressDatabase, How to store data in the browser using JavaScript localStorage. If this has helped you, leave a comment in our community forum. Now we need to tell the FileReader API to read a chunk of the file content. When uploading, it loops and starts chunking the same file over and over and over again. Which opens N streams (N=file.size/chunksize). Sometimes, it is desirable to allow users to upload videos into api.video. Its still pretty simple, but that should be enough to get the file upload going on the client side. Its worth noting that there are several existing JavaScript libraries like FineUploader and jQuery File Upload that can also upload large files. Since this post was written, we've published a library to simplify JavaScript upload of videos read the blog post to learn more. //get the file name to name the file. In this post, we use a form to accept a large file from our user. When the last segment is uploaded, the api.video response contains the full video response (similar to the get video endpoint). Not sure how base 64 encoding adjusts file size, and whether its safe to read 7 mb of data if upload limit is 8 mb. Why do I get two different answers for the current through the 47 k resistor when I do a source transformation? If youve been following along and want to see the full code, Ive uploaded it to GitHub so you can take a look. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. Next on the page is the