Fixed bug with a wrong answer due to a presolve reduction. Concurrent environments. Fixed bug with solutions that violate integrality in MIQP and MIQCP. It looks like Gurobi started using more and more memory with time elapsing - is that a normal behavior? init()_init_ @constraint(basic_uc_model, lower_band[i in U, t in T], p_g[i,t] >= p_g_min[i]*I_g[i,t]) I assume that in your case, the problem is infeasible so there is no solution to display. You can do something like this: model.optimize () if model.status == GRB.OPTIMAL: model.printAttr ('X') MOI.get(basic_uc_model, Gurobi.ConstraintAttribute("Pi"), upper_band[2,2]) # Dual value (also known as the shadow price). [c52e3926] Atom v0.12.30 JuMP.value. Improved handling of SSL certificates on Linux for cloud connections and include SSL certificate for cloud solves in distribution. In addition, 7.5.2 also includes the following enhancements: Supports problem-based optimization, a new Optimization ToolBox feature of MATLAB R2017b. Fixed an integer overflow in presolve for very large models. Fixed wrong answer with MIQCP models that have an unbounded root relaxation when using outer approximation. By the way I ran Gurobi from command line ">gurobi_cl data.lp" on a solution that is found by a trivial heuristic for a multi-objective C:\Users\Reza\.julia\environments\v1.3\Project.toml Fixed SARHSLow and SARHSUp statistics for equations. #define GRB_ERROR_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE 10005: Definition at line 71 of file environment.h. Fixed segfault when querying the presolved model of an LP with Only remove zeros and tiny coefficients from internal copy of MIQCPs instead of modifying user model. Fixed performance issue in probing with variables of infinite domain size. program. modified after having solved the model. Fixed issue in presolve on models that contain a piece-wise linear structure. Status code. Fixed bug with lost solution in distributed MIP. RROR: LoadError: Gurobi Error 10015: Cannot - Gurobi Help Center Fixed a few issues in Python API related to addVars, attributes and tuning log. Fixed issue with handling free super-basic variables in primal simplex. Fixed crash for very large models in crossover basis construction due to integer overflow. Python. Fixed unknown attribute error for a multi-objective model, if a solution violates by more than tolerance. JuMP.objective_value(basic_uc_model) Fixed problem with expr.remove() in Python. Fixed bug when adding new variables after having called setObjectiveN(). Fixed segmentation fault with adding cuts or lazy constraints from using JuMP, n_u = 8 Variable types: 0 continuous, 45210 integer (720 binary) Coefficient statistics: Fixed bug with calling the callback on a disconnected component. Fixed gap computation for near zero objective values. Fixed problem with printing an empty tuplelist in Python API. Good afternoon, I have been working on a problem that involves me adding (nodes x num_pairs_cars) constraints. Fixed issue with executing user callback concurrently from within Fixed a bug with presolve turning a PSD Q matrix into non-PSD if variables get fixed that are member of an SOS constraint. Fixed segmentation fault in handling QP simplex cycling. Fixed a bug in the disconnected component code, if BestObjStop is specified. Fixed crash with piece-wise linear simplex on unbounded models. model.getAttr(), Fixed potential uninitialized memory read when setting MIP start via Fixed issue with more than 2 billion non-zeros in MATLAB API.. THREAD parameter values are capped, Fixed wrong answer caused by disconnected component presolver in Fixed bug with lazy constraints added via callback. having modified names, Fixed issue with getting relaxation value for an MVar object in a functions of multi-objective models, Fixed numerical issue in clique based presolve reduction that lead to Fixed bug in MinRel heuristic that could lead to early termination for models with disconnected components. Fixed double log line output with Python and Compute Server. Or does Gurobi save any information in memory of explored nodes which could explain this. , Python Gurobi Optimizer Reference Manual CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz Fixed license transfer message and processing with grbgetkey. Fixed bug with lazy constraints in multi-objective models. Fixed potential infinite loop for disconnected component solves if SubMIPNodes is set to 0. Fixed bug in a presolve reduction that would cause an infeasible model to become feasible. Due to this, the model seems as Quadratic. [31c24e10] Distributions v0.23.8 on Compute Server. finite upper bound for QP simplex, Fixed wrong answer bug due to a bad symmetry reduction on models with update of a heuristic, Fixed issue with using a TempConstr as dict key in gurobipy, Fixed wrong answer for non-convex MIQCPs due to invalid reduced cost fixing, Fixed issue with grbtune not working correctly with a token license Fixed a bug not handling solutions cut off by lazy constraints correctly. Fixed wrong answer bug due to disconnected component solves and implied bound cuts. Fixed infeasible/unbounded status when LP is dualized. Gurobi Optimizer version 9.1.2 build v9.1.2rc0 (win64) Thread count: 4 physical cores, 8 logical processors, using up to 8 threads. Fixed a wrong behavior for tuning on multi-objective models. a more definitive conclusion, set the, Optimal objective for model was proven to be worse than the See older bug fixes Return to the Documentation Overview page, The website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. ResultFile solution.sol Threads 2 I added "NodefileStart 0.1" to the gurobi.env file, but the Nodefile was not generated when the consumed memory exceeded 0.1GB. You should make sure that gurobi has a solution before you write a .sol file, or get many attributes, including 'X', 'Pi' and 'ObjVal'. Record basis and PStart/DStart change in recording file. Fixed issue with model::printAttr in Python API. Fixed infinite loop when cutoff and MIPGap=0 are set. > Fixed issue with writing a solution file based on the "SolFiles" parameter if the user callback returned an error, Added missing support of scalar division for the MLinExpr object of gurobipy, Fixed bug with accepting a solution with big constraint violation that came from a certain heuristic, Fixed bug with returning the scaled solution from barrier, if the barrier solve is interrupted prematurely, Fixed segmentation fault in presolve for non-convex MIQPs, Enable work-around for a long running call via Compute Server that would terminate the connection due to a time out, Fixed wrong fingerprint value when writing to mps files due to handling of IEEE -0.0 (negative zero) values, Fixed wrong answer coming from relax-and-lift cuts, Fixed issue with duplicate variable indices in the linear constraint of an indicator constraint, Fixed wrong answers due to invalid symmetry detection for models with SOS constraints, Fixed segmentation fault with solving a model in batch mode that has no name, Fixed wrong answer in non-convex MIQCPs due to a wrong local update of the McCormick constraints, Fixed numerical issue in presolve for models with SOS constraints and big-M coefficients, Fixed performance issue in the LP file reader when huge files are being read, Fixed wrong answer for multi-scenario models that decompose into multiple large components, Fixed issue with concurrent batch upload in Cluster Manager (9.0.2a), Fixed issue with infinite dives on bilinear and poolsearchmode, Fixed performance issue with running a heuristic in parallel to the root cut loop, Fixed bug in IIS for SOS variables with negative upper bounds, Fixed python 3.8 issue on Windows with DLL load path, Fixed a wrong translation of quadratic constraints into second order cones, Fixed numerical issue with QC cuts and huge primal solution values, Fixed numerical issue for convex MIQCPs if LP relaxation is unstable, Fixed bug with a corner case in presolve when detecting piece-wise linear structures, Fixed rare segmentation fault when root LP solve runs into numerical issues, Fixed bug for a special case of QC cuts that could lead to wrong answers, Fixed performance issue in presolve reduction to substitute sub-expressions, Reduced memory consumption during conversion of QCPs or MIQCPs into SOCP form, Fixed segmentation fault for a very rare case in which the environment creation runs GRB.OPTIMAL. If you have any questions, please submit a Gurobi support ticket. Fixed a numeric issue in presolve aggregation. @constraint(basic_uc_model, demand[t in T], sum(p_g[i,t] for i in U) == d0[t]) Traceback (most recent call last),, svgsvgsvg, IDEAgurobidemojava.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError. Fixed an issue with getting QCP duals on AIX. Fixed a message issue on multi-objective models for using compute server. st, objective terms, Fixed presolve reduction for models with binary variables in quadratic constraints that could cause wrong answers, Free the environment in the C++ API in case the license is not valid, Fixed logging issue with continuing optimization after an interrupt if LazyConstraints=1 is set, Fixed wrong conclusion about unboundedness for non-convex MIQCP, Fixed very rare segmentation fault with parallel root cut loop, Fixed numerical issue in propagation that resulted in PoolSearchMode=2 with MIPFOCUS=3 not finding all solutions, Fixed bug in OO APIs with Model.cbGetNodeRel() returning values even if no relaxation solution is available, Fixed bug with tuner not respecting a fixed NoRel parameter, Fixed segmentation fault when building a model with ranged rows that have an infinite rhs, Fixed segmentation fault in barrier crossover when the initial basis factorization 10001. Out of memory. (Gurobi Engine) | solver Possible status codes are as follows. models that are at the border of convexity, Fixed confusing error message when dividing a LinExpr object by a constant 0.0 in gurobipy, Fixed single use licensing on newer Linux kernels, Fixed MPS reader and writer regarding objective constants, Fixed fingerprint calculation to include LP warm start information and to exclude Below is a summary of the bug fixes made in the releases starting with version 6.5. Gurobi--Error code: 10005. Unable to retrieve attribute solved 'Pi' Fixed very rare case of a non-deterministic behavior in simplex. Fixed bug with MIP Starts for MIQCP models. gurobiInteger CC 4.0 BY-SA Fixed bug with concurrent LP changing original user model with piece-wise linear objective. Fixed an issue with cut management for cuts added via the callback. Fixed bug with Python 3 where model attribute -completion prints garbage. Fixed bug in IIS where Gurobi does not relax fixed binary variables. Fixed a segmentation fault in the *.lp file reader for multi-objective models. API routines when Compute Server is used. Fixed an issue with CURL producing a segmentation fault when multiple cloud environments are created in parallel. Fixed an issue in presolve for models with piece-wise-linear structure. By proceeding, you agree to the use of cookies. non-convex MIQCPs, Fixed a presolve reduction for integer knapsacks on models with at most 3 variables, Fixed assertion in Python setup on Windows, Fixed numerical issue in presolve with fixing variables for singleton rows, Fixed issue in MPS reader with variables with infeasible domains, Fixed issue with inconsistent gurobipy data structures after a feasRelaxS() call, Fixed issue with not calling update() in OO APIs before calling feasRelax(), Fixed issue with BestBdStop parameter not working correctly with MIP starts, Fixed handling of semi-continuous variables inside the fixed model, Fixed issue with ILP files not written if Compute Server is used, Fixed issue with a symmetry presolve reduction that can lead to an the "Tag" attribute, Fixed issue with a scipy.sparse matrix containing explicit zeros Out of memory. OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32) Added missing DistributedMIPJobs parameter to Java and C++ interfaces. Return AttributeError instead of GurobiError in Python interface when user requests a non-existent attribute. Fixed small memory leak in barrier dense column handling. Exit with SUBOPTIMAL status from barrier instead of getting into a seemingly infinite loop in barrier for some numerical issues. Fixed segfault when replaying recorded file with UpdateMode=1. Fixed bug with wrong objective value if a multi-objective MIP reduces to an LP. Fixed bug in PSD adjustment for solving QPs with barrier without presolve. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Fixed a bug in the presolved model returned my model.presolve() with unsupported cone constraints by converting them into quadratic constraints. (I_g), MOI.get(basic_uc_model, Gurobi.ModelAttribute("ObjVal")) # Objective value for current solution Fixed issue when running the tuning tool on a pure LP model with maximization objective sense. Fixed model update issues for multi-objectives and for range constraints. Fixed bug with empty MST files if problem is not updated before adding MIP starts on Compute Server. Sign in Throw an error when reading NaN values from an *.lp or *.mps file. Fixed segmentation fault in a heuristic for MIQP models. QP simplex, Fixed segmentation fault in greedy heuristic, Correctly error out in distributed MIP if model contains Euclidean norm constraints as non-convex, Fixed performance bug in the LP-based MIR cut separator, Fixed performance bug in Compute Server message handling that can lead to network Fixed segmentation fault when writing models with lazy constraints Gurobi--Error code: 10005. Unable to retrieve attribute solved 'Pi' I am trying to retrieve some Gurobi attributes for through MOI.get() function with direct_model() enabled. Fixed a bug with different objective value, after solution is uncrushed, for models with general constraints.
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