News that we share includes innovative technologies, community service, environmental stewardship, new and exciting projects, promotions, employee spotlights, and more. Learn major intelligence collection disciplines and their application to analytical problems faced by governments and private sector. Associate Dean, Ridge College of Intelligence Studies and Applied Sciences, Program Director, Criminal Justice Administration, Associate Professor 814-824-3675 Lindy Smart, M.S. All Rights Reserved. Stay Connected Join our mailing list to hear how we RISE TO THE CHALLENGE. The war in Ukraine was a wake-up call for many in revealing the ability of non-state actors such as Bellingcat to glean immensely valuable security information from entirely open source data. # whatstartshere. Students and Internships. The TIA is a competitive, all-expenses paid, intensive academic program for UT undergraduate students focused on intelligence and national security in Washington, D.C. TIA 2023 will run from May 16 to 25, 2023. . Since the Second World War, intelligence and security services have played an important role in policy and decision making, particularly with regards to a state's national security. Assess present-day intelligence and national security crises through lens of historical precedents. Intelligence Studies Project Director Steve Slick led 13 UT masters degree candidates in an extensive literature review,, The University of Texas at Austins Global (Dis)Information Lab, led by ISP Fellow Dr. Kiril Avramov, recently released an assessment that Russian state media significantly inflated the reported number of Ukrainian refugees entering Russia. in Intelligence Studies online with a senior research project and internship after you study: Terrorism Competitive Business Intelligence Methods of Financial Investigation and Research Intelligence and National Security Advanced Research and Analysis Writing for Intelligence Designed in a practical sequence, the book begins with the basics of intelligence, progresses through its history, describes best practices, and explores the way the IC looks and operates today.. Brunel University London. PhD opportunities in Intelligence and Security Studies. Executive Director, Intelligence Studies 814-824-3024 Peter Correa, M.S. To secure its economic foundation and retain technology leadership, the U.S. needs a techno-industrial strategy (#TIS) - a new public-private initiative to shore up systemic factors that support . It focuses on questions on a variety of topics related to intelligence, from cyber threats to the details of government infrastructure for assessing intelligence information. Luke Estes & Marcie Legarde. In May 2022, ISP hosted the Texas Intelligence Academy (TIA), an intensive academic program focused on intelligence and national security in Washington D.C. A cohort of 15 undergraduate students from UT-System institutions participated in lectures and social events with distinguished scholars and practitioners, simulation exercises, and visited the National Security Agency, Capitol Hill, and Gettysburg National Military Park. Supplementary files for the paper 'The Methodology of Studying Fairness Perceptions in Artificial Intelligence: Contrasting CHI and FAccT', to appear in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. As with all Intelligence Project seminars, the study group operates under Chatham House Rules. Once again, a strong majority of Americans (59 percent) said the IC plays a vital role in protecting the country, including 60 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of Democrats, and 57 percent of independents. in Intelligence Studies is an applied graduate major designed to train a "next generation" of information and intelligence professionals for the private and public sectors. Learn from the Best. This report describes an action research project improving student academic reading achievement. Executive Director, Clements Center for National Security, Director, Strauss Center for International Security and Law, Director, Strauss Program on Technology, Security, and Global Affairs, Senior Fellow, Intelligence Studies Project, Professor of Practice, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Adjunct Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Senior Research Program Manager, Intelligence Studies Project, Senior Advisor, Intelligence Studies Project, Senior National Security Fellow, Intelligence Studies Project, Senior Student Associate, Intelligence Studies Project. But a growing number of scholars are . Analytic Traps: Psychological bias, past is prologue, ethnocentrism, mirror imaging, politicization. The Intelligence Panel - Interim Panel Report (IPR) is the second of six interim report from the overall work that the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP) has conducted over the past year and that was summarized in our Mid-Decade Challenges to National Competitiveness report published on 12 September 2022. - Bobby R. Inman, former Director of the National Security Agency and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, - Robert M. Gates, former Secretary of Defense and Director of Central Intelligence, Language Analysis of Disinformation Reveals a Significant Use of Certain Rhetoric, ISP Now Accepting Applications for Texas Intelligence Academy 2023, 2022 Bobby R. Inman Award Winners Announced, ISP Welcomes Brumley Next Generation Fellows Liz Wong and David Johnson for the 2022-2023 Academic Year, ISP-Sponsored Report on Election Security Released, UTs Global (Dis)Information Lab Reports on Inflated Russian Refugee Claims, ISP Successfully Wraps Up Texas Intelligence Academy 2022, Call for Papers: 2022 Bobby R. Inman Award for Student Scholarship on Intelligence, ISP Senior Advisor John Brennan in Conversation on Intelligence & National Security Houston, TX. Associate Dean, Ridge College of Intelligence Studies and Applied Sciences, Program Director, Criminal Justice Administration, Associate Professor 814-824-3675 Lindy Smart, M.S. 3 fiant inoghe. The event was co-sponsored by the Strauss Center, Clements Center and the LBJ School of Public Affairs. Moderator: Robert Hutchings, Walt and Elspeth Rostow Chair in National Security and Professor of Public Affairs at the LBJ School of Public Affairs The Intelligence Studies Project (ISP) was established in 2013 as a joint venture of theClements Center for National Security and the Strauss Center for International Security and Law. ISP hosts an annual Spring Symposium and invites speakers in the national security and intelligence fields to discuss important intelligence topics. All Rights Reserved. You'll be ready to anticipate and lead responses to security threats in an ever-changing, challenging global environment. Examine counterintelligence issues to include insider threats and cyber espionage. In 2020, Dr. Avramov was appointed as an assistant professor in the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies. Contemporary Security, Intelligence and Terrorism Studies. On March 28, 2019, the Intelligence Studies Project hosted its fifth annual spring "Intelligence in Transition" symposium, anchored by a keynote address by Susan Gordon, the principal deputy director of national intelligence. Registration is required. Be ready to step into exciting roles as an intelligence professional in the private sector with skills and experience. See All Topics Latest in Intelligence Studies Essay Dr. Maria Robson-Morrow, Intelligence Project Program Coordinator, Contact The U.S. Office of Personnel Management estimates that 15,000 and 17,000 jobs are . HOXAI is an interdisciplinary project by the LIT Robopsychology and the Visual Data Science Lab at the Johannes Kepler University Linz in Linz, Austria. The term exists primarily as a general description for what are, in the practice of scholarship, many heterogeneous fields of research, encompassing both the social sciences and the humanities. Resumen I instruct on project management. Recanati-Kaplan Fellows Program: The Intelligence Project sponsors the Recanati-Kaplan Foundation Fellows Program, which educates the next generation of thought leaders in national and international intelligence and supports their research to develop policy-relevant knowledge for the most pressing security issues. Discussions with active and retired intelligence practitioners, scholars of intelligence history, law, and other disciplines, help students and Fellows prepare to best use the information available through intelligence agencies while avoiding the pitfalls of over-reliance on intelligence products in making policy. In spite of unprecedented animus from President Trump, Americans overwhelmingly consider intelligence agencies effective, according to a poll directed by LBJ's Steve Slick and Josh Busby. The Intelligence Study Group is designed for students considering careers in government or private sector intelligence, as well as for those interested in a broad introduction to the use and abuse of intelligence. That historic meeting of comrades, united in the face of common threats, is the inspiration for the creation of the Elbe Group to maintain an open and continuous channel of communication on sensitive issues of US-Russian relations. To make an academic study of matters inherently secret and potentially explosive seems a tall task. Researchers are now developing chemical pre-treatment for plastics to make the break down process faster in the Degradable Polyolefins project. Full event video and after-event thoughts from the panelists. Virtually all countries have access to some renewable energy resources (especially solar and wind power) and could thus substitute foreign supply with local resources. Be taught by professionals with backgrounds in national security and financial investigation who have affiliations with federal agencies like the FBI. The Intelligence Studies Project of The University of Texas at Austin announces the fifth annual competition recognizing outstanding student research and writing on topics related to intelligence and national security. Area studies (also regional studies) are interdisciplinary fields of research and scholarship pertaining to particular geographical, national/federal, or cultural regions. Public Attitudes on US Intelligence: Annual Poll Reflects Bipartisan Confidence Despite Presidential Antagonism: Public Attitudes on U.S. Intelligence: Annual Poll Reflects Bipartisan Confidence Despite Presidential Antagonism, Results of ISP's Second Annual Public Opinion Poll on US Intelligence. The Master of Science (M.S.) Americans in the youngest generational cohort analyzed here (millennials) are less likely to see the IC as playing a vital role in warning against foreign threats and less likely to say the IC is effective in preventing terrorist attacks. UT Austin students and alumni, students from other universities, general public. The Intelligence Studies Project (ISP) was established in 2013 as a joint venture of theClements Center for National Security and the Strauss Center for International Security and Law. This major shares a core with the Cybersecurity Intelligence and Information Security, M.S. The focus of this project is interdisciplinary research on explainable artificial intelligence by conducting a row of user studies. National Security Career Fair hosted by Intelligence Studies Project. The idea of "intelligence studies" provides the overarching context, but among those working within the field, understandings vary as to precisely what it is or should be. The evidence for existence of the problem included student surveys, assessments, teacher observations and checklists. The Intelligence Project acquaints students and Fellows with the intelligence community and its strengths and weaknesses for policy making. Despite a barrage of antagonism from the president including rejecting the judgment of the U.S. intelligence community (IC) on Russia's interference in the 2016 elections, attacking U.S. intelligence agencies and their former leaders and accusing the IC of spying on his campaign most Americans, including Republicans, continue to express confidence in the IC. This article offers answers to each of these questions and identifies the main areas of work within contemporary intelligence studies in terms of four projects: the research/historical, the definitional/methodological, the organizational/functional, and the governance/policy. This is an opportune. The TIA 2022 cohort comprised 14 undergraduate students from UT-Austin, UT-El, The Intelligence Studies Project of The University of Texas at Austin announces the 8th annual competition recognizing outstanding student research and writing on topics related to intelligence and national security. The Study Group will use historical examples (Applied History), current readings, and discussion to examine how intelligence enhances policy decision-making, where it fails, and the differences between intelligence in liberal democracies and one-party states. Intelligence Studies Project (512) 232-6977 2315 Red River Street, Austin,TX 78712 . The Intelligence Studies Project is now accepting applications to participate in Texas Intelligence Academy (TIA) 2023. The PlastBug project has investigated how microbes with their enzymes can break down and digest different types of plastics and turn them into biodegradable materials such as fatty acids. This qualitative study explored faculty members' and senior level administrators' views of intelligence studies, communities of practice, and learning approaches. With the disbandment of #NSCAI in October of 2021, the urgency for the U.S. to be #AIReady is now more important than ever. He is now director of the Intelligence Studies Project within the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin. Melissa Graves, J.D., M.A., serves as project coordinator and instructor at the University of Mississippi's Center for . The Intelligence Studies Project is sending off a cohort of extremely talented UT students, now better informed on the intelligence community and how it works with other elements of the government to keep our nation safe. intv326 provides students with an introduction to intelligence analysis and how intelligence professionals can incorporate tradecraft, including critical thinking and structured analytical techniques, to challenge judgements, identify mental mindsets, stimulate creativity, and manage uncertainty within the framework of providing sound assessments Apply analytic methodologies and identify common impediments to accurate intelligence analysis. The overarching question imparting urgency to this exploration is: Can U.S.-Russian contention in cyberspace cause the two nuclear superpowers to stumble into war? Our student programs allow you to learn more about NSA, deepen your career field knowledge and collect a paycheck or scholarship money. Information Session: October 20, 2022; 5:00 to 6:00PM; Location: Flawn Academic Center (FAC) 430. The project is funded by State of Upper Austria and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and . Rolf . He currently serves as the Director of UT-Austin's Global (Dis)Information Lab. Established in 2013, ISP aims to make UT Austin a premier center for the study of the US Intelligence. This year's Symposium "Intelligence in Transition" featured a keynote address by the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Susan Gordon. Edited by Martin Bak Jrgensen, Marie Sandberg and myself! Study Group Facilitators: 7. Key Facts. Over the course of 11 sessions, participants will become familiar with intelligence history, methodology, organizations, and practice. Join the Intelligence Project for a session in which we will hear from experienced private sector professionals from 3AI, C4ADS, Zero Trafficking, and Public Democracy, each speaking to a national security-level issue they have addressed with the right open source or commercial data and the right analytical approach. Ethicsin liberal democraciesgoverning intelligence collection(spying) and covert actions. Explore the use and abuse of intelligence by governments-- both democratic and dictatorial-- and the impact that intelligence can have on international affairs. HKS will never sell your email address or other information to a third party. You will complete your B.A. The recipient, Two Strauss Center for International Security and Law Brumley Next Generation Fellows will be conducting research in the coming academic year under the direction of ISP principals. ILP ranges from the tactical level all the way to the strategic level of selecting which crimes the police should focus their . Building on multi-disciplinary research being conducted at the Belfer Center, from history to human rights and cyber technologies, the Intelligence Project links intelligence agencies with Belfer researchers, Faculty, and Kennedy School students, to enrich their education and impact public policy. *An information session will be held, The Intelligence Studies Project of the University of Texas at Austin is pleased to announce the winner and two semifinalists in the eighth-annual competition recognizing outstanding student research and writing on topics related to intelligence and national security. The inaugural TIA was offered in May 2018. the Strauss Center for International Security and Law. The Intelligence Studies Project will position the University of Texas at Austin to be a leading academic center on U.S. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Experience the best study abroad programs in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Students conducted dozens of research interviews and briefed their findings and recommendations to senior IC officials and Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff members. Published as Open . Amsterdam, The Netherlands Project Artificial Intelligence study abroad course, Academic Year 1 2023. All communications will include the opportunity to unsubscribe. Analysis of probable cause data revealed some students were . APU's programs are online with 24/7 access . 2022 Intelligence Studies Project. By Peter Monaghan. Intelligence Studies. His observations helped listeners gain . A bachelor's degree in intelligence studies from American Public University (APU) provides you with a strong foundation in intelligence gathering, analysis, and operations, preparing you for the complexities of the U.S. intelligence community, as well as security and corporate intelligence sectors. Description: Intelligence Led Policing (ILP) is a law enforcement model that aims to inform police-work related decision making with intelligence analysis and to enable a shift from reactive to proactive policing. Students. Shortly after its establishment,ISP launched the "Bobby R. Inman Award" competition to recognize outstanding student scholarship in the field of intelligence. The members of the Elbe Group are senior retired military and intelligence flag officers, all of whom have strong connections back into their governments. ISP hosted its first post-doctoral research fellow, Dr. Kiril Avramov, during the 2018-19 academic year. The University of Texas at Austin's Intelligence Studies Project (ISP) hosted its fifth annual Intelligence Studies Project Symposium. Gain an understanding of the intelligence cycle and its relevance to the government and private sector, including the relationship between intelligence professionals and their policy maker customers. Happy to see this book finally published. On March 30, 2022, Ylli Bajraktari CEO of the Special Competitive Studies Project attended the Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Europe conference hosted by MEP Dragos Tudorache. AMU has a longstanding military legacy. The Intelligence Cycle:from initial tasking to final intelligence assessment; customers and stakeholders;what are the questions? Key Dates. Definitions of counterintelligence (CI), counterespionage and counter-surveillance, Insider Threats Espionage, Workplace Violence, Cyber and Terror, Vetting and validation tools investigation, polygraph, ops tests, AldrichAmes,Robert Hanssen, EdwardSnowden,JerryLee, Intel providers, consumers, and policy customers, Barriers to effective use of intelligence, Getting it right: systems, products, relationships, and trust, Compare and contrast ofintelligenceusein one partydictatorshipsandliberal democracies, Russia, China, and authoritarian systems: FSBandMSS, Authorities, legitimacy, accountability, and transparency, Copyright 2022 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Dr. Michael Miner, Harvard Lecturer and Intelligence Project Research Associate . The Master of Science (M.S.) Sign up to receive emails from the Belfer Centers Intelligence Project: Harvard Kennedy School is committed to protecting your personal information. This year's report was co-authored with Kingsley Burns, a recent graduate of the LBJ School of Public Affairs and Brumley Next Generation Fellow. . Core Text: Lowenthal, Mark M,Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, 9th edition (2022). The security and intelligence studies degree at Bellevue University is offered both online and on campus, so you can find the best way to reach your goals on with a timeline that works for you. Applicants will be considered on a rolling basis. It is one of the leading authorities in the intelligence field. You will study concepts such as security, surveillance and terrorism threats . This PRP, led by ISP Director Steve Slick, was undertaken on behalf of policy clients at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Develop understanding of covert action principles and techniques and assess their relevance and limitations. American Military University (AMU)'s BA in Intelligence Studies offers real-world insight from faculty with experience in the U.S. intelligence community, the military, security enterprises, and corporate intelligence. this thesis will look at whether social revolution monitoring now requires the intelligence gleaned from social media studies of the orange revolution in ukraine in 2004 and the 2014 ukrainian revolution are utilized in this thesis to demonstrate if hypervisibility as a result of social media usage can impact social revolution, and A digital marketing expert with special interest in Search Engine optimization. 3 were here. Information on previous ISP symposiums are found below: ISP will continue hosting IC leaders and distinguished experts at public events in Austin. The essay's text was approved by CIA's Publication Review Board. I am the Director of Studies, Artificial Intelligence technologies (AITECH Abuja). The Intelligence Studies Project (ISP) was established in 2013 as a joint venture of theClements Center for National Security and the Strauss Center for International Security and Law. Participants will: Participation is limited to 30 students determined by application. UT-Austin's Global -Dis-Information Lab partnered with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency to analyze refugee vehicle movements in Eastern Ukraine. During the 2021-22 academic year, ISP sponsored a Policy Research Project (PRP) at the LBJ School of Public Affairs on, Shortly after its establishment,ISP launched the ", Intelligence and National Security in American Society, Intelligence Reform and Counterterrorism after a Decade. During the 2021-22 academic year, ISP sponsored a Policy Research Project (PRP) at the LBJ School of Public Affairs on Intelligence in Defense of Democracy. He can be reached at Executive Director, Intelligence Studies 814-824-3024 Peter Correa, M.S. The application window will run from Friday, August 12,to Wednesday, September 7. It is an unprecedented gathering of senior veterans from the Russias Federal Security Service (FSB), Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU), Ministry of Defense, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and Department of Defense (DoD). Intelligence Studies, 2019-2020. Employers. Application Open: October 1, 2022. Team Archive | Intelligence Studies Project Stephen B. Slick Director, Intelligence Studies Project Read More Dr. William Inboden Executive Director, Clements Center for National Security Read More Adam I. Klein Director, Strauss Center for International Security and Law Director, Strauss' Program on Technology, Security, and Global Affairs Paul Kolbe, Director of the Belfer Centers Intelligence Project Robert . Intelligence Studies Project (ISP) While IC leaders will likely be reassured by the poll's outcome, the report's authors warn that those leaders should pay close attention to wide variations that emerge among generational groups, particularly among younger Americans whose attitudes may be malleable but are shaped by formative experiences. (617) 495-1400, Telling Black Stories: What We All Can Do, Open Source Intelligence for National Security: The Art of the Possible, Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship, US-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism, Intelligence Study Group Application Form, Assistant Director for Research, Intelligence Project, Assistant Director, Applied History Project, Program Manager for the Intelligence Project, Recanati-Kaplan Fellows, and Elbe Group, Former Director, Project on Saudi and Gulf Cooperation Council Security, Former Non-Resident Fellow, Cyber Project, Non-Resident Fellow, Intelligence Project, Former Non-Resident Fellow, Intelligence Project, Former Senior Fellow, Intelligence Project, Former Senior Resident Recanati-Kaplan Fellow. Discuss why intelligence failures occur and what can be done to prevent them. Professor James Olson has used his lengthy career as a CIA undercover operative to teach intelligence. 2mo. He has identified 8 common intelligences including 1) logic-math, 2) visual-spatial, 3) music-rhythm, 4) verbal-linguistic, 5) bodily-kinesthetic, 6) interpersonal, 7) intrapersonal, and 8) naturalistic ( Gardner, 1985 ). intelligence. Dr. Avramov conducted research on Russian "active measures." In considering this question we were constantly reminded of recent comments by a prominent U.S. arms control expert: At least as dangerous as the risk of an actual cyberattack, he observed, is cyber operations blurring of the line between peace and war. Or, as Nye wrote, in the cyber realm, the difference between a weapon and a non-weapon may come down to a single line of code, or simply the intent of a computer programs user.. The Bush School has produced more than 300 graduates for careers in the intelligence profession to date. Intelligence - Interim Panel Report. Request Demo. Read more. The report was completed in collaboration, The University of Texas at Austins Intelligence Studies Project hosted the third running of the Texas Intelligence Academy (TIA) from May 22 to June 1, 2022 in Washington, D.C. Stephen B. Slick is Director of the Intelligence Studies Project, a joint partnership between the William P. Clements Center for National Security and the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. | Strategic Warning, with Opening Remarks by Amy McAuliffe, National Intelligence Council Chair.
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