How To Use: For accurate usage and coverage requirements for your turf you can download the Scotts turf measuring app for free. Don't be alarmed if your bermuda is brown from October to April. The mower setting should be around 1 inch high. A soil test will help determine if a fertilizer containing phosphorus, the middle number in the fertilizer analysis, is sufficient for the lawn. bermuda lawn care schedule - Bermuda Lawn Guide Bermuda Lawn Cheat Sheet This VERY COMPRESSED yearly summary can be downloaded and shared with all your neighbors and HOAs. Bermuda grass lawns generally need 4-5 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet each year, regardless of the brand of fertilizer you purchase. The date of initial turf greenup can be quite variable. Each calendar discusses the best practices for mowing, fertilizing, irrigation, weed control, insect control, thatch removal, and renovation. The combination of seed (that absorbs an impressive 6X its weight in water) and slow-release feed that jump-starts growth means I can love my dogs and my Bermuda grass at the same time. Each one brings something different to the party and offers a unique formula and application method. Whatever you need to make your lawn look its best this summer, Ive got you covered. Large patch and dollar spot are fungal diseases that occur during warm, wet weather. Bermuda Grass Monthly Maintenance Schedule 12 Gear You Need To Buy 9 Insect Damage to Grass 7 Fertilizer Info 8 Herbicide Info 7 Pesticide Info 1 Soil Amendment Info 3 Sprinkler Info 1 Bermuda Grass Monthly Maintenance Schedule Bermuda grass lawn care is all about timing. Be aware, it could take several months for lime and sulfur applications to begin to affect the soil pH. Simply attach to the end of your garden hose and spray. If more than six grubs are found under the sod piece, apply a lawn insecticide labelled for grub control according to label directions. While the plants generally die with the first frost of fall, new plants emerge from crabgrass seeds in May or . (Preferably Nitro-Phos Imperial 15-5-10) Southwest Fertilizer also has a proprietary 15-5-10 Southwest Lawn. Since they are fueled by moisture, it is important to use proper watering practices, as well as provide adequate soil drainage. However, quinclorac applications may cause a temporary yellowing of bermudagrass. You can apply granular fertilizer using a broadcast fertilizer spreader or a hand held spreader. Safer Brand's Lawn Restore Fertilizer is phosphate-free and kid- and pet-friendly. When gathering our list of top picks for bermuda grass fertilizer, we made sure to include as many types as possible to offer shoppers a range of options from granules to liquid sprayseach with their own unique benefits depending on what users are looking for. Also, where intense use has thinned the turf, a late-season application of a com-plete fertilizer will hasten turf recovery. As with all pest control, proper weed identification is essential. All recommendations are for South Carolina conditions and may not apply to other areas. Zoysiagrass Calendar Bermudagrass Calendar FESCUE Calendar FAQs Apply a com-plete fertilizer in the fall at a rate of 1 pound of nitro-gen per 1,000 square . Apply fertilizer three to five times during the growing season. For more pest management information, see HGIC 2156, White Grub Management in Turfgrass, HGIC 2155, Mole Cricket Management in Turfgrass, HGIC 2158, Bermudagrass Mite, and HGIC 2157, Bermudagrass Scale, Rhodesgrass Mealybug & Ground Pearl. Simply attach the jug to your hose and evenly spray across your entire lawn for an even effect. About Us, Copyright 2000-2023 Outsidepride Seed Source, LLC, Sweet Spot Deer Food Plot Seed - Northern Mix, Sweet Spot Deer Food Plot Seed - Southern Mix, Beneficial Insectary Wild Flower Seed Mix, Dryland Drought Tolerant Wild Flower Seed Mix. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status and is an equal opportunity employer. To add to that, this lawn care treatment contains potassium and humic acid that work to not only provide robust growth but also increase the health of your lawn and encourage strong root formation. Contact the local County Extension Office or the Home & Garden Information Center for identification and control of weeds in the lawn. In spring, this means beginning our fertilizing schedule after the last predicted frost with a low- or no-nitrogen feed. These granules can be applied to either a wet or dry lawn without affecting the performance and results. As with most grasses, the highly prized Bermuda thrives on lots of nitrogen which it uses to form all those bright green blades. By Glenda Taylor | Updated May 16, 2022 10:50 AM. However, there can be exceptions. Cleveland; Indiana; Kentucky & Columbus, OH; Its so nice when we, as homeowners, can enjoy the same professional-grade results as golf courses and sports turfs without the hefty price tag. endobj
If you learn how to make the plant and your soil healthy it will spread like CRAZY and often in one full season, you can start to see a great looking lawn. Now, see how much of the needed fertilizer is left. So, in order for us to enjoy a beautiful lawn, the first step is to rid it of weeds that may hinder growth. Do not apply lime to Bermuda without a . Turf, Fertilizer. For a boost of healthy growth, consider Scotts Southern Turf Builder Lawn Food with a nitrogen-rich NPK ratio of 32-0-10. If the turf at the edge of the dying area shows a smoky brown, rotted appearance, it will be necessary to apply a fungicide treatment. Clover Seed, Should Bermuda grass be cut short in spring? CLICK HERE for the ORGANIC lawn care schedule. Overall, proper water management and thatch control is essential to curtail large patch and dollar spot problems. 2020-04-24T00:07:05.996-04:00 The efficient nutrient absorption and processing provided my lawn with a thick, green appearance in just 6 to 14 days. Late spring (March to April) and early summer (June to July) are perfect seasons for fertilizing because of the warm temperatures. Another method is to walk across the lawn late in the evening. Once the warm season begins and temps are steadily in the mid-60s, the grass will start growing again and it's time to kickstart your lawn care. It comes in a large 14-pound bag and offers plenty of coverageup to 5,000 square feetand is very easy to apply. A soil probe can be used to monitor the soil moisture. Selective herbicides can also be applied during winter for control of annual bluegrass and other winter annual grassy weeds. Pennington Smart Seed Bermuda Grass Seed And Fertilizer, 8. Our patented nano-fertilizers with Catalyst TechnologyTM give your bermuda grass lawn the jump-start it needs to emerge from dormancy, green up fast and thrive throughout the spring months. If you apply more than the recommended amount, your lawn will not be any darker green, it will only grow faster and you will have to mow more often. Todetermine the amount of fertilizer product required to apply 1.0 pound of nitrogen per thousand square feet,divide 1.0 by the first number (%) in the fertilizer ratio. Follow fertilizer recommendations on soil test report. Each pest problem will have its own management strategy and is usually handled with cultural and chemical controls. Get the Milorganite fertilizer at Amazon, The Home Depot, Lowes, and Walmart. This is not the best time to apply an insecticide for insect control because of cool soil temperatures and reduced insect activity. As the spring weather warms up, I give our lawns a healthy dose of this product. The 16-4-8 NPK ratio optimizes effectiveness with the addition of humic and fulvic acids. Please read our affiliatesdisclosurepage to find out more. The added potassium will help the grass resist disease and remain strong before going dormant for the winter. You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence. First, youll need a seed spreader. Two cups of granular fertilizer weight about 1 pound. Feel good about applying Milorganite Organic Fertilizer that packs a nitrogen-rich punch without any synthetic or chemical ingredients. Nutsedges are controlled by imazaquin, halosulfuron, or sulfentrazone. In certain situations where large patch has been prevalent yearly, preventative fungicide applications may be needed starting in early October to stay a head of the disease. Read Why Use Lawnifi Fertilizer? Offering Sounds great, especially if your goal is to get things done in less time. Weve discussed some great fertilizer options that cover a wide variety of growing scenarios that demonstrate the best practices for both new and established lawns. 1. It's also when your warm season lawn is waking up and looking for it's first shot of nitrogen. In most communities, growers can take soil samples to their local County Extension Agency for a comprehensive soil test and nutrient recommendations. Copyright 2023 Clemson UniversityClemson Cooperative Extension | 103 Barre Hall Clemson, SC 29634864-986-4310 | 1-888-656-9988 (SC residents only) | Contact, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, Centipedegrass Yearly Maintenance Program. If your lawn is 5,000 square feet, it will need 33 pounds of 15-5-10 fertilizer. Spraying with iron (ferrous) sulfate) at 2 ounces in 3 to 5 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet or applying a chelated iron product will help to enhance turf color. Potassium is important for disease resistance and cold weather hardiness. This article may include affiliate links to Amazon or other partner websites where we may earn a small commission on purchases made. Mowing. Aeration improves grass rooting, improves fertilizer use, reduces soil compaction and improves your lawn's drought tolerance. Mowing: Continue to mow the bermudagrass lawn at the normal mowing height until the weather starts to cool in the fall. Mid-summer: Depending on the soil type, fertilize with to 1 pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in June or July using a fertilizer that is also high in potassium, such as a 15-0-15. If this document didnt answer your questions, please contact HGIC at or 1-888-656-9988. Fertilize bermudagrass every six weeks thereafter until mid-September. <>stream
Broadleaf summer weeds, such as spurge and annual lespedeza, are controlled by using a 3-way, broadleaf weed herbicide. Do not apply herbicides in summer unless the temperature is below 90 F. first winter after its been planted. Soluble nitrogen is available to the Bermuda Grass plant immediately while slow release nitrogen becomes available over a period of two to three months. Several commercial turf fertilizers work well on Bermuda grass. I have no reservation whatsoever in recommending Simple Lawn Solutions liquid lawn fertilizer as my first choice. For a fall application, use a lawn fertilizer containing potassium as well as nitrogen, such as a 15-0-8 formulation. Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Follow label directions as to post application watering. Unfortunately, the average bag of fertilizer does not tell you how much actual nitrogen it contains in the bag, it is easy to calculate, though, using two simple pieces of information: the N-P-K ratio and the weight of the bag. In addition, the majority of spreaders will clog, break and jam. Lawn caretakers can take their pick based on their preference for a certain application type or natural versus chemical ingredients. Clay soils, however, will hold moisture for a longer period. If the grass in the footprints do not rebound, then water the next morning. Get the Scotts Turf fertilizer on Amazon and at Walmart. I hope this list has given you some great feed ideas for your particular region and climate. Nitrogen application should be limited to the summer months. If a weed problem begins and the grass has begun to green with warmer temperatures, wait until the grass has fully greened before applying a post-emergent herbicide. 1 Though both are warm-season plants, crabgrass is an annual grass (and troublesome weed), whereas Bermuda grass is a perennial grass and can make for an attractive turf. Depending on the type of seed used and environmental factors, germination could occur within 14 days. As temperatures start to warm in late spring, monitor for mole cricket activity. Here, Ive compiled a list of 8 picks for the best fertilizers for Bermuda grass which encompasses most other varieties of tropical turf. 2. Use the Bermuda Grass Calendar below to better understand how to care for your Bermuda grass lawn. To determine amount of product required to apply 1 pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, divide 100 by the first number on the fertilizer bag. Fertilizer Calculations: To determine amount of granular fertilizer needed to apply pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, divide 50 by the first number on the fertilizer bag. Native to equatorial countries, it became fashionable in Europe for its ability to hold up against polo matches and hunting activities, all while maintaining a relatively pristine appearance. The need for phosphorus is determined by the soil test. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. That's the best time. Commercial lawn and yard fertilizers contain premeasured quantities of nitrogen (N), which stimulates leafy green growth; phosphorus (P), which plays a vital role in flower and fruit production; and potassium (K), which boosts overall plant health. Especially, when used following the application of a weed removal product. Keep grass blades 1/2 inch to 2 inches long. A lawn fertilizer schedule for Bermuda grass lawns. Heres why. 2) Lesco 19-0-7. Start the season by mowing the lawn at a height of 1 to 1 inches based on a bench mark setting. Because it is a warm-season grass, bermuda grass will grow and be green during the summer, then may go dormant and turn brown during the winter in areas with cool winters. See it here: There you can download the lawn fer. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. EARLY-FALL: fertilize your Bermuda grass lawn again in late August early September. Lime or sulfur may be added if recommended by a recent soil test. instant lawn that will be ready for play and pets within a week. Do not allow the lawn to stay excessively wet if the lawn has a clay soil. Apply at the rate of 1.5 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet. Follow all directions, precautions and restrictions that are listed. Disease Control: For disease control, especially large patch, it is extremely important to treat with fungicides during the fall months. For more information on turfgrass watering, see HGIC 1225, Conservative Turfgrass Irrigation. Consider dethatching bermudagrass when the thatch layer is greater than inch. The second is to properly compensate for what the soil beneath lacks. CLICK THE PIC TO DOWNLOAD Compost topdressing with Soil3 and aerating in the spring, after spring green up, can supply one of Tifway's fertilizer applications for the year. Bermuda thrives on a neutral to alkaline soil with a pH range of 6 to 7. Irrigation: During dormancy, water the lawn to prevent excessive dehydration. Dial in at 713-212-KTRH (5874). In most cases, yes. Turf weakened by disease in fall will be slow to recover in the spring; therefore, fungicide applications are needed to control disease before the grass goes dormant. Simple Lawn Solutions Lawn Energizer Micronutrient, Simple Lawn Solutions Maximum Green High Nitrogen, 11 Garden Fence Ideas That Will Complement Any Landscape, The Best Weed Killers for Bermuda Grass of 2022, Solved! I recommend using this for your 2nd application as soil temps hit 65 degrees. %PDF-1.6
These plans give you all the expert guidance you need to perfect your turf care plan, from seed and pre-emergent to herbicides, pesticides and more. Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 1 Mar 2023 19:35:12 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. If the damage is minimal, wait before applying an insecticide. Benefits: Prevents the growth of weeds before they emerge Kills weeds such as crabgrass, dandelion, and clover Made from organic corn . The following schedule will help to maintain a consistent level of nutrients in the soil so that your lawn will be healthy throughout the growing season. This granular fertilizer goes in a push-spreader. Apply an insecticide to reduce the population and reduce further turf damage. Apply this at least 4 to 6 weeks before the first expected frost for the best effect. But if you want a beautiful, healthy, drought-tolerant, and use-tolerant lawn, then youll want to weed and feed separately. The following fertilizers bring out the best in lawns, and any one of them will help a Bermuda grass lawn thrive. Customer Reviews: Disappointed customers attempting to grow lush lawns in really sandy soil were absolutely thrilled to see how the higher levels of phosphorus in this product rejuvenated their lawns. That includes arming you with turf care tips you need to overcome high heat pests and disease while building a better business. Always mow with a sharp mower blade using a mulching type mower, which leaves the clippings to decompose on the turf. Bermudagrass has excellent wear, drought, and salt tolerance and can withstand low temperatures by transitioning into dormancy. The resulting ragged ends on the blades make the grass more susceptible to diseases. Despite challenging weather circumstances, we can still depend on seasonal changes. Drought tolerant and not picky about the soil in which it grows, Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon)makes a great lawn. If this sounds a little off, youre right! Mow every 1-2 weeks as needed. If your lawn is less than 4000 square feet, remove the mount you do not need. Pre-emergent herbicides create a barrier that keeps weed seeds from germinating. Fertilization: Fertilization of bermudagrass should be based on soil test results, and this is a good time to test soil. Flower Seeds, Download a Pro Agronomic Schedule for Your Region. Potassium, commonly known as potash, may be applied to enhance winter hardiness if a soil test indicates insufficient levels of potassium. Scotts Turf Builder Lawn Fertilizer 24-25-4, 5. Fertilizers containing nitrogen stimulate bermudagrass growth and result in a darker green lawn. A perfect blend of nutrients to kick-start your lawn. Even in warmer climates, feeding should start with a low-nitrogen NPK so as not to shock the roots after being dormant all winter. This will help to correct problems associated with poor infiltration and drainage. The practice of compost topdressing with Soil3 is true organic lawn care. The only time to wait would be after heavy rain when water is still running off the lawn because the fertilizer could wash away. Each season provides us with the opportunity to support the health of our lawns in different ways. The new formula for this fertilizer is more effective against dandelion and clover control. Click here for The Andersons Professional Fertilizer from For more information on weed control, please see HGIC 2310, Managing Weeds in Warm-Season Lawns. It's fast-acting and lasts about 8 weeks. However, an early warm-up can lead to significant mole cricket activity. P. B P Overseeding . For the best long-term results, consider having the soil tested for deficiencies and add additional nutrients as needed. Zoysia grass is a warm-season grass hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 to 10, with many cultivars that produce a beautiful, dense lawn in the spring, summer and fall. Corn Gluten Meal Liquid Pre-Emergent Weed Control is a natural and effective solution to prevent the growth of weeds in your lawn and garden. At this time of year, Bermuda benefits most from 2 to 4 lbs of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft of sod. Mowing: The ideal mowing height for bermudagrass is from 1 to 2 inches depending on the specific site and management regime and is best determined by the conditions in the lawn. When used with a hose attachment, nutrients are carried through the soil where the biggest benefit is how fast nutrients reach the roots. If you prefer a granular feed, then Scotts Southern Turf Builder Lawn Food will do a fantastic job. Proven. The best variety . (To determine the amount needed to apply For example, if you are using a 15-5-10 fertilizer, then 6.6 pounds of fertilizer per 1,000 square feet will be needed. For example, an NPK ratio of 16-0-8 contains 16 percent nitrogen, no phosphorus, and 8 percent potassium. Our research showed us that different fertilizers require a variety of feeding schedules, from anywhere between every few weeks, to only during the growing months, to all year round. Fertilizing in the morning allows the soil to take in the most nutrients, soak in the morning dew and take advantage of cooler temperatures. Each blade converts rays of sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. Lastly, in terms of budget, we made sure to include some large-volume options for those with large lawns to take care of, while also including some lower-volume options for shoppers not looking to store large quantities of fertilizer. For more information on aerification, refer to HGIC 1200, Aerating Lawns and HGIC 1226, Turfgrass Cultivation. Insect Control: There are various insect pests that may attack bermudagrass during the summer months. Herb Seeds, xX]o+h?7
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yC'&"<6;{07)6blR. Bermuda grass will show quick results (within days) and thrive when fed with this fertilizer, which has a NPK ratio of 30-0-6. If grubs (the white larvae of beetles, such as Japanese beetles) have been a problem in previous years, monitor the grubs by cutting a square foot piece of sod on three sides and peel it back. Soils in the Upstate are typically acidic and usually do not need sulfur applications, but they likely may benefit from lime applications. In order to make an informed decision, a basic understanding of how each works and affects your environment can make all the difference. After about 2 weeks, you should notice that the bermudagrass is overcoming the ryegrass. They cant believe the results! 2019-03-15T15:26:50-04:00 With Bermuda grass, you will want to apply 1.5 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet. The irrigation interval will vary from site to site depending on the environmental conditions at that site and soil type. Many grassy weeds are controlled by quinclorac applications. This lawn fertilizer by Miracle-Gro is a good choice for Bermuda grass because it is high in nitrogen and iron, therefore putting focus on achieving a dark green color. Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food, 5 lb. 12868 HWY.105 WEST, CONROE TX 77304. . | He has been giving advice about lawns, gardens, and outdoor living in this unique climate for over 35 years. A 1-gallon container will treat 6,400 Sq. Each blade converts rays of sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. The document includes a month-by-month lawn care calendar indexed to in-depth explanations of each topic within the document. Either way, make sure the fertilizer contains slow release nitrogen and apply at the rate of 1.5 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet. During periods of environmental stress due to high temperatures or a lack of rainfall, raise the mowing height until the stress is eliminated. Fertilize warm-season lawns from green-up in April to the first of September. Buy on Amazon Buy on Home Depot Buy on Walmart. Wait to irrigate again when the lawn shows moisture stress. LESCO. Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons. Full of beneficial microbes, organic feeds enrich your soil right away and often without the risk that comes with over-fertilizing or run-off into nearby water sources, making these well worth the slightly higher price point compared to synthetics. Be careful not to set the mower too low, as it may scalp the lawn. Successfully feeding our Bermuda grass should start with a gentle effort for maximum results. Check out the latest Scotts Turf Builder for Southern Lawns Price here. Each month or groups of months tells you what to do to your bermuda grass lawn. Done with fast-acting 15-5-10 formula. Some of the new hybrid forms of Bermuda grass, such as Midway, Tifway, or Tifgreen, will benefit from more frequent applications. Summary. This energy is then cycled back to the roots, promoting strong and robust growth. See more for Pennington Smart Seed here. Customer Reviews: Experience lawn gardeners are pleased with how well this supplement works for a thick, green effect. 4.3 - 898 Reviews. Check back every month for tips & tricks to creating that lush, green . The first application of fertilizer to bermudagrass should be made in spring when the grass is 50% green OR when soil temperatures are above 65 degrees F. Visit to determine local soil temperature. WINTER: Do not fertilize Bermuda grass in the winter. Plant only in moist, well-prepared, fertilized (500 lbs. The agronomists making these recommendations often have an agenda other than a green and attractive lawn. Fertilizing with a micronutrient fertilizer, such as manganese sulfate, can help alleviate manganese deficiencies. All recommendations for pesticide use are for South Carolina only and were legal at the time of publication, but the status of registration and use patterns are subject to change by action of state and federal regulatory agencies. Southern Turf Builders All-In-One particles help protect against drought and cultivate a thick green lawn. This product is a combined fertilizer and pre-emergent herbicide. (1) Mow at recommended height. 4. Customer Reviews: Home lacrosse players, dog owners, and harsh climate dwellers all report the same thing. Work across the entire lawn until you return to your starting point and turn off the fertilizer spreader. Do not remove more than 1/3 of the grass blade to prevent stress. Monitor the lawn after each mowing. The . 16-20-0) at a rate of 9 pounds per 1000 square feet and increase watering back to a normal summer watering schedule. 197308 Scotts EZ Seed Patch And Repair Bermuda Grass 1-0-0, 4. Most of us dont have lawns that grow in naturally nutrient-rich soil, though. A bag of 12-4-8 fertilizer contains 12% nitrogen, 4% phosphorus, and 8% potassium by weight. Results are typically evident when used on Bermuda grass within 5 to 12 days as the combination of 14-2-4 NPK and iron is absorbed quickly through both foliar intake and roots. Irrigation: In the absence of rainfall, continue to water to prevent drought stress. Feetand is very easy to apply recommendations are for South Carolina conditions and may not herbicides... Acidic and usually do not need sulfur applications, but they likely may benefit lime! Be based on soil test indicates insufficient levels of potassium biggest benefit is how fast nutrients reach the.! Center for identification and control of annual bluegrass and other winter annual grassy weeds thatch control is a time! Is very easy to apply fertilizing, irrigation, weed control is a good time to test soil stress. 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