This conference will highlight new developments and address some of the challenges to ensure our children are kept safe from harm and their welfare protected. CQI Statewide Conference for Child Welfare and Probation | Continuing and Professional Education | Human Services CQI Statewide Conference for Child Welfare and Probation Mar 29-30, 2023 @ 8:00am - 4:30pm UC Davis Conference Center, 550 Alumni Ln, Davis, CA 95616 ENROLL HERE An in-person event Planning is Underway! Submit Conference Information and/or Calls for Papers for your conference. The Conference Attendance Justification Toolkit includes a letter template and breakdowns of the benefits of each conference event to assist you in communicating the value of attending conference to your manager or supervisor. Bringing partners together, creating space to pause and critically reflect on practice. 2023 Child Life Conference Mark your calendars now for June 15-18 and join us at the 2023 Child Life Conference! Running online across the whole week of the 21st of November, topics at this years event included: With live Zoom workshops spread over seven days, and with both morning and afternoon sessions to choose between, the conference provided practical, up-to-date information on some of the most pressing welfare rights issues. Prega Govender Journalist. For some time to come, 'natural' migration to UC will continue to be a significant route by which a current claimant of employment and support allowance (ESA) moves to universal credit (UC). WCWPDS - Wisconsin Child Welfare Professional Development System - UW . How do I register for the hotel? Child abuse professionals also learn essential techniques to manage the impact of vicarious trauma. To stop, release the enter key. The International Symposium on Child Abuse is the premier conference providing expert training and networking opportunities to professionals in the child maltreatment field. This year's conference featured a pre-conference for Child Protection Court Judges and their court coordinators hosted by the Office of Court Administration on the opening day of the conference, followed by a full program. 2023 Open Forum Events. Book your room at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis now!$165/night. Pallawi is passionate about building dialogue and understanding on education and childhoods, particularly in indigenous, disadvantaged and marginalised contexts; other epistemologies; difference; ecologies of learning; the e 12th and 13th July, University of Suffolk, Ipswich, UK, PhD Study and the Suffolk Doctoral College, Research Institutes and Centres at University of Suffolk, School of Engineering, Arts, Science and Technology, 37th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment Event Dates January 22, 2022 - January 28, 2022 Location Online or Town and Country Hotel Save to calendar This conference is for those who work with families to become healthy and free from physical abuse, sexual violence and neglect. For the past 50 years, Kempe has promoted understanding, knowledge, and best practices to prevent and treat child abuse and neglect globally. 2022 Community-Based Child Welfare National Symposium CBCWNS Home 2022 Program CBCWNS Gallery "A national discussion on best practices and lessons learned." The Fourth Annual Community-Based Child Welfare National Symposium Was Held in Kansas City, MissouriI We Look Forward to Seeing You Again in 2023! Our clients cover the whole spectrum and include government organisations, trade unions, large corporate companies, non-profit organisations, health and education sectors and small to medium-sized businesses. Miriam will be sharing a case study which is an example of good multi-agency working between colleagues in education, childrens social care, police, health and LADOs in three local authorities. Having difficulty paying through Eventbrite? This keynote explores: what are the key challenges for faith communities in this level of involvement in children's lives? We will then move into reflections around the childhood experiences of the offender and their presentation at the time of offending. In recognising the paramount importance of safeguarding children and young people, Open Forum Events have hosted two sell out events in Manchester during 2022. The national child safeguarding practice review into the murders of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, 6, and Star Hobson, 16-months, has recommended that experts in police, health and social work should form dedicated multi-agency teams to investigate allegations of serious harm to children. The conference brings together practitioners in child welfare law to share information and strengthen legal advocacy for children and families. Simon Osborne, welfare rights worker at CPAG. See a list of the past child life conferences programs as well as see where we are headed in the future! We must work hands-on with families, communities, and other systems, as well as federal, state, and local leadership, to eliminate the many barriers to achieving our vision. What are the outcomes for children with SEND who have experienced abuse and associated trauma? Which email address are we sending the offline booking form for Safeguarding Children? ISA World Congress of Sociology; ISA Forum of Sociology; . Key learning for improved policy and practice will be shared. Her recent chapter on Towards a listening Early Childhood education and care system is downloadable here: Transforming Early Childhood in England: Towards a Democratic Education, edited by Claire Cameron and Peter Moss and published by UCL Press. Georgia Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect | Division of Family & Children Services | Georgia Department of Human Services County departments of human/social services and licensed child placement agencies may list their information events on the website. Anyone on or off Facebook. The 2022 Annual Conference begins Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 8:00 a.m. PT through Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. PT. The agenda will feature expert speakers in child safeguarding and is designed to bring together all stakeholders for a day of information sharing, discussion and networking to ensure children are kept safe from abuse and neglect. Faith communities play a significant part in the life of many children and their families across the UK. Upcoming Events National Conference on Coaching in Human Services Apr 13-14, 2022 @ 8:00am - 4:00pm A Virtual Event Hosted by UC Davis Despite the challenges faced with COVID-19, coaching continues to grow in the field of health and human services. the effect on 'old style' contributory ESA, andwhat happens to the decision on limited capability for work; the relevance of having been in the 'support' group for ESA; what happens if the claimant had been undertaking 'permitted work'; basic features of the UC transitional SDP element, and caselaw authority on the absence of transitional protection to ESA disability premiums. Science and Public Welfare Undergraduate Research Conference on Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society Online at the University of Toronto, Canada . Stipend of $250 USD to help toward incidental expenses such as meals, taxi, etc. It's been over five years since we've attended NCSEA and so much has changed! This conference will highlight new developments and address some of the challenges to ensure our children are kept safe from harm and their welfare protected. It is with excitement we announce that the Safeguarding Children 2023 conference is moving to London. Whats going on? Conference to analyse and discuss the key and most recent issues around safeguarding children in society as it becomes an . OICWA will continue its conference tradition of delivering. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. July 18 is the pre-conference and will be an entire day of training with a separate fee. The 2022 conference is focused on elements of the child welfare transformation and supporting the workforce. We have booked a local restaurant Bistro on the Quay. Try using quotes to search for an exact phrase, for example: "child benefit". Want to pay by invoice? Held biennially since 1976, NCCAN is the only federally sponsored national conference devoted to child maltreatment. Conference Schedule Tuesday, April 26, 2022 8:00 am - 5: 00 pm One-day fees are available. Kenny represents all clinicians and carers who resolutely and professionally deal with such matters as: Justine Skeats,Lead Safeguarding Officer, Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)(confirmed), Russel Knight,Head of Engagement, IICSA (confirmed), Anna Racher, Partnership Manager, Research in Practice (confirmed), Kenny Gibson,National Head of Safeguarding, NHS England and NHS Improvement(confirmed). My degree held is in Social Work with an emphasis on Multicultural Child Welfare as a Title IV-E scholar. Learned a lot of new tools I can take with me in my career., The rounded agenda that was able to cater to more than one type of profession., Sarah Martin, Child Protective Services Supervisor, I like that each year there is a connection between research and practice in forensic interviews., The agenda from day to day always had something I was interested in learning more about. Pre-Conference: Monday, March 20, 2023Main Conference: Tuesday, March 21- Thursday, March 23, 2023. All Rights Reserved. By virtue of being online, our event this year continued to offer access to a lot more content than usual. However, ensuring the welfare, rights and safety of children and young people is everybodys responsibility. Trauma-informed practice is a strengths-based approach, which seeks to understand and respond to the impact of trauma on peoples lives. Every day, throughout the UK, the safeguarding system protects many children who are . The Turn on the Light National Conference on the Wellbeing of Children and Families is a one-day conference that brings together parents, volunteers and professionals concerned with the welfare of children and families for a full day of educational and networking opportunities.. Guests may also contact the reservation department 24 hours a day by calling 1-800-788-2464, pressing #1, and giving the agent the offer code OICWA22 for the group rate. Thanks to our conference sponsors for their generous support! Building on a successful legacy, we invite papers that theoretically and empirically engage with a broad range of disciplines reflecting the diverse nature of contemporary childhood studies. Sessions and Workshops. Alison is an academic and an artist who developed the Mosaic approach, a visual, participatory research framework with Professor Peter Moss, first published in 2001. Complete the form below and include a 600x400 image with your submission to add an information night event. Stay tuned to the OICWA Website, Facebook, and Listserv for updates and announcements. The 37th Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment 2022 - 22-28 Jan 2022, Town & Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, CA, United States (32636) Important Please, check the official event website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements Comprising of twelve live workshops and a broad selection of keynote speeches, CPAG's annual Welfare Rights Conference was held in November 2022, and was aimed at helping advisers and their clients survive the impact of the current cost of living crisis. Through these conferences and symposiums, educators, parents and the community learn deeply about how adversity, trauma and resiliency impact the developing nervous system, helping our students to feel a sense of autonomy and purpose along with social, emotional and cognitive well-being. This workshop will look at some of the benefit issues that advisers should be aware of for claimants in, or approaching, this situation. About The Kempe Center. The conference theme is Bridging Theory to Practice: Learning & Unlearning to Drive Effective Advocacy. Menu choices will be released at the beginning of April. MCWE's mission is to provide high quality, cost effective education on child welfare issues to a multidisciplinary audience. Helens publications include journal articles and book chapters on participatory visual ethics and child-centred research. All presenters of accepted sessions are required to register for the conference. Mariannas main areas of focus are around development of educational practice, teacher training, Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), dyslexia, inclusive education and wi Dr Pallawi Sinha is a Lecturer in Childhood Studies. Join us . California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance. Kick off the 2022 Texas CASA Conference with a powerful keynote address from Sixto Cancel on using lived experience to inform and drive case-level and system-level reform. Helen leads a British Academy funded research project, Back Chat, a longitudinal qualitative study which prioritises hearing directly from children about the continuing impacts of the pandemic on their lives. She is currently leading research about Slow knowledge and the unhurried child funded by the Froebel Trust. August 6-9 Where? Child Abuse Conferences 2023/2024/2025 is an indexed listing of upcoming meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, programs, continuing CME courses, trainings, summits, and weekly, annual or monthly symposiums. Child Welfare Information Gateway exhibit at many conferences throughout the country to provide free materials to the field. Registration for this year's event will be a flat $100 fee (US Dollars). October 21-23, 2022: Madison, WI: Visit Website: Child Maltreatment Solutions Network: 2022 Date TBA: Visit Website: Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) June 1-3, 2022: Los Angeles, CA: TBA: Visit Website: National Head Start Association Annual Conference: May 2-5, 2022: Baltimore, MD: Visit Website: National Indian Child Welfare . This page is now only for foster care information meetings. Conferences. Having difficulty paying through Eventbrite? This webinar will look, in detail, at the process by which claimants will be managed migrated from legacy benefits to UC. Is a hotel room included in the conference fee? The agenda will feature expert speakers in child welfare and protection and is designed to bring together all stakeholders for a day of information sharing, discussion and networking to ensure children receive the best possible outcomes and maximise achievements. This conference will be held in person at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, TX. The agenda from day to day always had something I was interested in learning more about. An update on managed migration to universal credit, Owen Stevens, welfare rights worker at CPAG. International Conference on Child Abuse and Culture (ICCAC), International Conference on Child Abuse, Disclosure and Diagnosis (ICCADD), International Conference on Child Abuse, Society and Culture (ICCASC), International Conference on Child Abuse, Physical and Psychological Effects (ICCAPPE), International Conference on Child Abuse, Prevention and Treatment (ICCAPT), International Conference on Forensic Nursing, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse (ICFNSACA), International Conference on Child Abuse and Assessment (ICCAA), International Conference on Forensic Nursing and Child Abuse (ICFNCA), International Conference on Child Abuse and Emotional Effects (ICCAEE), International Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (ICCAN), International Conference on Child Abuse and Long-Term Consequences (ICCALTC), International Conference on Child Abuse and Psychological Effects (ICCAPE), International Conference on Child Abuse and Psychological Assessment (ICCAPA), International Conference on Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse (ICLTCCA), International Conference on Causes and Consequences of Child Abuse (ICCCCA), International Conference on Child Abuse, Emotional, Physical and Psychological Effects (ICCAEPPE), International Conference on Child Abuse (ICCA), Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. social work Conferences 2023/2024/2025 is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that might want to attend events, meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, summit, and symposiums. Applicants for the scholarship must be Certified Child Life Specialists working full time in a hospital-based, one-person program who has never attended an ACLP conference. The 2023 NACAC conference is a four-day event from July 18 to 21. Where does the conference take place? Rules, caselaw and guidance will be considered, along with experiences of what happens in practice. Anxiety & Depression Conference. The cost of living crisis has pushed many households into hardship and the demand on welfare rights advice services is expected to further increase exponentially in the coming year. For further information, please contact Karen Nichols at or 218-726-8023. I love the diversity of the presenters and how they all came together to combat child abuse. Clearly articulated and appropriate applied implications for early childhood programs and policies including but not limited to Head Start and Early Head Start, child care, special education, child welfare, home visiting, pre-k, and/or other early childhood relevant programs and services. With over 1,400 attendeesand growing every yearthis three-day conference has become the premiere national event addressing tribal child . What contribution can we expect to see faith communities making to the overall multi-agency safeguarding effort? To guarantee your place at this well attended CPD accredited event, book today. Same PIP, different day: Personal Independence Payment in 2022, Carri Swann, welfare rights worker at CPAG. This conference strengthened my ability to advocate for parents and children and opened my eyes to the need to address their trauma history, race, gender, and background in their advocacy. Personal independence payment has never been a more crucial source of income and advisers dealing with PIP cases have their work cut out for them. FFTA is excited to announce that the FFTA 36th Annual Conference on Treatment Family Care will take place from July 17 - 20, 2022 in New Orleans. This presentation will explore the factors that drive children and young peoples behaviour, and how we can promote digital literacy, digital resilience and wellbeing so they can thrive online and offline. It will consider the process by which claimants will move onto UC, the rules regarding transitional protection to ensure that claimants are not worse off at the point that they move onto UC, and the way in which transitional protection works once claimants are on UC. Sarah began her career as a Registered Nurse at the Leeds General Infirmary. 12 were here. The case study will share findings in relation to gaming and gambling harms in CYP, identifying the potential impact prevention through education can make. Which email address are we sending the offline booking form for Safeguarding Children 2023-London? *If you are unable to pay with a credit card or need to pay by check or purchase order, please email the number of attendees along with their names to to be invoiced. The conference continues our inclusive and open ethos and aims to bring together established academics, early career researchers, PGR researchers and students. BWI Marshall Airport (10 mi.) Copyright 2023 National Childrens Advocacy Center. Internship with Remote Supervision under Extenuating Circumstances, Child Life Certification Commission (CLCC), Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center, Access to all sessions and events at conference, Ability to earn 24 PDUs in all exam content domains, Access to the Exhibit Hall to view the latest products and services relevant to child life, Opportunity to view and earn PDUs for poster presentations for up to one year, Up to five nights lodging at the conference hotel. (Optional)
Listen Current as of: June 16, 2022 The Children's Bureau supports the National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) and other learning opportunities for those in the child welfare field. 46th National Child Welfare Law Conference From Learning to Action: Shared Accountability for Disrupting Harm and Promoting Healing Sponsoring Organization: National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) Dates of Conference: 09/20/2023 - 09/21/2023 Location: Virtual Conference You can sign up for Scottish training and events information here. NACC Conference - National Association of Counsel For Children Building Community: NACC Conference NACC's 46th National Child Welfare Law Conferences From Learning to Action: Shared Accountability for Disrupting Harm and Promoting Healing SPONSORSHIP, EXHIBITING, AND ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES The session will conclude with a discussion around practice dilemmas and sharing learning. The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families sponsors this biennial conference for child welfare workers, supervisors, managers, and directors. The Whos in Charge campaign was awarded the HSJ Patient Safety Safeguarding Award in 2021. Mark your calendars now for June 15-18 and join us at the 2023 Child Life Conference! The Healing Journey Continues as we maintain the family structure, while building new, and fostering existing relationships that support everyone involved in ICWA, regardless of background. Anna has also worked for both local and central government, leading early intervention, prevention and targeted support services. Please note that this workshop will not cover benefit rules which apply only in Scotland. Apr 4, 2023 to Apr 7, 2023. 30 Micawber StreetLondonN1 7TBTel: 020 7837 7979, Unit 9, Ladywell Business Centre94 Duke StreetGlasgowG4 0UWTel: 0141 552 3303, 2023 CPAG| Child Poverty Action Group is a charity registered in England and Wales (registration number 294841) and in Scotland (registration number SC039339), Company limited by guarantee registered in England (registration number 1993854), Disclaimer | Terms and conditions | Privacy Policy | Cookies | Sitemap. 14-19 Partnership TeamsAcademics and ResearchersDirector/Heads Adoption and Fostering AgenciesAnti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinatorsAsylum and Immigration OfficersCAFCASSCare Leavers ChampionsCentral Government Departments and AgenciesChild and Adolescent Mental Health PractitionersChild and Educational PsychologistsChild Protection and Safeguarding TeamsChild Protection OfficersChildrens Health Service ProfessionalsChildrens Services OfficersHeads of Childrens Trusts and Childrens CentresCommissioning ManagersCommunity and Voluntary OrganisationsCommunity Development ManagersDirector/Heads Connexions and Jobcentre PlusDirector/Heads Corporate Parenting BoardsDesignated Nurses and Health Advisors for Children in CareDirector/Heads Local Education AuthoritiesDirector/Heads Local Safeguarding Childrens BoardsDirector/Heads Local, Regional and National Health ServicesDirector/Heads Looked After/Children in Care TeamsDirector/Heads NEET Strategy TeamsDirector/Heads Permanency TeamsDirector/Heads Regional Adoption AgenciesDirector/Heads Welfare Rights OrganisationsDirectors/Heads of Children and Young Peoples ServicesDomestic Violence Co-ordinators, Director/Heads Drug and Alcohol Action TeamsEarly Years and Childcare PractitionersEducation and Welfare OfficersEducation ProvidersDirector/Heads Employment and Training ServicesFamilies Services OfficersFamily Intervention Project WorkersFamily Pathfinder WorkersFamily Placement TeamsFamily Support and Outreach Team LeadsHeads of Childrens StrategyMembers of Health and Wellbeing BoardsDirector/Heads Homelessness TeamsDirector/Heads Housing Service ProvidersLocal Authority Officers and CouncillorsLooked-After Children Team ManagersMembers of Police and Fire ServiceMental Health PractitionersPost Adoption Support Services LeadsPsychotherapistsResidential Childrens Home ManagersSchool Nurses and Health VisitorsSchools, Colleges and Further Education ProvidersSocial Workers and Social Services OfficersDirector/Heads Supported Housing TeamsTeachers and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinatorsTeenage Pregnancy Co-ordinatorsThird Sector RepresentativesYouth Inclusion TeamsYouth Workers and Youth Offending Teams, Lead Safeguarding Officer, Support and Safeguarding Team, Independent Inquiry to Child Sexual Abuse, Head of Engagement, Independent Inquiry to Child Sexual Abuse, Founder and Executive Director, WISE KIDS, Partnership Manager, Research in Practice, National Head of Safeguarding, NHS England and NHS Improvement, Local Authority Designated Officer, West Sussex County Council, Chief Executive Officer (Safeguarding), thirtyone:eight, Project Officer on the RCEW sibling sexual abuse project , Rape Crisis England and Wales, Coram Group Head Quality, Safeguarding and Programmes, Coram, National Professional Advisor for Children and Young People, Care Quality Commission (CQC), Transition Lead Nurse, Alder Hey Childrens NHS Foundation Trust. MCWE is. Health and disability white paper; PIP appeals: lessons from tribunal judges. If you are awaiting funding you can request us to hold your place today to ensure you do not miss out. However, the recently published report from the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel has concluded that the tragic deaths of Arthur Labinjo Hughes and Star Hobson are not isolated incidents and the way child protection is approached needs to change fundamentally. The 2022 National Conference on Juvenile Justice will be held in Pittsburgh, PA at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh Downtown. We are excited to announce the 5th biennial Children and Childhoods Conference at the University of Suffolk. The term "Safeguarding Children" is defined as "the process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully". Seasons for Growth is an early intervention grief education programme aimed at helping children, young people and adults through grief, brought about through loss or significant change in their lives. November 15- 17, 2022. Click on an image below to access Conference photos! Next year, it will be 5 years since the first grants of pre-settled status were issued under the EU Settlement Scheme. 2022 National Child Abuse and Neglect Institute Tuesday, March 29 - Friday, April 1 7:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. PST |10:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Register Here The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ)'s Child Abuse and Neglect Institute (CANI) has been providing training to judges overseeing dependency cases for over 20 years. In this workshop, Owen Stevens provides an overview of progress on managed migration -what we know so far, and what we dont know. View conferences and calls for papers related to child abuse and neglect, child welfare, and adoption by month and/or state, or submit your conference. It will outline the timeline of events and actions taken by each agency to safeguard the children. Think of Us (TOU) is an Action Tank driving systematic change in child welfare. The Summit 2022: Georgia's Child Welfare Conference is a leading, statewide, multi-disciplinary conference designed for child welfare professionals to learn, collaborate, and share . It is with excitement we announce that the Safeguarding Children 2023 conference is moving to London. CHRA National Congress on Housing and Homelessness. 14-19 Partnership TeamsAcademics and ResearchersDirector/Heads Adoption and Fostering AgenciesAnti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinatorsAsylum and Immigration OfficersCAFCASSCare Leavers ChampionsCentral Government Departments and AgenciesChild and Adolescent Mental Health PractitionersChild and Educational PsychologistsChild Protection and Safeguarding TeamsChild Protection OfficersChildrens Health Service ProfessionalsChildrens Services OfficersHeads of Childrens Trusts and Childrens CentresCommissioning ManagersCommunity and Voluntary OrganisationsCommunity Development ManagersDirector/Heads Connexions and Jobcentre PlusDirector/Heads Corporate Parenting BoardsDesignated Nurses and Health Advisors for Children in CareDirector/Heads Local Education AuthoritiesDirector/Heads Local Safeguarding Childrens BoardsDirector/Heads Local, Regional and National Health ServicesDirector/Heads Looked After/Children in Care TeamsDirector/Heads NEET Strategy TeamsDirector/Heads Permanency TeamsDirector/Heads Regional Adoption AgenciesDirector/Heads Welfare Rights OrganisationsDirectors/Heads of Children and Young Peoples ServicesDomestic Violence Co-ordinators, Director/Heads Drug and Alcohol Action TeamsEarly Years and Childcare PractitionersEducation and Welfare OfficersEducation ProvidersDirector/Heads Employment and Training ServicesFamilies Services OfficersFamily Intervention Project WorkersFamily Pathfinder WorkersFamily Placement TeamsFamily Support and Outreach Team LeadsHeads of Childrens StrategyMembers of Health and Wellbeing BoardsDirector/Heads Homelessness TeamsDirector/Heads Housing Service ProvidersLocal Authority Officers and CouncillorsLooked-After Children Team ManagersMembers of Police and Fire ServiceMental Health PractitionersPost Adoption Support Services LeadsPsychotherapistsResidential Childrens Home ManagersSchool Nurses and Health VisitorsSchools, Colleges and Further Education ProvidersSocial Workers and Social Services OfficersDirector/Heads Supported Housing TeamsTeachers and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinatorsTeenage Pregnancy Co-ordinatorsThird Sector RepresentativesYouth Inclusion TeamsYouth Workers and Youth Offending Teams, University of Portsmouth, Professor of Childhood Studies, National Head of Safeguarding, NHS England and NHS Improvement, Chief Executive, National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC), Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group for Children , House of Commons, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Visiting Professor, UCL, Senior Nurse Safeguarding, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Consultant Paediatrician and Designated Doctor, Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust, SCPHN Programme Lead for Health Visiting, School Nursing and Occupational Health Nursing, Brunel University, International Director of Marketing, CPI (Crisis Prevention Institute) International, Partnership Manager , Hampshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP), Head of Programmes , Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust. 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