Polymorphism is one of the cornerstones of building extensible, flexible software in C++. I mean to say. should go with polymorphism rather than templates. method with the polymorhic base class as args and pass polymorphic. With C++ template mixins, we can combine dynamic and static polymorphism under one roof. Well, the two kinds of polymorphism have their uses, obviously, and C++ supports both. The word polymorphism means having many forms. So as I understood, the C++ compiler will divide a single defined function into various number (depends on calls count with different type) of functions. The methods dispatches to the implementation of the derived class: static_cast
(this)->implementation().That is possible because the method will be So, which one is better? What is the difference between templates and polymorphism? I came accross several examples, quoting that a generic. Are templates static polymorphism? Static polymorphism with overloaded functions and templates that happens at compile time; The C++ programming language requires us to template the sources to be added in their header places. However, that flexibility comes at a run-time cost. The same thing also can be designed using Templates lead to generic code, while polymorphism can lead to dynamic code. 3. Static polymorphism Typically, the base class template will take advantage of the fact that member function bodies (definitions) are not instantiated until long after their declarations, #include Like a man at the same time is a father, a husband, an employee. In overloading, the method / function has a same name but different signatures. They both provide The method Base::interface in lines 7 - 9 is the key point of the CRTP idiom. It is possible to create an inheritance tree for containers, reflecting the inheritance tree of the data. If you have the following data: class Int struct Obj I use in the function template execute (line 1) static polymorphism. Answer (1 of 3): Feel free to correct me if some specifics in my answer are pure rubbish, as my C++ is quite rusty. The member function Base::interface (line 2) is the key point of the CRTP idiom. Polymorphism is the property that different types support the same interface. I propose the following workaround, which employs a template function. Although the example use Qt's QList, nothing prevents the solution from bein I really like how C++ supports generic programming (aka., static polymorphism): C++ Templates make Static Polymorphism. In C++, we distinguish between dynamic polymorphism and #include But if that is the case, make a sort. Static polymorphism applies to templates (both functions and classes), where the compiler generates the specific function or class according to the types you use with the template. #include