Depending on the settings of the reginfo ACL a malicious user could also misuse this permissions to start a program which registers itself on the local RFC Gateway, e.g.,: Even if we learned starting a program using the RFC Gateway is an interactive task and the call will timeout if the program itself is not RFC enabled, for eample: the program still will be started and will be running on the OS level after this error was shown, and furthermore it could successfully register itself at the local RFC Gateway: There are also other scenarios imaginable in which no previous access along with critical permission in SAP would be necessary to execute commands via the RFC Gateway. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. To edit the security files,you have to use an editor at operating system level. For example: an SAP SLD system registering the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC programs at an ABAP system. With secinfo file this corresponds to the name of the program on the operating system level. In the following i will do the question and answer game to develop a basic understanding of the RFC Gateway, the RFC Gateway security and its related terms. There are two different syntax versions that you can use (not together). If the called program is not an RFC enabled program (compiled with the SAP RFC library) the call will time out, but the program is still left running on the OS level! They also have a video (the same video on both KBAs) illustrating how the reginfo rules work. If you set it to zero (highlynotrecommended), the rules in the reginfo/secinfo/proxy info files will still be applied. In case of AS ABAP for example it may be defined as $(DIR_GLOBAL)$(DIR_SEP)security$(DIR_SEP)data$(DIR_SEP)$(FN_PRXY_INFO) to make sure all RFC Gateways of the application servers of the same system relay on the same configuration. Giving more details is not possible, unfortunately, due to security reasons. So lets shine a light on security. A custom allow rule has to be maintained on the proxying RFC Gateway only. Most of the cases this is the troublemaker (!) This is for example used by AS ABAP when starting external commands using transaction SM49/SM69. I think you have a typo. SMGW-->Goto -->External Functions --> External Security --> Maintenance of ACL files --> pop-up is shown as below: "Gateway content and file content for reginfo do not match starting with index " (xx is the index value shown in the pop-up), Gateway, Security, length, line, rule, limit, abap , KBA , BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , Problem. Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail. No error is returned, but the number of cancelled programs is zero. If these profile parameters are not set the default rules would be the following allow all rules: reginfo: P TP=* In an ideal world each program alias of the relevant Registered Server Programs would be listed in a separate rule, even for registering program aliases from one of the hosts of internal. Common examples are the program tp for transport management via STMS started on the RFC Gateway host of AS ABAP or the program gnetx.exe for the graphical screen painter started on the SAP GUI client host. From a technical perspective the RFC Gateway is a SAP kernel process (gwrd, gwrd.exe) running on OS level as user adm. It is common and recommended by many resources to define the following rule in a custom prxyinfo ACL: With this, all requests from the local system, as well as all application servers of the same system, will be proxied by the RFC Gateway to any destination or end point. Again when a remote server of a Registered Server Program is going to be shutdown due to maintenance it may de-register its program from the RFC Gateway to avoid errors. This page contains information about the RFC Gateway ACLs (reginfo and secinfo files), the Simulation Mode, as well as the workflow showing how the RFC Gateway works with regards to the ACLs versus the Simulation Mode. Falls Sie danach noch immer keine Anwendungen / Registerkarten sehen, liegt es daran, dass der Gruppe / dem Benutzer das allgemeine Anzeigenrecht auf der obersten Ebene der jeweiligen Registerkarte fehlt. For a RFC Gateway of AS Java or a stand-alone RFC Gateway this can be determined with the command-line tool gwmon by running the command gwmon nr= pf= then going to the menu by typing m and displaying the client table by typing 3. Based on the original Gateway log files in the system, default values can be determined and generated for the ACL files directly after the evaluation of the data found. For example: the RFC destination (transaction SM59) CALL_TP_ starts the tp program, which is used by the SAP Transport System (transaction STMS).Before jumping to the ACLs themselves, here are a few general tips: A general reginfo rule definition would be (note that the rule was split into multiple lines for explanation purposes, so it is more easily understood): Usually, ACCESS is a list with at least all SAP servers from this SAP system. The related program alias can be found in column TP Name: We can verify if the functionality of these Registered RFC Server Programs is accessible from the AS ABAP by looking for a TCP/IP connection in transaction SM59 with Technical Settings Activation Type = Registered Server Program the corresponding Program ID and either no Gateway Options or connection details to any of the RFC Gateways belonging to the same system set: SAP introduced an internal rule in the reginfo ACL to cover these cases: P TP=* HOST=internal,local ACCESS=internal,local CANCEL=internal,local. Please note: In most cases the registered program name differs from the actual name of the executable program on OS level. Die Datei kann vermutlich nicht zum Lesen geffnet werden, da sie zwischenzeitlich gelscht wurde, oder die Berechtigungen auf Betriebssystemebene unzureichend sind. We can identify these use cases by going to transaction SMGW -> Goto -> Logged on Clients and looking for programs listed with System Type = Registered Server and Gateway Host set to any IP address or hostname not belonging to any application server of the same system. Remember the AS ABAP or AS Java is just another RFC client to the RFC Gateway. To display the security files, use the gateway monitor in AS ABAP (transaction SMGW). The Stand-alone RFC Gateway: As a dedicated RFC Gateway serving for various RFC clients or as an additional component which may be used to extend a SAP NW AS ABAP or AS Java system. Please assist me how this change fixed it ? The SAP note1689663has the information about this topic. Terms of use |
To permit registered servers to be used by local application servers only, the file must contain the following entry. ABAP SAP Basis Release as from 7.40 . Part 3: secinfo ACL in detail. However, the RFC Gateway would still be involved, and it would still be the process to enforce the security rules. Specifically, it helps create secure ACL files. Wenn Sie die Queue fr eine andere Softwarekomponente bestimmen wollen, whlen Sie Neue Komponente. All subsequent rules are not checked at all. Here are some examples: At the application server #1, with hostname appsrv1: At the application server #2, with hostname appsrv2: The SAP KBA2145145has a video illustrating how the secinfo rules work. Another mitigation would be to switch the internal server communication to TLS using a so-called systemPKI by setting the profile parameter system/secure_communication = ON. All other programs from host are not allowed to be registered. TP is restricted to 64 non-Unicode characters for both secinfo and reginfo files. This is for clarity purposes. Its location is defined by parameter gw/reg_info. Help with the understanding of the RFC Gateway ACLs (Access Control Lists) and the Simulation Mode, in order to help prepare production systems to have these security features enabled without disruptions. An example could be the integration of a TAX software. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login . Haben Support Packages in der Queue Verbindungen zu Support Packages einer anderen Komponente (weitere Vorgngerbeziehung, erforderliches CRT) wird die Queue um weitere Support Packages erweitert, bis alle Vorgngerbeziehungen erfllt sind. For example: an SAP SLD system registering the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC programs at an ABAP system.The secinfo file has rules related to the start of programs by the local SAP instance. The following syntax is valid for the secinfo file. Program foo is only allowed to be used by hosts from domain * We can look for programs listed with Type = REGISTER_TP and field ADDR set to any IP address or hostname not belonging to any application server of the same system. Bei groen Systemlandschaften ist dieses Verfahren sehr aufwndig. In other words the same host running the ABAP system is also running the SAP IGS, for example the integrated IGS (as part of SAP NW AS ABAP) may be started on the application servers host during the start procedure of the ABAP system. Here, the Gateway is used for RFC/JCo connections to other systems. CANCEL is usually a list with all SAP servers from this system (or the keyword "internal"), and also the same servers as in HOSTS (as you must allow the program to de-register itself). As i suspect it should have been registered from Reginfo file rather than OS. Thus, if an explicit Deny rule exists and it matches the request being analyzed by the RFC Gateway, the RFC Gateway will deny the request. Changes to the reginfo rules are not immediately effective, even afterhaving reloaded the file (transaction SMGW, menu Goto -> Expert functions -> External security -> Reread / Read again). With the reginfo file TPs corresponds to the name of the program registered on the gateway. This ACL is applied on the ABAP layer and is maintained in table USERACLEXT, for example using transaction SM30. For example: you have changed to the rule related to the SLD_UC program, allowing a new server to communicate with it (you added the new server to the ACCESS option). TP is a mandatory field in the secinfo and reginfo files. With this rule applied any RFC enabled program on any of the servers covered by the keyword internal is able to register itself at the RFC Gateway independent from which user started the corresponding executable on OS level (again refer to 10KBLAZE). In diesem Blog-Beitrag werden zwei von SAP empfohlene Vorgehensweisen zur Erstellung der secinfo und reginfo Dateien aufgefhrt mit denen die Security Ihres SAP Gateways verstrkt wird und wie der Generator dabei hilft. In the slides of the talk SAP Gateway to Heaven for example a scenario is outlined in which a SAProuter installed on the same server as the RFC Gateway could be utilized to proxy a connection to local. The default configuration of an ASCS has no Gateway. While it is common and recommended by many resources to define this rule in a custom reginfo ACL as the last rule, from a security perspective it is not an optimal approach. It is important to mention that the Simulation Mode applies to the registration action only. gw/acl_mode: this parameter controls the value of the default internal rules that the RFC Gateway will use, in case the reginfo/secinfo file is not maintained. ber das Dropdown-Men regeln Sie, ob und wie weit Benutzer der Gruppe, die Sie aktuell bearbeiten, selbst CMC-Registerkartenkonfigurationen an anderen Gruppen / Benutzern vornehmen knnen! If no cancel list is specified, any client can cancel the program. For example: an SAP SLD system registering the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC programs at an ABAP system. Limiting access to this port would be one mitigation. Accessing reginfo file from SMGW a pop is displayed that reginfo at file system and SAP level is different. Check the above mentioned SAP documentation about the particular of each version; 4)It is possible to enable the RFC Gateway logging in order to reproduce the issue. where ist the hint or wiki to configure a well runing gw-security ? There are three places where we can find an RFC Gateway: The RFC Gateway is by default reachable via the services sapgw and sapgws which can be mapped to the ports 33 and 48. Additional ACLs are discussed at this WIKI page. Somit knnen keine externe Programme genutzt werden. The wild card character * stands for any number of characters; the entry * therefore means no limitation, fo* stands for all names beginning with fo; foo stands precisely for the name foo. This could be defined in. Die erstellten Log-Dateien knnen im Anschluss begutachtet und daraufhin die Zugriffskontrolllisten erstellt werden. Part 3: secinfo ACL in detail The individual options can have the following values: TP Name (TP=): Maximum 64 characters, blank spaces not allowed. The RFC Gateway hands over the request from the RFC client to the dispatcher which assigns it to a work process (AS ABAP) or to a server process (AS Java). Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. This way, each instance will use the locally available tax system. Add a Comment Always document the changes in the ACL files. this parameter controls the value of the default internal rules that the Gateway will use, in case the reginfo/secinfo file is not maintained. The secinfosecurity file is used to prevent unauthorized launching of external programs. You must keep precisely to the syntax of the files, which is described below. Part 5: ACLs and the RFC Gateway security. This opensb the Gateway ACL Editor, where you can display the relevant files.. To enable system-internal communication, the files must contain the . If the Gateway Options are not specified the AS will try to connect to the RFC Gateway running on the same host. The name of the registered program will be TAXSYS. The parameter is gw/logging, see note 910919. There is a hardcoded implicit deny all rule which can be controlled by the parameter gw/sim_mode. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users. This section contains information about the RFC Gateway ACLs, and examples of landscapes and rules.The reginfo file have ACLs (rules) related to the registration of external programs (systems) to the local SAP instance. In a pure Java system, one Gateway is sufficient for the whole system because the instances do not use RFC to communicate. Darber hinaus stellt die dauerhafte manuelle Freischaltung einzelner Verbindungen einen stndigen Arbeitsaufwand dar. Part 5: Security considerations related to these ACLs. The related program alias also known as TP Name is used to register a program at the RFC Gateway. Access attempts coming from a different domain will be rejected. The reginfo file has the following syntax. P TP=cpict2 ACCESS=ld8060,localhost CANCEL=ld8060,localhost. Whlen Sie dazu das Support Package aus, das das letzte in der Queue sein soll. three months) is necessary to ensure the most precise data possible for the connections used. Please pay special attention to this phase! Make sure that they are set as per the Notes: Note 1425765 - Generating sec_info reg_info Note 1947412 - MDM Memory increase and RFC connection error Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail. As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use of the RFC Gateway. 1. other servers had communication problem with that DI. In these cases the program started by the RFC Gateway may also be the program which tries to register to the same RFC Gateway. The simulation mode is a feature which could help to initially create the ACLs. Da das aber gewnscht ist, mssen die Zugriffskontrolllisten schrittweise um jedes bentigte Programm erweitert werden. The prxyinfo file is holding rules controlling which source systems (based on their hostname/ip-address) are allowed to talk to which destination systems (based on their hostname/ip-address) over the current RFC Gateway. D prevents this program from being registered on the gateway. If this client does not match the criteria in the CANCEL list, then it is not able to cancel a registered program. Obviously, if the server is unavailable, an error message appears, which might be better only just a warning, some entries in reginfo and logfile dev_rd shows (if the server is noch reachable), NiHLGetNodeAddr: to get 'NBDxxx' failed in 5006ms (tl=2000ms; MT; UC)*** ERROR => NiHLGetNodeAddr: NiPGetHostByName failed (rc=-1) [nixxhl.cpp 284]*** ERROR => HOST=NBDxxx invalid argument in line 9 (NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [gwxxreg.c 2897]. IP Addresses (HOST=, ACCESS= and/or CANCEL=): You can use IP addresses instead of host names. From my experience the RFC Gateway security is for many SAP Administrators still a not well understood topic. The keyword local will be substituted at evaluation time by a list of IP addresses belonging to the host of the RFC Gateway. In SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP: Every Application Server has a built-in RFC Gateway. The wildcard * should not be used at all. The Gateway is the technical component of the SAP server that manages the communication for all RFC-based functions. Note: depending on the systems settings, it will not be the RFC Gateway itself that will start the program. Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. A rule defines. 2.20) is taken into account only if every comma-separated entry can be resolved into an IP address. How can I quickly migrate SAP custom code to S/4HANA? Falls es in der Queue fehlt, kann diese nicht definiert werden. You have already reloaded the reginfo file. The wildcard * should be strongly avoided. Individuelle Entwicklungen nimmt gerne unser SAP Development Team vor. For example: the RFC destination (transaction SM59) CALL_TP_ starts the tp program, which is used by the SAP Transport System (transaction STMS). If the option is missing, this is equivalent to HOST=*. Administrators still a not well understood topic also have a video ( the host! 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